Many viewers disliked Shirou Emiya for giving away Saber like this.

But I can also understand Emiya Shirou. after all.

If Taiga Fujimura is dead, then he must be dead.

Caster will not kill Saber because Caster also wants to obtain the Holy Grail through Saber.

But why does this look like what Red A said before.

If you want to save some people, you need to sacrifice others.

Could it be said that Shirou Emiya will embark on the road of red A again?

【The video continues】

【Emiya Shirou seemed a little depressed after losing Saber.】

【On the other side, Tohsaka Rin decided to go with Red A to deal with Caster, but since Emiya Shirou is no longer the Master, he simply does not have enough ability to continue fighting.】

【So Tohsaka Rin had no intention of taking Emiya Shirou with him.】

【After all, if Shirou Emiya is gone now, he will die.】

"Alas, it feels difficult. No matter how strong Rin and Red A are, they can't beat Soichiro, Caster and Saber, right?"

"I guess Shirou Emiya must be going. Doesn’t he have the ability to project? Still has some fighting ability"

"Also, look at Red A and you will know that Emiya Shirou will definitely not be weak in combat in the future."

Audiences from all over the world are talking about it, speculating on the development of the plot.

Although they have no hope of defeating Caster, most of them think that Shirou Emiya will definitely follow him.

【The video continues】

【in church】

【The one who appears on the screen is Saber】

【It’s just that the current shape of Saber is a bit strange】

【I saw Saber wearing a wedding dress and being tied up with thin threads by C360aster, making a very shameful gesture】

【It turns out that because Saber has very strong magic resistance, Caster cannot fully command Saber.】

【In order to satisfy some of his own evil tastes, Caster deliberately asked Saber to wear a wedding dress for the wedding photos.】

【In the dark environment, Saber seemed to be separated at this time. The scarlet magic power turned into shackles, locking the girl's delicate and white arms tightly. The girl seemed to be separated, her breathing was a little rapid, and she could only rely on a shameful movement to force herself. Hold up your body】

The King of the Throne.

Jin Shining looked at Saber's appearance and felt very dissatisfied.

"How dare you, a miscellaneous cultivator, do such an unreasonable thing to the person I like!"

Jin Shining Shining thought in his heart that he would find an opportunity to kill Caster.

But looking at Saber in a wedding dress, his eyes lit up. I have to say that this wedding dress is quite suitable for Saber.

At this time, in the world, Everyone also swallowed hard, the reversal of the two poles is the most attractive thing!

Originally the proud, holy, and extremely heroic king of knights, Saber was now like a budding girl wearing a white wedding dress, as if she was about to be picked off by anyone. Take the general approach.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but think of a sentence!

"Mother C still understands us!!!"

【At this time, Caster appeared】

【Due to Saber's uncooperation and Kotomine Kirei's refusal, she has no way to deal with the Holy Grail and the key to the Small Holy Grail for the time being.】

【at the same time】

【The screen changes】

【Tohsaka Rin and Red A were rushing towards the church where Caster was, and Emiya Shirou also secretly came to the church.】

"Sure enough, I guessed that Shirou Emiya would definitely come."

"Well, and since Saber is not controlled by Caster at all, maybe there is a chance"

"Indeed, has Red A severely injured Caster before? There should be no problem this time, right?"

"No, have you forgotten one thing? Red A let Caster go at that time."

"That's right. Why do I feel something is wrong?"

"Yes, Red A will be a second-rate kid again, right?"

Thinking of what happened before Red A let Caster go, the audience from all over the world felt that something might have changed.

【in video】

【Tohsaka Rin and Red A walked directly and openly into the church where Caster was.】

【"Caster, with no hostages this time, can have a good fight."Tohsaka Rin looked at Caster and said】

【"Are you going to beat me in magic?"A hint of contempt appeared on Caster's face.】

【As a magician from the Gods, she really looks down on these current magicians.】

【"Since you can't control Saber, and I already understand Kuzuki-sensei's battle, you are definitely no match for Archer and me."】

【Saying that, Tohsaka Rin looked at Red A and said,"Attack, Archer"】

【"Understand, follow the prepared plan, right?"】

【"Well, there's no regrets even if everything goes bankrupt"】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【After Tosaka Rin finished speaking, he raised his right hand, which contained many red gems.】

