【"I'm gonna start now!"】

【The wonderful smell of eggs on Bai Zhi’s head waved her hand!】

【There is no change in the egg, but the hand is swollen.】

【"It’s really an egg of this size....But I'm no ordinary spider either!"】

【Whether it was dropped from a height or hit by a stone, the eggshell still showed no signs of breaking.】

【So Bai Zhi thought about using his newly upgraded appraisal ability】


Identification of Earth Dragon Eggs

【It seemed that it was not something that could be eaten now, so Bai Zhi chose to put it aside for a while and deal with it later.】

【But she would never have thought that this egg would cause her family to be destroyed in a sea of ​​fire.】

【Not long after, a group of humans brought torches and burned her home to the ground, just to get the dragon egg back.】

【Facing humans who have the ability to burn out cobwebs, she can only choose to escape.】

【The shelter that I had finally built was burned down, and the place that only belonged to me and existed only was destroyed.】

【Anyone else would be furious】

【"I won't! I won't run away anymore"】

【"I want to be stronger! I want to fight! I must become stronger! In order to be able to live out oneself unswervingly!"】

"Every time she was beaten up and bruised, she still had to stand up. In fact, her mentality was much better than that of most reincarnated people."

"I tried my best to defeat the snake at 1 HP, and reached level ten in one go."

"I have to say that those people are really cruel. If my hometown was burned down, I would bite them a few times before running away!"

Audiences from all over the world are talking about it.

Bai Zhi's willpower is indeed very strong. She grows up based on the torture of her own heart without interference or encouragement from others.

And her inner drama is rich enough. While laughing, you can also enjoy a hearty battle.

Although every time you watch Bai Zhi fight monsters and level up, it is a torture for your heart and toes.

After all the hard work to level up, you will Meet more powerful and fierce opponents.

After constantly fighting monsters and upgrading, she will also face the first battle in the early stage.

【Video continues】

【The small secondary spider monster has evolved into a small spider monster, and it has become a little stronger.】

【Coupled with the constant hunting and preying, not only did he gain the title of glutton, but his other skills also improved a lot.】

【Witnessing the battle between monsters and the extremely powerful earth dragon Alaba, he acted as a trick in front of the absolutely oppressive power.】

【Bai Zhi barely escaped from the melee, and the earth dragon Araba did not continue to pursue her. He killed all the remaining monsters on the scene and left the scene.】


【There was a strange sound coming from the depths of the cave】

【"What? that is? Monkey?"】

【Bai Zhi activated his skills to see what was in the dark. It was a monkey with brown fur and red eyes, and behaved strangely.】

【When it noticed Bai Zhi's vision, it rushed forward at a very high speed.】

【"What's this! So fast! No!"】

【The monkey keeps waving its fist at Bai Zhi, but she can only use spider silk to echo around the surrounding terrain. The air waves passed by her fist can tell that if she takes a hit, she will be sacrificed to the sky on the spot.】

【Such combination punches continued one after another, but Bai Zhi still caught the gap.】

【Bai Zhi jumped back while spraying spider silk from his tail, wrapping around the monkey's arms to control the movement.】

【"You might have swung the wrong fist in a hurry! As long as your fists are controlled, you have nothing to fear!"】

【But the monkey did not relax, and simply started to shake his hands. The white quilt without cutting the spider silk was swung in the air, like a rotating flying chair in an amusement park.】

【With the help of the monkey's spinning and throwing silk, Bai Zhi spit out more spider silk to wrap around the monkey, and then cut off the spider silk.】

【A beautiful backflip landed on the ground, and the monkey was wrapped like a cocoon.】

【"Next up! Send you on your way!"】

【Bai Zhi bit the monkey's belly hard】

【"Ga oh!!!——"】

【In an instant, deafening shouts resounded throughout the cave, but soon disappeared again.】

【"Did you make it?"】

【The monkey was motionless and blood flowed from its mouth.】

【Bai Zhi's level was once again improved, and he began to enjoy his trophies】

【In the end, only the bones were eaten, and not a trace of fur was spared. After all, monkey meat is so delicious compared to frogs and poisonous snakes.】

【In his free time, Bai Zhi was throwing the monkey's skull in the air and playing with it. After eating and drinking, he threw the skull aside without paying much attention.】

【It was at this time that the skull seemed to let out a silent roar as it fell to the ground.....Something in the dark moves】

【Bai Zhi, who was lying on the edge of the cliff, was about to have a good sleep when a creepy feeling suddenly came over him, as if something was staring at him again.】

【"what happened? This creepy feeling?"】

【When Bai Zhi looked down the cliff, he didn't know when countless monkeys had gathered below, shouting and shouting.】

【The monkeys started throwing stones at Bai Zhi】

【"What's going on? Didn't I do a good job of concealment?"】

【"That is to say?! Do they want revenge?!"】

【Bai Zhi’s guess was not wrong. Monkeys had already begun to climb the rock, trying to climb towards Bai Zhi.】

【Even if you fall after climbing for a short time, other monkeys will soon follow.】

【They seem to be climbing regularly and have the ability to learn. How can other monkeys fall? Another monkey will not make this mistake.】

【"There's no way we can win with that many!"] (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"oh! Is it coming? A battle with one against many!"

