【"I've kept you waiting for so long, Miss Spider.", an apology came from the fluorescent mobile phone.】

【"ah? It's okay, hello"】

【"I've already explained it to him, and he probably won't take the initiative to contact you in the future."】

【"That's it."Who is this person?】

【"I am D said"】


【Bai Zhi didn't say what he said next, he just thought about it in his heart, but the voice on the other end of the phone answered the question as if he was reading his mind.】

【"Did you just read my mind?! You are violating personal privacy!"】

【"Normally I don't know how to read your mind"】

【"usually? In other words, you are monitoring my actions?"】

【"I don't really like the idea of ​​surveillance, after all, oh, I almost let it slip."】

【Bai Zhi walked carefully to the phone and looked at the voice coming from the other end of the blue electronic screen.】

【"If I have to say, I usually watch the battle, I will never get tired of watching you."】

【"Wait, if you are D, that’s the oneAre you going to give me a reward?"】

【"Yes, that's your reward"】

【"award? why reward"】

【"There is no reason, after all, I am the worst evil god in the world. Precisely because he is an evil god, he likes to watch others struggle."】

【D did not reveal too much information to Bai Zhi. He only said that he was a bystander in this world and gave vague answers to the remaining questions.】

【Before Bai Zhi could finish asking, the phone suddenly disappeared on the ground.】

"Manager D? Evil God? It seems that this other world is really just a plaything of the evil god."

"But it’s not bad. It’s actually quite interesting to watch Little Spider take risks, fight monsters and upgrade."

This kind of competition between life and death is sometimes the most attractive.

【In the process of Bai Zhi going to a higher level and hunting for prey, his hometown was raided by unknown humans again.】

【But at this time, the system prompted her to evolve】

【She chooses to evolve first. Each time she evolves, she will fall asleep. When she wakes up, a large amount of knowledge and skills will flow in.】

【If the previous information was like five world masterpieces at once, then the amount of updates this time is like moving all the books in a library.】

【In short - if this world continues like this, it will perish.】

【Even though it's blurry, I have to stop it】

【In order to save the world, in fact, to keep yourself alive, you must exercise your own strength.】

【To defeat Alaba, the being at the top of this huge underground maze!】

【After witnessing Araba's overwhelming strength and strategy, Bai Zhi began to yearn for its power, and one day it will surpass its existence.】

【Bai Zhi constantly brushes monsters and upgrades, brushes monsters and upgrades, and learns more skills and magic.】

【In order to defeat Araba, the earth dragon that scares people to the point of weakening their legs at first sight.】

【That moment came amid endless spawning of monsters】

【Bai Zhi looked at Alaba. The huge body of the earth dragon, coupled with its long-lasting deterrence, the temperament and demeanor revealed in the dragon's eyes.】

【He is powerful and I am scared but happy at the same time】

【Bai Zhi, the little spider it let go, is now going to attack it.】

【Bai Zhi first launched a magic attack to detect】

【But unfortunately, basically 50% of the magic can't even knock down Araba's fur.】

【Bai Zhi, who had learned space magic, stepped on the magic circle and jumped up step by step, while using penetrating magic to attack Araba who was chasing after him.】

【But Araba's dodge speed is very fast, and he can avoid attacks while approaching Bai Zhi step by step.】

【"Intensify! Minister of Magic!"】


【Faced with the rain of magic attacks, Araba was as dexterous as a bird dodging.】

【But there will always be times when you are hit, but you will soon be fully restored due to automatic recovery, as if it has no effect.】

【Bai Zhi paused the attack and planned a new attack plan. Seeing that Bai Zhi did not attack, Araba fired a beam of light cannon at her, but Bai Zhi did not dodge.】

【Because that's just a phantom, the real her is above Araba】

【"Sorry to disturb you while you are breathing dragon breath, take the bait!"】

【Summon magic circles on both sides of Araba's head! attack!】

【Alaba, who was attacked, just rolled over as if he had stumbled, and immediately adjusted his posture and deployed the magic circle.】

【Unlike Bai Zhi, its magic circle is a dazzling golden color.】

【"magic? I wish I could have a shooting battle with you!"】

【What followed was a grand magic battle, but these were all just a cover. Araba took advantage of the cover of fire and rushed towards Bai Zhi!】

【But Araba's speed is obviously faster than Bai Zhi's, and he is about to fall into the dragon's mouth.】

【Bai Zhi shot spider silk at Araba's shoulder and fled the scene, but Araba's dragon breath basically did not move forward. Bai Zhi could only run away in a hurry and think about tactics.】


【Just as Bai Zhi was about to get out of the swing, the golden magic circle appeared in front of him. Fortunately, Bai Zhi reacted quickly and cut off the spider silk and fell on the rock wall, almost hitting Araba's magic circle.】

