【Being in a huge spider nest, new spiders are constantly breaking out of their shells, making small squeaking sounds.】

【"What is this?..."】

【She poked the eggshell fragments next to her with her legs that were as slender as steel wires. She had perfectly transformed into a spider.】

【"This is what is so popular right now, right?....But why would I be reincarnated into a spider?!"】

【Bai Zhi started rolling around on the ground and getting angry. When she got tired, she collapsed on the ground again. The new spiders passing by didn't even look at her.】

【But no matter how angry you are, you can only accept the fact that you have become a spider in the end.】

【She gave up her resistance and lay on the ground with her face in one hand like an uncle.】


【Then there was a squeaking sound similar to eating coming from behind.】

【"oh! It's time to eat. I happen to be hungry too....."】

【Taking a closer look, I found that they were killing each other, and the disgusting flesh color was of the same kind. I don’t know how they managed to eat it.】


【There seemed to be something huge coming from behind. When she looked back, there were only six eyes glowing red in the darkness, and her body could not be accommodated by her vision at all.】


【In an instant, the big spider used its toes to string up the small spiders on the ground one by one. Bai Zhi, who was powerless, could only choose to escape.】

【"It turns out to be my mother! sorry! In this case, of course it’s Luda’s fault!"】

【After that, he escaped from the nest at an extremely fast speed.】

"Really turned into a spider?"

"Well, I really turned into a spider."

"Ah, what's going on? Don't all reincarnated people become royal and aristocratic beings? Her?"

The audience from all over the world shook their heads and whispered what a bleak future this little white spider would face.

"Reincarnated as a spider, do you really have no bad taste?"

"Bad taste? What an outrageous statement! This is called fun~"

Wakaba Jise said, swirling the red wine in the goblet

"And this kid is super interesting, you’ll know it just by looking at it"

【Video continues】

【Bai Zhi's head was like a ball of paste. He didn't know how he could be reincarnated into a spider.】

【At least in the original world, she was a disabled female high school student named Wakaba Hime, right?】

【But the difficulty of survival in this world is far beyond imagination. At present, we can only focus on how to survive, rather than worrying about how to reincarnate.】

【"Sigh - if this was in a light novel, it would be great if there was a skill like appraisal to collect information."】

【Just as he finished speaking, an ethereal and mechanically synthesized voice sounded. 】

The skill points you have total 100 points. You can spend 100 points to learn Skill Appraisal LV1. Do you want to learn it?

【"what happened! It really looks like that! Okay, of course you have to learn it!"]

Have learned to identify LV1 and the remaining points are 0

【With such convenient cheating skills, you can dominate the world!】

【Bai Zhi thought so and picked up a stone that fell aside. 】

stone stone



【Bai Zhi gave up and put his hands on the surrounding walls.】



【No matter how Bai Zhi repeats the identification, he can only get a simple cognitive answer】

【What she has to do now is to earn points by killing monsters and upgrading, which may not be difficult for her who was a gamer during her lifetime.】

【But faced with a growling stomach, I still chose to embark on a food-seeking journey.】

【Bai Zhi came to a high platform and looked down. There were all vicious monsters below. It was no different for her now than if she was going to give someone a death.】

【I have no choice but to find another way. At this time, I have to miss chocolate potato chip cup noodles.....】

"As weak as she is now, just filling her stomach may be a problem."

"Although we have a system, we haven’t gotten the real golden finger. How pitiful?"

"But she is very smart and has already started building a family."

"Build a home?"


【in video】

【Not only can it block enemies coming from the main road very well, but it also has a small hole for you to escape if you are not careful.】

【There is also a mechanism on the outermost side. As long as prey comes and hits the spider web, it can enjoy its success.】

【"Although he was a nerd who played games during his lifetime,....But it would be nice to live a squatting life at home! Spider race high!"】

【The vitality only lasted for a second, and the next moment he fell to the ground due to lack of strength.】


【"What a smell! Very unpalatable! But I can no longer tolerate being picky and show off my womanly integrity!"】

【Once again, I mustered up the courage to take a bite. The dizzying disgusting taste and the subtle sticky texture were like eating stinky bread that had been soaked in water for three days and then left in the corner for a month.】

【In order to survive, I can't tolerate being picky, I can only eat with this nauseating meaty taste. 】