"But now she is only at level five, maybe. Can you handle fighting so many monkeys?"

"But she is a spider! I also learned the venom attack. Wouldn’t it be great to continuously release poison AOE skills on the rock wall!"

"I say you....Did you know there is something called a magic bar?"

"I know, but I have infinite magic power, so I won’t worry at all."

The audience was talking, guessing what tactics Bai Zhi would use to resolve his crisis this time.

The sound in the video became louder and louder, and everyone turned their attention again

【Bai Zhi, who was trying to escape, tried to move laterally, but he would be hit by the monkey's stones, and would be thrown out of the mesh even if he covered the lower part with a spider web.】

【There's no point in climbing up. The rocks above are made of a different material and are too slippery to stand on.】

【And Bai Zhi's actions of trapping monkeys in nets are getting worse and worse. There will be monkeys stepping on their compatriots, and at the same time, more monkeys will appear from the darkness.....】

【"How to do how to do....The MP value is not enough so I keep using poison!"】

【Trying to use the trapped monkey as a roadblock. But the trapped monkey chose to jump off the cliff to make way for his compatriots, which gave Bai Zhi an even bigger headache.】

【"this battle....It's destined to be a fight to the death....This is the only way to go!"】

【Trapping a few monkeys trying to climb up with spider webs, dragging the spider webs on the wall with the monkeys running hard, leaving half of the wall beans covered in spider webs】

【At this time, several monkeys jumped up and bit Bai Zhi.】

【Bai Zhi could only endure the pain and brought the monkeys to the edge of the cliff, and tied them to the edge as quickly as possible.】

【Finally, he grabbed the wall and the tip of the spider silk and jumped down, using the gravity of the fall to peel off the entire stone surface. The huge falling rocks and falling monkeys crushed at least half of the monkeys below. 】The basic ability values ​​of various types of small spider monsters LV6LV7 have been improved

【However, many monkeys were killed by falling or smashing, and the experience value cannot be calculated. Bai Zhi's level does not fluctuate too much.】

【Just when Bai Zhi wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, three monkeys suddenly rushed out】

【Be faster than other monkeys! 】

Alligator monkey LV4 failed to successfully identify abilities

【"Ah, there are three elite monsters!"】

【Bai Zhi could only run away first and crawl into the cave on the wall, leaving adhesive spider webs along the way to limit their movement speed.】

【But the crocodile-billed monkey didn't look like it was climbing. Instead, it was lifting a boulder two or three times larger than its own body.】

【"How could it be moved so easily? Hello!"】

【The next second, the boulder flew towards Bai Zhi】

【Even though 230 attacks were avoided, the boulder blocked the escape route and foothold.】

【Bai Zhi could only weave spider webs in the air and use the webs to attack the monkeys that were trying to climb up. However, the three alligator-mouthed monkeys were still standing there analyzing Bai Zhi's actions.】

【"Really! It would be easier if the three monkeys didn't move!"】

【As soon as he finished speaking, a crocodile-mouthed monkey took a few steps back and took a run-up - stepping on the shoulders and heads of other monkeys and rushed to Bai Zhi.】

【"watch out!"】

Use spider poison LV8

【Pour a steady stream of purple venom into the mouth of the alligator-mouthed monkey with its mouth wide open. The monkey held on for a while but still fell down.】

【"Two left!"】

【Using a similar method, the stone guided the spider silk to fly behind the alligator-mouthed monkey, and Bai Zhi manipulated the spider silk to wrap around it and then apply the poison.】

【"The last one! Where did the last one go!"】

【When Bai Zhi dealt with the two crocodile-mouthed monkeys, he didn't expect that the last one had already come around behind him and gnawed half of Bai Zhi's body.】


HP: 792

【"Ah no...If you become aware..."】

【When Bai Zhi fell from the sky, he remembered his previous words and determination, and the light in his eyes gathered again.】

【"Now is not the time to talk about this!"】

【Once again, the crocodile-mouthed monkey was controlled by entangling spider silk, and then forcibly pulled its limbs to make it open its mouth!】

【at this time! Inject poison!】

【"No more....Can't hold it anymore..."】

【Just when Bai Zhi was about to close his eyes, the voice of the system remembered. 】

Have accumulated a certain amount of experience points and risen to LV9

【Bai Zhi, who had regained his energy and life, killed all the remaining monkeys.】

【The noisy empty nest returns againpeaceful...】

"This is completely the evolution game template, right?"

Looking at the spider struggling to survive in the video, everyone looked at each other and finally came to this conclusion.

Although there is no powerful and gorgeous battle, nor is there anything mysterious and weird, but...This kind of gradually getting stronger enjoyment is really addictive.........

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