Seeing this scene, everyone in other worlds was stunned.

One Piece World

"Although it's a bit unclear, I already know the reasons. But Natsu is probably not a fool."

Zoro is currently lying on Kraikana Island recovering from his injuries. At this time, he saw this video and began to pay attention to the content in the video.

Now Luffy has gone to the prison.

He is preparing to rescue Ace before he is executed. Ace


【Gray was stunned behind him. He had just begun to understand his extreme method, which seemed to be somewhat wrong.】

【It's really stupid and ridiculous to protect those things in order to sacrifice yourself, at least that's what Natsu thinks.】

【"I'm going to beat the shit out of that guy a million times. I'll leave it to you here"】

Bgm Yu sounded at this time

【Gray, who was still in a confused stage, was directly awakened by his words. The fighting spirit was once again ignited】

【"It would be such a disgrace to your reputation if you lose."】


【Gray lowered his head and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, then nodded.】

【"I'm not referring to you"】

【"I know"】

【In order to avenge his master, he must defeat Leon no matter what. He must not let him do whatever he wants and let his master disappear into the memories of others.】

【At the same time, behind them, the more important thing is the guild】

【"It's from Fairy Tail"】

【The two said the same thing at the same time, and he supported it again, and the atmosphere was completely ignited.】

【The two of them looked at each other and smiled, preparing for the final battle.】

【"It's really too much trouble. You had already predicted it when I was about to use Absolute Ice. Will you stop it that time?"】

【Gray turned to ask Leon. And now Leon's expression is very cold. He seems to have already frozen his conscience, and has no other ideas except transcendence.】


【"Even if I am frozen, I will never give up my idea, and this is an island that can be completely frozen with moon drops."】

【"So even so, do you still want to end things with me?"】

【Gray hesitated】

【"Just you can't win...."】

【"Stop it"】

【Before Leon could finish speaking, Gray interrupted his conversation.】

【"Give up Deliola"】

【"What nonsense are you talking about?"】

【"Lean, listen carefully, Uru is still alive"】

【After hearing this, Lean was completely shocked. At this moment, Gray was finally ready to tell the truth.】

【"The ice that sealed Deliora back then, the ice you want to melt now, is Uru!"】

【At this moment, Li Yang was completely shocked. His eyes were completely dilated and his pupils were trembling. He seemed to recall everything that had happened in the past.】

【"Uru turned into ice and is still alive~"】

【"Sorry, I kept hiding it from you before. This is an agreement with Ulu"】

【Gray's mind recalled Ulu's previous voice.】

【"If that guy knew about it, he would have wasted his whole life trying to remove this magic."】

【"Leon, so it’s better to give up on this kind of thing"】

【Just after Gray said these words, Leon suddenly appeared next to Gray, and ice magic instantly penetrated Gray's body.】

【The speed was so fast that Gray could not imagine it, and then a leopard formed from ice. Suddenly penetrated Gray's body and came out from the back】

【Gray was completely exhausted. Half-kneeling on the ground, he had completely lost half of his physical strength from this attack. Unable to withstand the sudden attack of this move, he suffered unprecedented damage.】

【"I know, such boring stuff. That's not Uru anymore, it's just ice chips"】

【Leon showed a very sinister expression, as if he was proud that his sudden attack had succeeded.】

【"Did you know this a long time ago?"】

【Greedo's exhausted body was shaken by this move and he fell to the ground. Only now did he understand that Leon's surprised expression just now was all fake.】

【"youIt's impossible to really believe that Uru is still alive or something. Grow up quickly"】

【But Gray, who originally treated him sincerely, was suddenly completely off guard by what Leon said. He is really angry now】

【The pain at this moment made his face look hideous】

【"You know, doing this kind of thing"】

【At this moment, there was only regret in Gray's heart, regret that he really regarded Leon as his senior brother. But he didn't expect that the villain in front of him had already changed his appearance and became very sinister. cunning! 】

Pirate World

After Sanji learned about these things from the introduction of the first video, he began to understand the purpose of this plot.

And now that I find this guy looks like this, even I can hardly stand it anymore

"What's going on with this guy? Men should be upright"

"Damn it, why are you so insidious?"