Have met the conditions to obtain the title of Family-Eater (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Due to the effect of the title, the skill Taboo LV1 Heretic Magic LV1 was obtained

【I'm a little confused about the titles and skills I got, but I don't have any complaints about the skills that don't require skill points to redeem.】

【Even if I try to activate heretic magic, nothing happens.】

【Suddenly, the spider thread Bai Zhi grabbed had a pulling reaction.】

【"Um? Is there something stuck on the cobweb? Here comes the feast!"】

【Follow the spider thread, but the thing on the spider web can't be called a feast. Is it a frog similar to a poison dart frog?】

【At least the blue skin and purple tongue are unappetizing】

【"Although I heard people say the taste of frog meat and chicken....Wow!"】

【The frog struggling on the spider web spat something at Bai Zhi, but a strong stinging sensation swept through his body.】

【"Eye! Eye! Is this poison?"】

【When I regained consciousness, I had lost the vision in my left eye and could basically only see half of the things clearly. Although the spider had several eyes, it still had a lot of trouble.】

【Then, the frog continued to spit mouthfuls of venom at Bai Zhi. Even if he avoided the attack, some venom would still splash on his body. 】

Have reached a certain level of proficiency and acquired the skill acid resistance.

【Obtaining skills so easily made Bai Zhi feel that he had lost a lot of money by spending points to unlock skills before.....】

【But the main thing now is to deal with the ugly thing twisting around on the spider web.】

【As long as you master its attack habits, it will be easy to dodge it!】

【Bai Zhi ran to the frog's feet easily and bit him hard. The frog spit out a lot of venom and poured it on Bai Zhi's back. 】

Poison resistance LV2 has been improved

【"No time for this now!"】

【Bai Zhi avoided the attack while bypassing the frog's back, and then pounced on its back neck to bite it.】

【The frog just struggled hard for a while and then stopped moving.】

【"Solved, troublesome guy. Is it because my teeth are toxic?"】

【"alright! No matter so much! Let me have a taste of it!"】


【I don’t know if it’s because of the variety, or if there’s something inherently wrong with that sentence, but the meat is too unpalatable!】

【Bai Zhi hugged her mentallyWhile talking, he imagined himself eating the corpse of a frog after turning off his five senses. 】

Has been upgraded to acid resistance LV2

【You must eat in order to survive! No matter how unpalatable or disgusting it is, you must eat it in order to survive!】

"She was so brave that she actually ate it."

Audiences from all over the world couldn't bear to look at the scene, and narrowed their eyes slightly.

Jack watched Bai Zhi eating one corpse after another, as if the red wine in his hand had also changed, and he looked at the people around him. Ruoyejise said

"Do you like her strong will to survive?"

"Hmm~ maybe"

"But you are too perverted, don't you put some food aside for her first without setting up a package or something?"

"NONONO, if you want to sharpen her will, you must torture her body and mind."

"Um? how do I say this"

"The real difficulty is still waiting for her, I look forward to her performance"

【After experiencing many battles, Bai Zhi has become very good at using his spider silk.】

【All statistics have improved to a certain extent, although overall it is still an unknown little spider.】

【As long as 2.1 accumulates a certain amount of experience and reaches the level, it will shed its skin, which can also be said to refresh all energy data.】

【Injuries on the body will be healed, and various skills will be acquired and upgraded.】

【While Bai Zhi was studying the newly unlocked skills, there was movement at the end of the spider thread.】

【"It’s a great harvest today. I hope there won’t be any more frogs."】

【When Bai Zhi arrived at the scene, it was indeed not a frog.】

【It's a human soldier holding something and struggling on the spider web.】

【In order to break free from the shackles of the spider web, the soldier dropped a bottle of potion on the ground, and then the flames engulfed the spider web.】

【The soldier was able to break free, and the flames burned through the spider threads....】

【"What are you doing!"】

【Bai Zhi hurriedly ran to cut the spider silk to prevent his hometown from being burned, and the soldiers also left something behind and fled.】

【"What a mess! This guy.....Um?"】

【What the soldier dropped was an egg】

【After taking the egg back, Bai Zhi expanded his home and made it more perfect, and the egg was left until the end for the completion.】

【"Since it is an egg! It doesn’t taste bad, right? That egg that the person is trying so hard to take away must be very rare, right?"】

【The cyan shell is paired with light-colored patterns, somewhat like textured stones.】

【I don’t know how it tastes.~】

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