【The two once again distanced themselves】

【"Close combat is not possible! Fighting at a distance is not beneficial! And all kinds of evil eyes turned on are completely ineffective!"】

【Bai Zhi looked at Alaba who was adjusting his posture, and felt that the tactics he had accumulated during this period were in vain.】

【Moreover, the only evil eye that was not used was the Evil Eye of Death and Death, because using it once would require sacrificing the eye, so she had to be extremely cautious every time she used the Evil Eye of Death and Death.】

【This time, Araba didn't know there was dragon breath, so he ran forward and waved his front paws. Bai Zhi hurriedly avoided it like an ant on a hot pot.】

【But Bai Zhi, who was escaping, was also setting up a formation. The surrounding areas were already covered with fine spider threads, but as long as they were attached, their movements would be restricted.】

【right! Follow me! Keep following!】

【But just when Araba was about to touch the spider silk, it stopped】

【"Tsk! Was he still discovered? But in a sense, his actions were sealed and the goal was achieved, right?"】

【"Then use this trick! Toxic synthesis! The poisonous waterfall!"】

【The poison poured down like a waterfall hit Alaba. After being attacked, it clung to the wall. Bai Zhi did not relax and continued to launch the poison attack.】

【"How about it! my poison....Woohoo!!"】

【Before Bai Zhi could become proud, the dragon's breath sprayed at her again, and the continuous dragon's breath broke the spider web array that Bai Zhi had previously woven. 】

Ask for flowers

【Even if Bai Zhi used spider silk to rescue him, the number of holes in the spider webs could not be kept up by Bai Zhi. The endless dragon breath made the situation reach a deadlock again.】

【It is precisely because Araba is so powerful that the spider web has no effect on him, and the spider silk will be broken off quickly.】

【"But you being so wary just suits me!"】

【When Araba completely broke through the spider web, he rushed over】

【I don’t know how many times she has escaped from the giant mouth of an earth dragon, but this is also her most commonly used tactic.】

【"Hey hey hey! You're here! Take a look, what is this!"】

【Bai Zhi picked up the spider web ball. If this thing is bitten, he will not be able to open his mouth for a while.】

【Araba turned his head and closed his mouth. The attack was in vain, and Bai Zhi also saved his life.】

【But this ball of spider web is not just for stuffing into your mouth!】

【The moment it was thrown out, it was like a huge overwhelming net that enveloped Araba, and then Bai Zhi began to unfold the largest magic circle - heretic magic phantom pain!】

【"Although it cannot cause harm, it can make the target feel pain. For you who have experienced a significant reduction in pain, it must be a long-lost pain, right?"】

"Wow....Oh my God, it hurts so much to watch!"

"After all, I haven’t felt pain for a long time, right?"

"This way, it hurts more than hitting your toe on the corner of the table."

The audience from all over the world said, with painful expressions as if they were also in that battle.

【Video continues】

【Bai Zhi looked at Alaba struggling in the spider web, and the dragon roar seemed to shake the place down.】

【"Hum hum, the ferocious dragon breath will definitely be released at this time! Just take advantage of this moment! Launch all the magical attacks at my disposal!"】

【When poison and sword-like magic attacked Alaba, just as Bai Zhi expected, it used dragon breath to escape.】

【But this time the power of the dragon's breath was too great. It stirred up layers of thick smoke and heat waves, and Bai Zhi was blown several meters away.】

【"Did you really use dragon breath to escape?.....Wait, is this?!"】

【A blue light shone out from the darkness and smoke, and Araba's whole body was wrapped in different ice-blue flames and rushed out.】

【"What's this?! Could it be said that it is the second paragraph? And also learned restraint skills for me? This is the opponent with the most thorough strategy that I have ever encountered! Araba!"】

【Bai Zhi looked at Araba's appraisal. He clearly had more than 40,000 skill points that were instantly drained down to only 100.】

【Alaba has regarded Bai Zhi as a qualified enemy and must use all his strength to defeat him.】

【"That's right! This is what I want! You recognize my strength, Alaba!"】

【"Then I will try my best!"】

【Okay, what to do next?....】

【Araba slammed the ground, and the rock cracked in an instant, and streams of flames sprayed out from the cracks in the stone towards Bai Zhi, but the main target was not her, but the terrain. The surrounding area was dyed red with fire, like purgatory.】

【"ah! Wouldn't this be a waste of the location I chose? As expected, the automatic reply has become stronger! It has become stronger! All the previous attacks were in vain."】

【Bai Zhi, who was sent flying by Araba's slap, looked down. There was only flame hell. The only way out was up!】

【Bai Zhi ran and Araba chased after him, like stars and aurora dancing wildly in the darkness.】..........inch..

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