Have collected experience to reach LV10 and can evolve

【"Never mind this, no monkeys came to this place just now..."】

【Bai Zhi approached the cave and found a way up.】

【"Wow! Is this the way out? That’s great! You can go out right now! Is it because your body is getting warm due to excitement? As for whether the spider's body temperature will rise, I don't know! It's finally easy now...."】

【Bai Zhi ran on the road like a wild horse, and finally jumped forward at the end!——】

【What appeared in front of her was not green grass and blue sky, but scalding magma, unbearably hot temperatures, and people swimming in the magma.....dragon?!】


"magma? high temperature? And dragons?"

"It’s over, how can she win now?"

"I remember that spiders are very afraid of things like fire. The net will be burned, and it can easily become a fuse and lead to self-immolation."

The audience nodded.

Although the battle just now was a feast for everyone's eyes, a new problem was placed in front of Bai Zhi.

"By the way, why did you put her in that place?"

"Um? You mean the Great Labyrinth of Elro?"

"Starting from level one, you wouldn’t have to arrange it in such a dangerous place, right? Will she die if she is distracted at all, or will you stand up for her when she is in danger?"

"That won't happen~ That would be too cheating~ But the Elro Labyrinth is a good place, you can level up and clear monsters, right?"

"Hahaha, is that so?"

Think about how often Bai Zhi spawns monsters.

As long as he is not asleep, fighting monsters, or on the way to fight monsters, he will encounter life-threatening crises.

"Ah, what is that place called? As long as you pay money to enter, you can have unlimited food in the restaurant within the specified time!"

"Um? You mean the cafeteria?"

"Yeah! Elro Cafeteria, the human stuff is really interesting"

【The video continues】

【Bai Zhi returned to the lower level to take refuge, sorting out the information and his current skills and advantages.】

【Enhanced by audio, visual and smell, skills such as taboo and arrogance are unlocked, and the ability to automatically recover various values ​​by grinding monsters is improved.】

【But currently she can't control magic, so magic can only be put aside for the time being.】

【Bai Zhi, who was attacked by other earth dragons, returned to the middle layer, which is the magma layer.】

【With fire resistance, at least my feet won't get burned while walking. At the same time, I also hunted a stupid seahorse?】

【But his meat tastes like tires...】

【"Is it true that this shabby place doesn’t have any delicious meat?"】

【Suddenly something emerged from the lava behind him. Bai Zhi originally thought it was a new seahorse, but when he looked back, he was shocked. 】

Elrol Fire Breathing Beast is a monster that lives in the middle of the Errol Great Labyrinth. It is a low-level baby dragon. It is omnivorous and can swallow everything in its big mouth.

【The basic data is far different from Bai Zhi's, but the most eye-catching thing is the sentence at the bottom】

【"Something's not right....Otherwise, let’s run away first! Wow.!"】

【Bai Zhi had just taken a few steps out when the fire-breathing beast Elro bit him, biting off some of the few islands.】

【"Lie! Attack from both front and back! Two big catfish are too foul!"】

【The Elro fire-breathing beast slowly climbed onto the land and approached Bai Zhi step by step. It seemed that there was no way to escape! It's time to fight】

【"That being the case! Just kill your number one quickly!"】

【Elro's fire-breathing beast opened its big mouth towards Bai Zhi, and he was about to be swallowed, but Bai Zhi suddenly remembered that he threw the venom into the fire-breathing beast's mouth with his backhand, and then immediately retreated to escape.】

【The effect is excellent. Elro's fire-breathing beast kept turning over on the island, like a stranded fish. It didn't take long before it fell silent.】

【"Wow, is poison so powerful? My hard work these days will not be in vain."】

【"OK! next!"】

【The other Elro fire-breathing beast saw that its companion had been poisoned and died miserably. It lost the momentum to step forward, took a few steps back and swam back into the magma.】

【"Ran? Seeing the miserable state of my companions! I'm still pretty strong!"】

【Bai Zhi walked to the Elro fire-breathing beast on the shore and gave it the final blow.】

【At this time, the system subtitles on the side lit up. 】

The arrogant ruler obtained the skill Abyss Magic LV10 Naraku

【"Um? Abyss magic? Naraku, try it next time! hungry! Eat first!"】

【With that said, Bai Zhi turned to the Elro fire-breathing beast that fell on the ground.】

【In fact, I don’t have much expectations in my heart. I have eaten so many strange meats so far.】

【"It would be nice if the smell could be milder, not like that seahorse that smells like tires"】

