【"This guy suddenly appeared after I defeated the fire dragon, and now he appears again. What's going on?"】

【I saw the man raising his arms with no intention of attacking.】

【"I have no intention of doing anything to you. This is probably the first time for me to communicate like this. I am the manager, Qiuledistyes."】

【His name is really long, let’s just call him Qiu Lie Qiu Lie】

【"I have something to ask you"】

【please me?】

【"Could you please stop attacking Ariel?"】

【Bai Zhi was stunned. He had never actively attacked Demon King Ariel.】

【But when I thought about it, I actually did. Because the body director went into the Demon King's body without permission and couldn't come back, and he couldn't contact her.】

【"I understand that my opinion is unreasonable, so if you reject it, I won’t say anything more."】

【Facing such a serious social situation for the first time, Bai Zhi became a little hesitant.】

【"That, sorry, can't be done"】

【Qiuledistyes' brows suddenly knit together.】


【"How should I put it, what is attacking now is my parallel consciousness, which is a kind of existence of the clone. In fact, on my side...I can't contact her anymore, and I can't recover it, so...."】


【Kyuledistyes sighed】

【"I'm sorry for making excessive demands without knowing your situation."】

【Bai Zhi began to secretly rejoice. If he continued to indulge the body minister to attack the Demon King, could he take the opportunity to defeat the Demon King?】

【"I have one more thing to ask you"】


【"I hope you will not continue to have contact with the human race in the future, and can you find a place to live in seclusion. I'm sorry that you were involved because of the relationship in our world, but your power is too strong now"】

【Bai Zhi actually felt a little pleased in his heart. It felt very comfortable to hear words from others proving that he was strong.】

【"Every time you take action, you trigger a huge distortion that cannot be ignored. This will bring huge chaos to the world. I know that I often make unkind requests, but can you please consider it again?"】

【Seeing the sincere attitude of Qiuledistyes who had already knelt down on one knee, Bai Zhi felt a little awkward, so he still had to reply properly.】

【"but....Allow me to refuse. I accidentally learned about the system of this world through taboos. If this continues, the world I live in will be destroyed. I cannot sit still and wait for death. I want to follow my own ideas"】

【"Not at all, right? In the eyes of people from other worlds, does what I do look funny?"】

【"I can't answer your question. After all, it's none of your business. However, you can just act according to your own will."】

【Qiuledistyes opened his eyes slightly and looked at Bai Zhi, then nodded and muttered something to himself】

【"Goodbye today, goodbye"】

【After saying that, he left here】

【When Qiuledistyes left, Bai Zhi slumped on the ground like a puddle of soft mud. Being a manager is not easy either.】

【Just as Bai Zhi was about to fall into a beautiful dream again, he was attacked by someone.】

【But the visitors were just ordinary humans. They all died just by using the evil eye. A closer look revealed that they were the diplomat's subordinates.】

【In anger, Bai Zhi activated the evil eye from a long distance and killed the diplomat.】

【It was with this move that a new war situation began.】

"I have to say, this guy is so polite, it feels good.."

"He is the manager of this world, so D is above him?"

"After all, D can communicate with him as an equal? At least there won't be much of a difference, right?"

Wakaba Jisei looked at Bai Zhi who was running around in the video and was full of inner drama.

"But it’s almost over"

"Will there be any evolution in the end?"

Jack asked curiously, Ruoye Jise pointed at himself and smiled.

"Will evolve into a great beauty like me"

【Video continues】

【Bai Zhi, who was watching the soldiers fighting, was involved in the war. Rather, it was the sudden arrival of the Demon King that caught her unexpectedly.】

【And her clone took another hit from the abyss magic, and the immortal effect could no longer be activated.】

【But still not dead】

【Bai Zhi, break out of the shell!】

【The skill stolen from the queen spider - laying eggs】

【Bai Zhi has carefully considered this skill and can create his own split clone. Maybe he can transplant his parallel consciousness into it.】

【The body relies on skills to survive, and the soul relies on breaking the shell to be reborn, thus achieving immortality in a sense.】

【"By the way, I seemed to hear the voice of evolution just now. 】

You can choose to evolve Lady Spider

【"Evolve evolve!"】

【The next second after confirmation, Bai Zhi turned into a combination of a superior man and a inferior spider.】

【The human body is that of a beautiful girl with beautiful snow-like hair. Her face is exactly the same as before reincarnation, that is, she has the same color as Wakaba Hime, but her eyes are relatively scary.】

【There seem to be four pupils in one eye, but it still looks closer to a human being.】

【Bai Zhi simply knitted himself a suit of clothes with spider webs and hurried back to the battlefield, fearing that Sophia, the vampire, was in danger.】

