【"Hey, boy"】

【"Are you really human?"】

【As Weiser spoke, he sat up from the ground. His clothes had torn several holes and were stained with blood. He no longer had the strength to attack.】

【"Let’s look at it from a taxonomic point of view.~"】

【Izayoi stood up unsteadily, and the blood on his left shoulder seeped out of his clothes.】

【"Why don't you fight?"】

【"It seems yes. If the summoning medium is damaged, it is natural that this will happen."】

【"Is it going to disappear?"】


【"Really, I shouldn’t accept your boring provocation"】

【"Don't sound so boring, I'm having a lot of fun here. You are the first guy who can fight me head-on"】

【"It would be over if humans like you filled the streets, well, bye"】

【Weser's body also began to separate into white light spots, and then disappeared like a dandelion in the air.】

【the other side of the lens】

There is no hope at all in the tug-of-war between Sandora, Black Rabbit and Pest.】

【In order to delay time, Pest also told the two of his purpose, but after he finished speaking, he sensed the departure of his two men and instantly turned dark.】

【"No more fun, the procrastination is over, I just want ShiroYasha! Everyone else must die!"】

【As she spoke, black mist that was thicker than before continued to emerge from her big sleeves, as if it still smelled of blood.】

【The sweeping black mist swallowed up everyone who was still running for their lives. Before they could escape, they instantly softened and sat on the ground.】

【Black Rabbit wanted to save those people and got distracted, but was rescued by Kaikai Izayoi who arrived just in time.】

【There was no way to continue the nonsensical attacks, so we started to discuss plans.】

【Pest is curious about what Black Rabbit and Izayoi are discussing】

【"Won't you attack? So.."】

【"Don't worry! Spotted loli!"】

【Izayoi's flying kick was easily blocked by Pest.】

【Pest looked at Izayoi's arm that was hanging limply by his side.】

【"seriously? Your right hand is like that and you still want to defeat me?"】

【"Your partner is not simple! But it’s only fair to suffer some injuries!"】

【No matter how Izayoi attacks, Pest can easily resist it.】

【Sandora's flames can hardly damage her hair】

【Black Rabbit's follow-up attack also seemed a little tired, and the flaws in Black Rabbit's actions were also caught by Pest.】

【Black Rabbit had no choice but to look at the sleeves that would release life-depriving black mist in front of him.】

【"It seems you are not qualified to be my opponent"】

【Pester didn't kill the black rabbit immediately, but Izayoi also chased him back and rescued the black rabbit again.】

【Looking at the entangled three people, Pest was tired of playing】

【Pest raised his arms, and the black mist in his sleeves became thicker, like black mud that could flood the world accumulated above.】

【"Hey, hey, if she uses that thing, the people in this city will be doomed. Isn’t the timing enough? Black Rabbit!"】

【"No, the time has come!"】

【Black Rabbit showed one of her gift cards, blooming with a dazzling light that was different from the night at this time.】

【"Black Rabbit is here to take you on a trip to the moon~"】

【Then the world seemed to be turned upside down, and a dizzy and nauseated feeling invaded everyone. When they came back to their senses again, they found that the place they were in had changed.】

【"This is! ?"】

【"Temple of the Moon!!!! ChandraMaha1!!!"】

【After being taken to an altitude of 380,000 kilometers, the black mud gathered by Pest gradually dispersed, losing the support of the color window medium, and Hameln's magical power was greatly weakened.】

【"You rabbit!"】

【Pester was so angry that he released a flood of black light towards the black rabbit.】

【At this time, Black Rabbit took out another gift card, and the gift card shined like the sun. The burning pain forced Pester to stop attacking, and the black light turned into ashes under the strong light.】

【"This is? sunshine! Why do the followers of Emperor Shitian have the armor of the sun!"】

【The situation has reversed and Zhanmen has reached its final moment.】

【Sandora used a fire spell to block Pest's movements, and the flying bird not far away controlled the steel giant to use the gift card - the Gun of Emperor Shakti.】

【The spear of the sun, capable of penetrating all darkness, shines in the sky!!!】

【"Boom boom boom boom!!!"】

【In the shining light like the Milky Way, the figure also dissipated like ashes] and the video slowly fell into darkness at this point.

"have to say! The World of Little Garden indeed quotes a lot of classic works. If you don’t have some reserves, you wouldn’t be able to understand it.——"

"Yes, although the fighting is very exciting, it also has an element of compression. Is there a more cheerful video?"

In the simple intermission stage, some of the audiences from all over the world bought themselves new movie-watching food, some stretched themselves, and some even took a nap.

Not long after, the video read in black letters on a white background With

"So what if I'm reincarnated into a spider?" (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Immediately, the audience became excited again

"oh! I like the reincarnation type! The story of using the system to upgrade and then gradually climbing to the top!"

"But is it true to be reincarnated as a spider?....I've only seen people reincarnated as devils, kings, princesses, and princes."

"If you haven't seen it before, it means it's new. I remember that the protagonist of this work almost didn't have a name. He seemed to be called Spiderman or something."

"Wow, you know what?"

Asking for flowers

"I don’t know much about the detailed plot either...."

"Say it!"

The audience in the front row squeezed to the front row to hear what kind of story this was, and some people rolled their eyes at this kind of spoiler.

The man wearing the mask was still sitting alone on the couch, His subtle aura made other spectators not want to get close.

Just when the man wanted to add another glass of wine, he found that the weight of the bottle was wrong and it had already been drunk.

When the man was just thinking about getting a brand new bottle of wine, it seemed that The world heard his doubts, and a bottle of wine appeared in front of him.

His eyes moved away, and a girl in uniform with a short haircut but whose eyes could not be seen clearly appeared in front of him.

"This is yours, right?"


The man did not take the drink immediately.

The two of them seem to be able to see through masks and hair to know what the other is thinking.

"You know me?"

"It seems like, do you want to watch the video together?"

The man borrowed the wine bottle and extended an invitation to the girl.

Even though the girl felt a little strange, she still sat on the other end of the couch. The man used a corkscrew to remove the cork and smelled the intoxicating aroma of the red wine inside.

"It’s good wine!"

So the man snapped his fingers and created a brand new goblet, filled it with red wine and handed it to the girl.

"Are you inciting high school students to drink? This is a serious crime"

"If I remember correctly, you like to drink, don't you?"

The man smiled.

The girl was obviously taken aback. She opened her mouth slightly but did not say any words. Instead, she gave a mysterious smile.

"your name?"

"name? I don’t seem to have a name. Otherwise, just call me Jack."


"And you?"

Only womenI borrowed the man’s red wine and took a sip before answering belatedly.

"Ruoyeji color."

At this time, the video continued to play and sounds were made. The two of them also looked at the video in unison, and in a tacit understanding, they did not ask any more questions about each other.

【campus, youth, sunshine】

【Everything is ordinary and normal】

【Classroom, blackboard, sound of books】

【Everything is ordinary and nondescript】

【When the strange light swallowed up the entire classroom in an instant, everything returned to darkness】

【"it hurts! What did it hit? What am I trapped in?"】

【The surrounding darkness gradually cracked, and light began to shine in one by one.】

【"what happened? Am I not in class? Anyway, you have to get out of here first!"】

【After finally breaking through the shackles of darkness, she ushered in the light she wanted——】

【But what's the difference!】


【Find yourself in a spider's lair!】

【And he turned into a spider!!!】..........So..

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