【"Lucy, listen to me"】

【"say what? It's extremely urgent now"】

【"Transformation canceled"】

【As soon as he finished speaking, Happy's wings disappeared, and the two of them fell completely onto the sea. But it was okay, Lucy found her key.】

【Natsu was surrounded by those guys on the ship】

【"Are you the ones who said Fairy Tail?"】

【Lucy summoned the Aquarius Magical Beast, but the other party was very cold and used her own moves to destroy the entire ship. Natsu innocently rushed to the shore carrying a huge whirlpool on his back.】

【"Are you the wizard from Fairy Tail?"】

【Natsu's expression was quite heavy, and at this moment, Happy finally told the truth of everything.】

【"So what? Kill this brat for me"】

【"Let me take a good look at your face"】

【Just when they were worried, Happy finally spoke】

【"I forgot to tell you, Natsu is also a magician"】

【And the one with three strikes, five divided by two,"five, two, seven" successfully eliminated all the minions and then repeatedly questioned the blue-haired man.】

【"Fairy Tail? Why have I never seen you?"】

【In less than two minutes, these thirty or so minions were all killed.】

【"Fairy Tail, is it possible that Natsu is the wizard of Fairy Tail?"】

【Until now. Only then did Lucy understand everything, and when he looked at the crest on that shoulder, wasn't this the crest of the Fairy Tail guild? 】

Pirate World.

Sanji finally understood and was completely shocked.

Unexpectedly, the Fairy Tail guild member Lucy had been looking for turned out to be by his side.

"Are Fairy Tail guild members finally showing up?"

"After waiting for so long, he finally appeared"

【Everyone else in the video was almost stunned. The crest on his shoulder was indeed a member of the Fairy Tail guild.】

【"That's true. Read that article quickly, Master Pola."】

【"Don't call me by that name"】

【The blue-haired man was completely shocked and angry, and he seemed to be hiding other identities】

【"Pola, Pola of the Red Sky. Someone who was kicked out of the Giant's Nose Guild a few years ago"】

【At this moment, he walked slowly towards him with a dark face. He would never forgive this guy for pretending to be a member of the Fairy Tail Guild and cheating.】

【"It's none of my business whether you're a bastard or a good person."】

【"But the only thing that doesn’t allow you to pretend to be Fairy Tail"】

【"So what, kid?"】

【This man doesn't seem to know that he is in trouble, and you continue to provoke him here. ]

Over1 world.

Ainz's temperament is now high. He wants to see what magisters in other parallel worlds can achieve.

"A magician? I want to see what level his magic can reach."

"It seems to be getting more and more interesting"

【"red sky typhoon"】

【The huge blood-red whirlwind hit Natsu's position at the front.】

【The magic circle unfolded, and the whirlwind explosion created a huge impact. After the impact, the flames were burning rapidly.】

【The entire deck of the ship was shaken to pieces. The ship had completely floated on the island due to the previous water whirlpool.】

【It was already late at night in this town, and the loud explosions came one after another, scaring away thousands of girls who once worshiped her.】

【But now, he was completely afraid. The feeling of fear arose spontaneously, and he ran for his life in all directions, completely forgetting his previous sense of superiority.】

【The flames were burning, and at the same time, thick black smoke was rising into the sky. Making the already dark sky look even darker】

【Natsu's figure gradually disappeared in the flames, and everyone calmed down.】

【"The more braggadocious a person is, the weaker their power is. Even Fairy Tail can't stop one of my magic attacks."】

【And when Lucy was completely immersed in worry】

【The blue-haired man also planned to evacuate the scene after this move. There was nothing to worry about next. Anyone who threatens you has been defeated by yourself】

【"It’s unpalatable"] (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Deep in the flames, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice came, and the blue-haired man fell into shock. This was probably the first time that this man named Labo felt fear.】

【Unconsciously, the voice gradually became more passionate】

【What does unpalatable mean? The blue-haired man gradually turned around, and at the same time, he saw a short figure standing in the middle of the flames.】

【This guy actually swallowed fire】

【"Are you really the wizard of fire?"]

This move completely shocked everyone present, and people in other worlds were also frightened.

Red Eyes World

"What the hell is this? He can actually swallow flames. What's going on with this guy?"

One Piece World

"Is this magic? Can this man actually swallow fire?"

"He's so strong, but he doesn't look like someone with fruit abilities."

Over1 world

"The resistance to flames is really high. What is the origin of this man? No one can hold such a flame?"

【"This is the first time I have eaten such unpalatable flames"】

【Natsu's move completely shocked the blue-haired man and his men present. They were completely frightened because this man was so terrifying. He can actually swallow fire. For the first time, someone can eat fire as food】

【Even Lucy was dumbfounded. In an instant, all the flames were swallowed up by the man in front of her..】

【"thanks for treatment"】

【"What is going on with this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, are. What the hell is going on?"】

【"Fire has no effect on Natsu"】

【"After eating, the power of fire comes"】

【"Come on, roar of the fire dragon!!!"】

【At the same time, Natsu exploded with the huge power contained in his body, and the surrounding flames surrounded his whole body. After that, the true body of the fire dragon seemed to be sacrificed behind his figure, and the magic circle unfolded.】

【And then everyone realized that he turned out to be the fire dragon himself】

【A huge flame beam of more than ten meters long spurted out towards the position of the blue-haired man at the front. The high heat of this flame seemed to have surpassed other flames, and was followed by a huge deafening explosion, causing half of the town to explode. The port was completely in panic】

【Paula used magic to successfully dodge this move and floated into the sky.】

【"Lord Pola, I have seen this guy. The scarf with cherry-colored hair and scales is unmistakable. This guy is the real deal.....Fire dragon!】

【After this, the entire town and almost the entire port were completely enveloped in flames, and the red-haired man in front of him burst out with unprecedented power.】

【Infinite murderous intent shot out from the surrounding airflow, and at the same time, the man's surroundings were completely burned by blazing fire.】

【"Remember this, this is the wizard of Fairy Tail!"】

【After saying that, Natsu rushed towards Pola at the front at an extremely fast speed that could not be caught by the naked eye. Pola used the baptism of the storm to separate his magic, and flew towards Natsu like raindrops. Fight him, but Natsu is obviously faster than him.】

【All skills were invalidated, and then the flaming fist instantly hit Pola's face, and then a storm of 3.6 attacks was rapidly gushing out.】

【"Eating fire and hitting people with flames. Is this really magic?"】

【It was obvious that Lucy was completely shocked by Natsu's various moves in front of her, because it had surpassed his knowledge of magic. ]

Even people in other worlds were completely surprised.

Over1 world.

It also uses imitation, so this thing has the biggest impact on Ainz.

"Where does this guy come from? Something I've never seen before"

"Can anyone actually use magic to this extent?"

One Piece World.

Sanji was found by a shemale again, and then continued to be tortured. The video played again. Even he and the shemale were attracted by this video.

"Who is this guy? Can a person with fruit abilities or someone else be able to use fire to this extent? This fight scene is really awesome"

"God, this boy is so handsome and strong! I really want to date him."

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