【Gray stood up slowly, dragging his staggering body, gnashing his teeth with hatred, and then punched the guy directly and flew away a dozen meters away. Leon was punched in the face and hit the huge ice wall.. And the entire ice wall was knocked out into a huge spider web-shaped pit. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"He's been beaten like that by me, yet he's still able to move"】

【This time Leon was really surprised. 】

One Piece World

"Well done, that's how you should treat him."

Sanji hid behind a tree in order to escape from the human monster.

He was still watching this scene, but suddenly he heard someone behind him calling his name in a very disgusting tone.

He was so scared that he couldn't stand it. Don't dare to speak out

【"It's reached its limit"】

【"I originally wanted to help you, but I've reached my limit."】

【Gray's eyes seemed to become very determined, probably because he just heard Natsu's words. It may also be because after seeing Leon's true face just now, I am even more convinced that I must stop Leon no matter what.】

【"Do you want to have a fight with your senior brother?"】

【Leon stood up slowly, seemingly ready for the final battle.】

【"My stop with Deriola is imminent. I don't want to waste my magic power"】

【Gray slowly raised his arm, drilled his fist and pointed at Leon】

【"Then use your fists to solve it"】

【"In other words, it means no magic is used. Just what I want"】

【After that, Gray was so quick that he clenched his fists and rushed towards Leon. Unexpectedly, Liyang was faster and hit Gray directly in the lower abdomen with a heart-wrenching punch. The huge momentum of this punch was really unbearable for Gray.】

【"Fighting is just about attacking your opponent's weakness, that's what Uru teaches, right?"】

【And every time Gray heard Leon mention Uru's name, he became extremely angry.】

【"You are not allowed to say that name"】

Over1 Realm

, Ainz was shocked by the way the two of them fought.

"This doesn't look like a magician at all. How can he use his fists to solve battles?"

"A real magician should use magic"

【When Gray was about to fight back again, he was kicked in the abdomen again by Leon.】

【The one on the other side continued to chase the man with the mask. At the same time, the guy finally activated his magic power, and there were stones floating in the sky.】

【"`.This is how I restore ruins. It's magic that can be erased from history."】

【"So does your dragon-slaying magic."】

【Only then did Natsu realize that his own magic was also erased from history? But before he could react, the masked man in front of him suddenly disappeared.】

【His mentality was even worse now. He had been chasing after him just now, but now he suddenly disappeared. 】

This is indeed a bit of a mentality

【On the other side, Gray began to cheer up gradually, and the two continued to confront each other.】

【But Gray, who had endured two huge blows, had already begun to tremble. His body seemed to be losing control, and the immense pain and exhaustion made it impossible for him to endure any more pressure.】

【"Don't you want to end it with your fist?"】

【When Gray heard this, he became even more angry. When he waved his fist and prepared to fight back, he was kicked by Leon and flew dozens of meters away, and then directly hit the huge ice block.】

【This huge vibration instantly shattered the huge ice block behind it, forming a huge crater again, and the entire ice block had already cracked, and the cracks were still spreading everywhere.】

【Gray sat on the ground, squeezing on the ice behind him. He seemed to be recalling the past.】

【"Speaking of which, there was a guy who fought with me like this before."】

【And (Li Haozhao) at this moment, Gray had just finished saying this, and Leon at the front took the initiative. While clenching his fists, he rushed toward Gray, who was lying on the ground and taking a deep breath.】

【This punch hit Gray hard again, and this time the impact was stronger than before. It actually shattered the ice behind him and hit the wall of the huge ruins.】

【Gray showed signs of pain and then vomited a mouthful of blood.】

【And here, this is when he seemed to recall the memories between himself and Natsu】

【"stand up"】

【Gray and Natsu have been training in hand-to-hand combat since they were young.】

【And every time Natsu was beaten to the ground, he still shouted to stand up.】

【The fight continued without stopping. When both of them were exhausted, it was time for the duel to be completely terminated.】

【But this time Natsu fell heavily to the ground and took a deep breath. He no longer had the strength to stand up anymore.】

【"This time I won"】

【And every time, it seemed that Gray stood up easily and surpassed Natsu.】

【"stop...It's not over yet."luck" psI recommend a pirate novel written by a friend. You can read it. The title of the book is: I am an undercover naval officer, picking up attributes and becoming a general!

The writing is quite good, and the writer is a lovely girl~.

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