【"It's so cute."A smile appeared on Caster's face,"You won't forget, right? As long as I use the command spell, she will immediately become my doll."】

【"Even if you use the command spell, Saber can resist for a period of time. Whether it is one minute or two minutes, it is enough to finish you off."】

【Then, Tohsaka Rin threw the red gem, and countless magic bullets flew towards Caster】

【However, Caster is not a vegetarian. Rubik's cube circles appeared around his body. Countless magic bullets were also shot out of these circles, blocking Rin Tosaka's attack.】

【And this time】

【Boom, a dazzling flash appeared (bjce), Caster had to cover his eyes】

【"Now, let me pull you down first."Tohsaka Rin's goal is very clear, which is to let Caster fight on the ground.】

【Just when Tohsaka Rin was about to use magic to attack Caster, Soichiro rushed over.】

【Seeing this, Tohsaka Rin quickly dodged, and then asked Red A to stop Soichiro. 】

Seeing this scene in the video, the audience from all over the world nodded, thinking that Tohsaka Rin's tactics were very good.

With Red A's close combat ability, he should have no problem dealing with Soichiro.

In this way, Tohsaka Rin can attack Caster with peace of mind.

And Rin Tosaka’s family is so rich, maybe it’s really possible to defeat Caster

【After hearing Tohsaka Rin's words, Red A didn't speak, but his body began to move.】


【The red A room came to the middle position between Tohsaka Rin and Soichiro.】

【The next moment, Red A raised his arm】

【Just when Tohsaka Rin thought Red A was attacking Soichiro】


【Rin Tosaka felt his body fly up suddenly, and then hit the ground hard in the distance.】

【Although he was not injured, Tohsaka Rin looked at the red AArcher in disbelief!"】

【Tohsaka Rin had no idea that Red A would not choose to attack Soichiro, but instead attacked her】

"What's going on?"Viewers from all over the world saw the scene in the video.

They never expected that Red A would rebel.

Logically speaking, this is impossible.

Although Red A often hates Emiya Shirou, for Tohsaka Rin, Red A is still very loyal.

However, the fact before us is that Red A has indeed rebelled.

"Alas, I just said that Red A might be a second-rate kid, and that is indeed the case."

"But it's strange. Red A has no reason to do this."

"Yeah, I can’t figure it out."

No one knows why Red A rebelled.

Not only the audience in the world, but also Caster and Soichiro.

【Caster and Soichiro were both stunned for a moment when they saw the red Aran knocking Rin Tohsaka away.】

【Tohsaka Rin's reaction was very fast. Although he didn't understand why Red A did this, when he saw Soichiro was stunned, he immediately fired a magic bullet and wanted to attack Soichiro.】

【But soon, a figure stood in front of him and chopped Rin Tosaka's magic bullet into pieces with a knife.】

【At this moment, it was confirmed that Red A had indeed rebelled.】

【"What do you want, Archer!"Tohsaka Rin said in a low voice, staring at Red A.】

【She is very angry now in her heart】

【She believed in Red A so much, but she didn’t expect that Red A would betray her.】

【"It's very simple. I think it's a bit unrealistic for you to defeat Caster here."Red A said calmly, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking,"In terms of escaping, he is the best in the world. After all, she even dismembered her own brother in order to escape."】

【"You look like you think you understand, you know my true identity."Caster fell to the ground and said calmly.】

【"It is said that the soldiers who use dragon teeth as a medium are the magic of the King of Colchis, and the princess Medea is called the rare witch."】

【With a smile on her face, she slowly walked up to Caster,"Okay, Caster, let me ask you, do you still have room available there?"】

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone in the audience understood that Red A wanted to become Caster's servant.

"This, I feel like this can't be washed away. Once you become Caster's servant, there is really no way to turn back, unless Red A can terminate the contract by other means."

"It feels impossible. Generally speaking, only Caster class servants should have this method. The red A archer and the Noble Phantasm are also in the direction of attack."

"Could it be that the guy with red A just rebelled because he couldn't defeat him? This is impossible, right?"

I'm going to write about the world of Hakoniwa next time~

Can you support me~ Please~.

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