【On Bai Zhi's side, although she could no longer contact other parallel consciousnesses, she thought everything was fine and did not notice the purple laser shooting out from the ground in the distance.】

【"You should have some snacks and fruits in the afternoon!"】

【As he spoke, he picked a peach from a tree nearby. While tasting the sweet fruit, the ground shook at the same time.】

【A bad feeling suddenly came to her heart, and the next second the huge forelimbs thrust towards the white branch, but luckily she quickly dodged it.】

【"not good! Gotta get out of here quickly!"】

【What appeared in front of me was a huge queen spider. Just moving forward had already overwhelmed all the surrounding trees.】

【"So why is mom outside?"】

【Bai Zhi complained while running away, and this abnormally strong numerical value made people stay away. Bai Zhi had no chance of defeating her, not necessarily. This numerical value was five times that of Araba.】

【"Why did you run out of the maze? Other parallel consciousnesses are not reported to me either! There are too many issues of concern!"】

【"You must run away quickly!"】

【Bai Zhi keeps constructing long-distance teleportation magic to escape from here. If he stays here for one more second, he will become a corpse at his mother's feet.】

【Just when the Queen Spider's attack light was about to hit Bai Zhi, the teleportation magic was finally completed, and she returned to the place where the dream began, back to the big maze.】

【"Great, I caught up. If it were any slower, it would turn into black charcoal....Wait for these?!"】

【Bai Zhi stared with wide eyes at the spiders around the nest where he met. There were dozens of large spider monsters alone, not to mention 13 of those small spiders and minions. He couldn't even count them.】

【I just escaped danger, now I'm back in trouble again】

【"I still underestimated my mother’s intelligence level and was tricked by her!"】

【The next second, a large spider monster spun out spider silk and entangled Bai Zhi. She was still thinking about tactics before she had time to dodge, and then a spider monster bit her hard.】

【The toxin spread on her white body, which was especially obvious】

【"Is it poisonous? hateful!"】

【Using magic to cut off the head of the large spider monster, Bai Zhi was able to break free and escape with his semi-paralyzed body.】

【"It's too passive to continue like this. I can only bring these guys to the middle level and catch them all!"】

【He used the poisonous fog to create his own opportunity to escape, but on his way to the middle floor, he was blocked by a ceramic doll.】

【The puppet cut off Bai Zhi's two forelimbs at an extremely fast speed, completely missing his movements.】

"oh! A new battle is coming! Come on, Spider-Man!"

"This person idolizes that kind of killer weapon!"

"I have experienced so many extreme battles! She won't be knocked down by such a small thing!"

Everyone cheered for Spider Zi at the other end of the video. Even though the sound might not reach the other end, they couldn't help but feel excited.

【First, use dark bullets to repel the menacing pursuers on both sides, and then sacrifice seven eyes to use as evil eyes of curse to absorb MP.】

【The large spider monsters can only be repeled with the Dark Gun, which can only be said to be a complete disadvantage.】

【What's more, the parallel consciousness is not there, so you can't use more magic at the same time.】

【Use dream magic to create illusions for large spider monsters, allowing them to attack the phantoms, while Bai Zhi jumps to the top of the ceiling and continues to release dark bombs to sneak attack them】

【Finally, use the evil eye to eliminate the large spider monster, upgrade yourself, resurrect yourself, and barely be safe after using teleportation magic to escape to the middle floor.】

【The scene changed. Bai Zhi finally returned to deal with the puppet monsters and the remaining spiders, and was fishing leisurely on the sea.】

【But at this time, there was movement from the shore not far away, as if something exploded.】


The identification has been hindered

【"No! Wisdom activates!"】

Original spider monster LV139 name Ariel

【What was presented to Bai Zhi next were skills as long as the paper and data with no end in sight.】

【He also has the title of ancient mythical beast and demon king.】

【Bai Zhi regretted it, he would have stopped watching if he had known it!】

【I saw Ariel in the distance raising her hand】


【Bai Zhi turned into pieces and drifted on the ocean, and then Ariel turned around and left.】

【Bai Zhi, who was drifting along with the waves, sighed that he had immortal skills, otherwise the move just now would have been in vain.】

【After confirming that Ariel had gone far, Bai Zhi began to simply hunt down some creatures in the ocean, resurrecting his body and splicing it together. It was already late at night.】

【What a coincidence, Bai Zhi was rushed to the edge of the town.】

【I found a lot of hooded people lurking around, and looked with my clairvoyance. I saw that the rescued Sophia and her family happened to be living in the town.】

【Out of the mentality of a good man who will fight to the end, Bai Zhi built a new nest in the tree and dealt with all the uninvited guests who tried to assassinate Sophia's family.】

【Because of this, Bai Zhi's name began to spread in the town through his wife's mouth】

【He even worshiped Bai Zhi as a sacred beast. This matter began to gradually expand, but it gave the lord a headache.】

