【"What's going on, what's going on! Isn't this the first time we meet? Are you so angry?"】

【"Isn’t this just taking someone else’s anger out on you? It has nothing to do with me!"】

【Seeing that there was no place to stay, Bai Zhi jumped into the air and prepared to stop on the rock on the top wall.】

【"Why should I suffer this!"】

【"Even though it was injured, its skills and abilities were much higher than mine, and it also had the well-known restraint skills and status ailment resistance to me!"】

【The fire dragon looked at Bai Zhi who was about to run away and roared, as if he was issuing a war message.】

【"OK! But since the other party wants to fight, I will accompany him to the end!"】

【"But I don't want to get killed for losing my temper!"】

【"Since you have to fight, you must do it well!"】


【Bai Zhi no longer looked for a way to escape, but combined with other parallel consciousnesses to start attacking the fire dragon】

【However, when launching magical attacks, you will inevitably suffer physical attacks, and the health bar is also declining at a speed visible to the naked eye.】

【Coupled with the additional fire attack to grind down blood, it is absolutely impossible to fight a protracted battle.】

【"Launch the magic eye attack again!"】

【But the fire dragon was still unscathed. It looked like it was just wrapped in purple mist, and then continued to launch physical attacks at Bai Zhi.】

【Although the situation is not good, it is covered with bruises and is not without a chance of victory. The weird thing is that the fire dragon looks extremely angry, which makes Bai Zhi a little confused.】

【"We can only seize the right opportunity and poison it in one breath!"】

【"But even if you try your best to launch an offensive, you will most likely be blocked by the flames."】

【The fire dragon began to accumulate power, and the dazzling fire light gradually appeared in its mouth.——】

【"Low toxicity generation!"】

【Using venom as a shield, I barely managed to block the blow, but the surrounding ground had reached its lowest limit and was not enough to stand on.】

【Bai Zhi had no choice but to change his footing again.】

【He began to hang on to the spider silk standing on the zenith rock and swing it in the air. 230】

【"Ah, hot, hot, hot! A real burning ass!"】

【But the fireballs flying everywhere were just a cover. Bai Zhi predicted Bai Zhi's next action and cut off her spider silk. She moved her position and opened her mouth as she fell.】

【"A false shot?! It turns out that this is its true purpose! Plunge me into an inescapable air!"】

【"Launch a fatal bite! Oops!"】

【"That’s not bad! I've been waiting for this moment!"】

【What is waiting for is the moment when the fire dragon opens its mouth but there is no flame!】

【"Spider Venom Ultimate Plus Plus Edition! Minister of Magic, please add all the poisonous magic!"】

【"give it to me!"】

【A huge ball of venom instantly formed in front of Bai Zhi and was thrown into its mouth.】

【Drop the venom and spray out spider silk from its tail to pull yourself away from the scene】

【Just when he thought the battle would be over, the fire dragon breathed out again, and the flames and venom it sprayed offset each other, and it did not kill him.】

【The ejected sparks hit the spider thread, and Bai Zhi had to fall to the ground.】

【And the landing place is the only palm-sized rock left in the formal magma pool.】

【Although the fire dragon was knocked down by the aftermath of the flames and poison, it was not completely fatally injured and had one-third of its HP left.】

【Bai Zhi could only take advantage of the opportunity when the fire dragon fell, and Bai Zhi frantically thought about the next strategy!】

【"It turns out that this guy wasn't attacking randomly with fireballs, but was destroying rocks with a purpose."】

【"Leave me with no place to stand! It turns out that the battle just now was to create a situation where I would be killed!"】

【The fire dragon stood up from the lava, charged up magic again, and sprayed towards Bai Zhi!】

【"There is absolutely no way out (bdcb)....stop it! ah!!"】

【Facing the incoming pillar of fire - there is no way to fight back】


【Squirting it all out, this is the only thing that the fire dragon knows. There is no feeling of concentration at all.】

【Just as it was searching for Bai Zhi's figure, it was unprepared, and the venom struck from high altitude again, hitting its already injured half of the body.】


【The fire dragon roared】

【Bai Zhi seized the opportunity, let go of the spider silk and fell on the fire dragon's body, biting its body.】

【"Corrosive attack!!"】

【"It’s already been affected by the venom, so it can’t have no effect at all!"】

【Just as Bai Zhi said, the fire dragon shook its body, as if its power had been taken away, but as the price of the surprise attack, Bai Zhi also lost a claw.】

【Then the fire dragon fell heavily into the magma, like a volcano that had just erupted, but there was no movement in the next second.】

【Bai Zhi——win!】

"It scared me to death. I thought I was going to turn into a roasted spider!"

"But how did it escape this blow? There is no advantage in speed anymore."

Audiences from all over the world were discussing whether Bai Zhi had any unannounced trump cards.