【Bai Zhi takes a bite of Elro's fire-breathing beast's meat】

【The tender meat was torn off and swallowed into the mouth with slight chewing.】

【When he tasted the taste of meat, Bai Zhi's tears couldn't help but flow down.】


【The eyes radiated a different light. One bite, two bites, three bites, never stopping, and the stomach kept eating like a bottomless pit.】

【The huge Elro fire-breathing beast was eaten by her in a few minutes, leaving only the skeleton.】

【"This light-flavored white meat has just the right layer of oil and the elastic fish skin brings an incredible duo of texture and taste!"】

【Bai Zhi said something like a food critic. After all, this may be the best meat she has eaten in a while.】

【I even regretted that I shouldn't have let the other fire-breathing beast go.】

【Not enough, not enough, not enough. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Such a voice echoed in Bai Zhi's head. She had just eaten an Elro fire-breathing beast and embarked on a journey to find new things.】

【"Um...But this catfish is not that easy to find, ah"】

【Another monster emerged from the surrounding lava, Elro's fire-breathing baby dragon】

【Bai Zhi, who was very good at fighting, quickly solved the battle and was upgraded after eating it. 】

Parallel thinking LV10 has derived parallel consciousness LV

【"Um? What sound did you hear just now?"】

【"Please, can you please stop using those corny lines?"】

【"who are you!"】

【"I am you, you are me"】

【At this time, like a small theater, Bai Zhi split into two?】

【This is called parallel consciousness】

【"Ah, you are born from parallel consciousness, oh"】

【"Why are you so cold!"】

【"Then tell me why you are so awesome?"】

【"This is able to think with a completely different consciousness!"】

【After doing the double talk for a while, it turns out that consciousness is divided into the body-controlling department and the consciousness-mining department.】

【In the future, he will also play an important role in Bai Zhi's battle, and it will not be just this one minister. 】

A certain amount of experience has been accumulated and the skill has been upgraded to Detection LV10.

【"Oh oh! Detection is finally completed!"】

【Bai Zhi looked at the skill levels displayed on the system. Most of the skills have reached full level and evolved to the next stage.】

【"Now I am running all the way on the road to the strongest?"】

【"But after practicing Detection, no new skills are derived?"】

【".Speaking of which, there is no derivation or evolution after the master of identification is fully trained, ah, in fact, this is also okay."】

【But now it seems that there is no more】

【Just as Bai Zhi finished complaining to himself, strange rustling noises came from all around.】

【Bai Zhi had heard this sound before. He didn't pay attention to it at first, but now it sounded again.】


【"what happened! I thought I heard a ding?"]

Upper manager D has accepted the request and is building skills and wisdom.

【"Eh? D? Who?"】

【"Something is wrong. There are too many things that are wrong here!"】

【Bai Zhi thought about all this quickly】

【The career of killing monsters and upgrading is repeated over and over again, and finally the old routine of saving from another world is performed.】

【But his complaints were actually responded to, as if someone was watching all this.】

【"If there were people with management skills who could observe everything happening in this world, wouldn’t they be god-like existences?"】

【As if this world is controlled by someone, is it just a game played by God?】

【The more I think about it, the more uneasy it will become for myself. I simply ignite my fighting spirit like a shot of chicken blood and continue to live as I want as before.】

【In order to distribute and study the intelligence and magic brought by wisdom - there is another parallel consciousness: the Minister of Magic】

【"Once the magic method has been mastered, leave it to me!"】

【"Wow, the awareness of parallelism has increased! From now on you will be the Minister of Magic!"】

【"Then I'll ask the Minister of Magic to practice abyss magic, and then be able to use other magic in battle."】

【"Isn’t that super powerful!"】

【Just when Bai Zhi was about to celebrate that he could use magic, the earth suddenly trembled, and a huge crater seemed to appear not far away.】

【Walking towards the edge of the giant pit to observe the situation, I found that this layer of rock had been penetrated, and there were new magma pools and rocks below.】

【When Bai Zhi jumped on the rock to see if there was anything strange about the magma, a brand new monster emerged from the magma pool!】

【Bai Zhi was shocked】

【What appeared in front of him was a giant dragon with half of its body corroded and its skeleton exposed.】

【"A racial fire dragon?! Although it is said that the HP has dropped to half, what is going on? But its speed and level are also much higher than mine!"】

【"Do you have the confidence to escape? Body Minister!"】


【"That's right too...Wow!"】

【The fire dragon waved its claws and struck at Bai Zhi. Bai Zhi, whose movements were somewhat restricted, could only keep jumping back to avoid it. He was obviously walking between life and death, but he acted like a juggler.】

"Similar to the previous cute world, but it seems to be controlled by certain existences?"

"Is it God’s game? It’s really interesting."......

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