【the other side of the lens】

【Sofia used her skill retinue to turn Melazophis into a vampire, but she still seemed particularly weak when faced with the attack from the elf leader Potinas.】

【When Potinas was about to execute Melazophis, Shiraori suddenly used teleportation magic to reach him.】


【Bai Zhi waved his fist and gave Potinas a blow, and Potinas was knocked away and hit the wall hard.】

【Sophia looked at Bai Zhi at this time, her face was exactly the same as Wakaba Hime before she was alive, but she became colder.】

【"Okay, let’s test out what we just learned! Distorted Magic Eye!"】

【Bai Zhi looked at the two shivering people standing aside. Suddenly, they were twisted and twisted like rags, and finally fell to the ground like a twist.】

【"Although it looks very powerful, you can easily dodge it as long as you don't stay where you are."】

【Bai Zhi looked back at the scarred Melazophis and healed him with magic】

【"not an enemy...?"] (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Bai Zhi smiled and nodded.】

【"Obstructed by strange creatures"】

【Potinas's voice suddenly sounded, and he took steps from the ruins, approaching the three of them step by step.】

【"He was not knocked down by my fierce punch? Wait, the wisdom that can even clearly see the Demon King's numerical value is ineffective!"】

【"Is the spider monster a descendant of Ariel? But I have never seen such a creature, who are you?"】

【Seeing the menacing Botinas, Bai Zhi felt a little bad. The best option for the group at the moment was to take the two people and run away.】

【"Don't even think about it!"】

【As soon as Bai Zhi opened the magic circle, it was offset by something launched by Potiers. Moreover, all kinds of permanent skills and magic could no longer be used, and he could only wave his hands dryly.】

【"My name is Potinas Paphinas, I admit itEnough to be my enemy"】

【Then he punches and kicks Bai Zhi, and he will bleed as long as he touches the attack even slightly.】

【However, in Bai Zhi's current form, his huge body cannot move freely at all. It is too heavy, and he cannot use magic. He is suddenly at a disadvantage.】

【Accelerated thinking can still be used. The ability is not completely ineffective, but can only take effect within the body. The upper body of the human body can no longer use anything.】

【Bai Zhi finally seized the opportunity and punched Potinas, but the feeling was like hitting a metal object.】

【Keep looking for opportunities and keep attacking】

【But Potinas was like a painless machine, and his movements didn’t slow down even a minute.】

【Finally he fell down, but when he stood up again, the flesh on half of his face had disappeared, revealing a metal skeleton-like inner body.】

【".What is this! What kind of Schwarzenegger robot are you?"】

【The battle could only be stalemate without any progress. Just when Bai Zhi was distressed, suddenly a big hole was broken in the house, and someone fell from the sky again.】

【It's Ariel】

【"Yeah, the devil girl Ariel makes a gorgeous appearance!"】

【"ha! Why does the devil appear here! No, does the Demon King have this kind of personality?"】


【"Nabotinas, why are you here?"】

【"who knows"】

【Ariel stomped the ground hard, as if the earth was shaking.】

【"Tell me honestly, or do you want me to force you to tell me?"】

【Seeing that Tinas had nothing to say, Ariel cut off his head with a wave of his hand.】

【"Can't this body compete with you?"】

【"Sooner or later, I will make your true body look like this one day"】

【Then, Ariel crushed Potinas' head with her foot, and the world finally became quiet.】

【Turning around, Ariel looked at Bai Zhi and walked toward her step by step (Zhao Qianzhao)】

【"How about a ceasefire? Then I seemed to have merged with some former body minister, and I had no intention of fighting you anymore."】

【"Really! It would be great!"】

【Ever since, Ariel stretched out her hand, and Bai Zhi shook it after a while.】

【Before dawn, the group of people was taken away from this territory by Ariel.....】

【The video also fell into darkness at this point]

After seeing this, the audience was a little unfinished, but they didn’t expect it to end as soon as the devil appeared.

"Is this the end?"

"Is that the Demon King? There is no introduction at all. It seems a bit ordinary. Is he really the protagonist of Spider-Man? ? ?"

Everyone looked at the video that had ended in confusion, and they still had some unfinished thoughts.

"ordinary? Stupid thing, take back your words, you dare to comment on our devil like this!"

"Haha, he is a subordinate of the Demon King. I really want to see what your doll-like Demon King is capable of."

Some villains who are also demon kings are quite disdainful and do not think highly of Alice.

"It turns out that there is such a beautiful Demon King, and she also dresses boldly. It would be great to work under her."

While everyone was commenting on how Alice was doing, the dark screen lit up here.

【The Resurrection of the Seven Deadly Sins Commandments]

The World of the Seven Deadly Sins

"? ? Paper?"

For a moment, the group of people in the Seven Deadly Sins world fell into silence.

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