As Wakaba Jise said, she leaned on the armrest of the sofa and crossed her legs, but she kept holding her mobile phone tightly in her hand.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, her expression not looking so relaxed.

"It seems that you are worrying too much, Miss Ruoye"

"Hmm~ It’s still inevitable that you’ll have to worry a little bit.——"


As the name suggests, it is like a dream.

It is indeed one of Bai Zhi's trump cards, which is the magic of making enemies hallucinate.

Because of the illusion she cast, the fire dragon thought she had fallen on the only rock.

But in fact, she has been waiting for an opportunity above, and the rest is all an illusion, just to make the fire dragon take it lightly and expose its flaws, and finally make another beautiful surprise attack!

Originally this was reserved as a means of escape.

But Bai Zhi thought of me who was displaced because my home was set on fire. I had to live with dignity and use my escape skills to become the key to a comeback.

She also won beautifully, right?

"Arrogant Dominator, this is the title she chose. Can she become a Dominator?"

At this time, the audience from all over the world became excited again.

"wrong! There is still movement in the magma!"

"What?! Are you still alive after taking so much poison?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Video continues】

【The fire dragon strikes from the magma again】


【Bai Zhi looked at his blood volume】

【HP: 1】

【I have been relying on patience to force myself to stay alive. If I just take any skill, I will die.】

【But the fire dragon no longer had enough strength to attack Bai Zhi at a high place, and fell down again when he was about to hit Bai Zhi five feet away.】

【"It seems he has no strength left! good chance!"】

【"I'm going to knock you down! Then bid farewell to the name of the spider lord who is running around!"】

【"It’s finally my turn to use my second trump card!"】

【"Please, Minister of Magic!"】


【Finally, there was only a small amount of MP left and the value began to decrease.——】

【"Abyss Magic LV1! launch!"】

【"With the dark power of the abyss! The most advanced dark magic that swallows all light!"】

【"Manifest! Hell Gate!"】


【A huge black stone door rose from the magma. The door not only had exquisitely carved patterns, but also had obscure words. When the door opened, the surrounding magma was sucked into it.】

【Like a bottomless black hole, the entire layer of magma was swallowed up by the Hell Gate. Finally, the Hell Gate slowly fell down and disappeared into the darkness.】

【"It's the Gate of Hell...."】

【Bai Zhi looked at the magma that had evaporated cleanly. It would take some time for the magma left from another layer to fill up here.】

【But in the tiny amount of magma left, the fire dragon stood there like a statue.】

【"No, can you even catch this move?"】

【But from the data point of view, all the remaining data of the Fire Dragon have bottomed out, and its current tenacity is just a struggle before death.】

【This time, it is the real decisive battle!】

【The fire dragon flapped its wings and hit Bai Zhi with its huge body. This is also the most primitive but also the most direct attack without MP. With its huge body, this ancient attack can be maximized.】

【Bai Zhi jumped into the air and sprayed out spider webs to restrict its movement.】

【Then use the evolved sword-sharp limbs to cut the fire dragon into pieces.】

【As the fire dragon fell, making a deafening sound, the system jumped out to announce the end of this battle. ]

The individual Death's Scythe has accumulated experience points and has been raised from LV15 to LV19 and has met the conditions to obtain the title of Dragon Slayer.

【Just as Bai Zhi pulled the fire dragon to a safe place with great difficulty, cut off its scales and prepared to enjoy the post-war delicacies, his spatial perception suddenly responded.】

【"Is this a space distortion? Is it a transfer? Is something about to be teleported?"】

【"Those who can use this kind of magic must be species with high intelligence. I am the only living creature here, and the target must be me....."】

【"No matter what! In just fifteen seconds, just thinking is the limit! There's no escape! coming soon!"】

【Then, the space around Bai Zhi seemed to be distorted, and everything became subtle.】

【A black chaos polluted the distorted space, and a man walked out of the darkness.】

【Man wearing armor, cape and helmet】

【Looking down at the little spider Bai Zhi next to the fire dragon】

【The skill cannot be activated! This man cannot be identified! You can't win this...Not in the same dimension!】

【But why? No sense of crisis?】






【From the man's perspective, the spider was waving its forelimbs, gesticulating something, and making spider squeaking sounds.】

【Both sides can't understand what the other side is saying.】

【"It's over....This language barrier...."】

【Bai Zhi was just about to worry about how to solve this suffocation problem. Miraculously, at this moment, a smartphone fell from the sky and landed on the ground.】

"It's getting more and more interesting."

Everyone looked at this alien technology that did not belong to this world at all. Their eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a terrifying light.

What is it for?

What is the purpose of reincarnating humans into another world?

Gods A trick to fool humans?

That’s really sad enough.~........

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