【As always, when Bai Zhi was hanging on the tree and looking around to see if there were any thieves, a sallow-looking woman ran over holding her child.】

【"Lord Divine Beast! Please save my child!"】

【"Eh?....You asked me to save him, but I am not a mythical beast. You are looking for the wrong spider."】

【But after thinking for a while, Bai Zhi still felt a little soft-hearted. After landing, he touched the child in the woman's arms, which activated the identification function. 】

Liver cancer bad food

【"Suffering from liver cancer at such a young age?"】

【Bai Zhi looked at the woman holding the child. 】

Nutritional imbalance, weakening of internal organs, failure of internal organs (to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"Alas, mothers are also covered in injuries."】


【"Forget it, it’s just idle time anyway."】

【Bai Zhi waved his hand gently and used healing magic to heal the mother and son together. After a burst of light, the two seemed to have changed their appearance and looked radiant.】

【"Hum! Be grateful to me! At the same time, take this as a warning to eat well and pay attention to a regular schedule! Eat a balanced meal!"】

【Although the two of them couldn't understand what she was saying, it was just the sound of a spider squeaking.】

【The mother and son kept bowing to Bai Zhi, took out an apple from their pockets and handed it to Bai Zhi before running back to the village.】

【"Thank you so much!"】

【"Great! Good intentions pay off!"】

【After returning to the tree with the apples, Bai Zhi sunbathed on all fours and fell asleep.】

【But was awakened by the noisy conversation】

【"What's so noisy?"】

【"Uh-huh?! What's going on!"】

【Bai Zhi looked at the large group of humans lining up from the forest to the town, and things started to look bad...."】

"The master is really good at rejuvenating himself, hahaha"

"Hua Tuo is reincarnated!"

"What is this called, expert consultation!"

The audience talked about it with great enthusiasm

"Speaking of which, the word mythical beast should refer to Ariel, right? That ancient mythical beast turned into a spider by accident."

"But it might feel good to be hailed as a god and savior."

【Video continues】

【I would never have thought that a white eight-eyed spider monster was regarded as a mythical beast by people, and a pavilion was built for her to rest. Even fruit tributes and worshipers came in an endless stream.】

【But as long as a little cure for human beings can be exchanged for a life of plenty of food and drink, Bai Zhi still accepts it and spends his days peacefully, while also protecting Sophia secretly.】

【But the Demon King's sense of crisis is still everywhere. If you look at the current situation of the Queen Spider, the average value is only about 6,000!】

【good chance!】

【Bai Zhi immediately teleported back to the lower level of the maze to kill the Queen Spider.】

【But it was not that easy, and she was also cut into pieces by five horses. Fortunately, she escaped the law of revolving lanterns with her immortality skills, plus the power brought by the parallel consciousness that had previously eaten the spiritual body.】

【At the last moment, he was able to fight back, but without the recovery of a parallel consciousness, the body minister ran to the devil's spiritual body!】

【And the Demon King turned back and rushed here. Fortunately, the Demon King did not have the teleportation skill, which gave Bai Zhi time to escape.】

【To put it bluntly, I ran back and stole my mother's hometown, and then ran back to live as a mythical beast.】

【the next day】

【The person who claimed to be the diplomatic ambassador of the Kingdom of Oz said that Bai Zhi has been owned by the Kingdom of Oz and they will raise her in the future.】

【Of course, Bai Zhi ate the fruit and did not hear the words of the diplomatic ambassador who was as ugly as a fat pig.】

【"Well, you have no right to refuse! follow us"】

【Bai Zhi swallowed a whole watermelon, and then sprayed the seeds on his face like a machine gun】


【Then he opened the spider web, put the fruit into the spider web, and returned to the forest carrying the things.】

【"Where are you going? Just a bug! It turns out that insects look down upon others! hateful!"】

【"This guy is literally carved in the mold of a villain."】

【But also because of Bai Zhi's existence, it brought huge social pressure to the country, making the lord haggard. Although I have broadened my network of contacts, it also includes many uninvited guests.】

【Bai Zhi lay lazily on the tree and enjoyed delicious fruits】

【In fact, I had long wanted to fly away, but I was worried that vampires would be targeted by strange people and put them in danger, so I accidentally showed up in this country.】

【And it’s hard to give up the life of delicious fruits that are provided every day】

【Anyway, if the devil catches up with him, he will pack up and run away.】

【Bai Zhi used his clairvoyance to see what the Demon King was doing now, and found that she was still having a fire fight underground in the maze.】

【"Although I don’t know who is holding the Demon King back, but as long as I can hold her back, I can’t help but come on, Earth Dragon, I’m on your side."】

【sizzling lala——】

【Just like before in the midfield, the thick branches on the side became distorted.】

【And then the man appeared in front of him】

【"Could you please stop attacking Ariel?"】

【"Eh? ? ? Stop attacking? who? I?"】.............

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