【But before that, Gray was shocked by Natsu's perseverance.】

【No matter how many times you are knocked down, you will never give up. This is what makes a man so handsome.】

【At this moment, he was already on the wall, unable to stand up, trying to use deep breaths to adjust his condition, but the pain all over his body could no longer be endured. He has already reached his limit】

【After these few moves, Leon also felt a little tired and was panting heavily.】

【"These guys are no match for me after all"】

【And Leon was about to leave. Pictures similar to when I was a child suddenly appeared】

【And this time it was not Natsu who stood up, but Gray】

【"It's not over yet"】

【Gray whispered in a weak tone.】

【"you wanna die"】

【After speaking, Leon rushed towards Gray again, preparing to give him the final fatal blow. But he didn't expect that Gray would also activate his power now, and both sides' fists would hit each other's face.】

【But this time it was Leon who flew out.】

【Leon was hit hard on the broken ice, and this punch also caused the ice behind to be smashed into pieces.】

【"How could I lose!"】

【Gray clenched his fists after learning about Leon's ugly face. Already in complete rage】

【He roared loudly towards Leon who fell to the ground.】

【And the huge changes caused by this huge vibration blocked the scene at the front.】

【A familiar figure passed through the ice mist and punched Gray directly. Leon was still able to stand up again.】

【This punch hit Gray hard on the face again, but Gray did not fall.】

【"Also for the guy who is as good as me"】

【At this moment, he has completely become excited. He has been beaten many times, but he still stands up every time. In order to win the final victory, he gave up everything】

【"I can't lose!"Gray roared.】

【The two were sparring wildly. The fight between him and Leon now was like the fight between Gray and Natsu when he was young, completely similar. 】

Tutoring World

All members are now at Sawada Tsunayoshi's home.

Good guy, it's completely on fire now.

Even Li Baoen was moved by his perseverance.

"You see, you loser A Gang! This is the spirit you need to learn, you know?"

【But now in this ruins, both of them seemed to have exhausted all their strength, waving their fists wildly at each other, just to maintain their beliefs.】

【"I won't lose, I'll beat you up."Gray continued to roar.]

Pirate World.

Sanji was completely moved.

He was still hiding in the forest watching the video.

And because he was too emotional, he shouted out directly

"That's right, beat him up, Gray."

The sound turned out to be too loud, and finally attracted the attention of those shemales.

Now after eating, he was completely discovered, and he had to continue running.

Sanji's mentality collapsed. He was so absorbed in watching the video.

【"It’s so noisy!"】

【Both were shouting and roaring. Although I don’t know why, the sky at that time was indeed very exciting.】

【Recalling what happened in the past, Gray completely ignited his fighting spirit, and then hit Leon hard in the face with his last punch. Leon flew more than ten meters and fell heavily to the ground.】

【Outside, Lucy is still fighting with Happy and the others against the soldiers outside the ruins.】

【As a result, Gray, who had already relaxed his vigilance inside the ruins, was suddenly (abeh) attacked by magic at this time.】

【An ice dragon bit him and randomly knocked him away.】

【"How can I lose to you? Absolutely not"】

【"You kid, this is a violation of the agreement."】

【Gray, who was sitting on the ground and covering his wounds, was quite unhappy after being suddenly attacked.】

【This guy has reached the extreme level of insidiousness.】

【"I don't care that much. No matter how hard you struggle, Deliora will be resurrected soon, and no one can stop it."】

【Leon's obsession was too deep, and when he said these words, his expression had reached a ferocious level.】

【Gray stood up slowly】

【"I will definitely stop it"】

【"Now that Saluti is performing the Moon Drop ritual, do you still think you can stop it?"】

【Leon took off his coat and once again showed a proud expression. Now no one can stop the Moon Drop ceremony.】

【"Don't underestimate Natsu, you're not even as good as one of that guy's fingers."】

【On the other side, Saluti, who was wearing a red mask, finally arrived at the launch location of the Moon Drop.】

【But he didn't expect that Natsu had been following him, and now he was waving his fists and attacking towards his side in an attempt to stop him.】

【"I really underestimated you, you were able to chase me here."Saruti couldn't believe it. Could it be that her magic didn't work?】

【"I have a very good nose, and by the way, you smell like women's perfume."】

【"Hahaha, what's the use of saying this? I will resurrect Deliora no matter what."】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【But Natsu showed an even more proud expression.】

【"Save it, it's no longer possible"】


【"Because Gray will blow that guy away, and then I'll blow you away."】

【The fire dragon circled up. Natsu had already been entangled with this man. In order to win this battle, he had no choice but to use explosive magic in the ruins.】

【The red-haired masked man at the front of the fire dragon opened his bloody mask and rushed over. Today's huge explosion sound caused a very violent vibration throughout the ruins.】

【It did fall from directly above, and then began to attack rapidly.】

【Natsu clenched his fists and prepared to charge forward.】

【"Are you kidding me? Are you using fire magic here? This will only speed up the defrosting process."】

【But the ice next to it has indeed begun to melt, and its black and purple crystals are indeed like water.】

【And just when the man next to him was feeling proud, the next kick directly broke the stone and completely shocked him who was hiding behind the stone.】

【"If you could use fire to melt ice, then you wouldn't have to go through such a big effort, right?"】

【"So get rid of you quickly, and then let me kill the guys on the top of the mountain. Everything is over."】

【Deliora's thawing doesn't seem to be accelerating, Natsu is right.】

【"So I said that if my fire magic could be thawed, you wouldn't be in such trouble. Stop lying to me here"】

【"His reaction speed and ability to improvise on the field are really amazing."】

【The load this punch brought to him was too serious. As a result, the entire ruins was completely shaken. Gray and Leon, who continued to fight here, could clearly feel that the ruins seemed to be changing.】

【"It started shaking again"】

【"That means that the ritual of the Moon Drop has been carried out and Deliora's ice has begun to melt."】

【Leon now showed a lewd and proud expression, but Gray next to him felt something was wrong.】

【If this is really the case, wouldn't he?....】

One Piece World

"Where is the mage here? It's obviously a close combat."

Sanji can't stand it anymore, but is his fire-breathing skill really stronger than the so-called fire dragon? Maybe his anger can also materialize and burn.

【"It seems that's the end of it. You couldn't stop me. Do you know how long I have been waiting for this moment?"】

【"In the past ten years, I gathered my companions to accumulate knowledge, and finally discovered this island, the island where moonlight is collected, Garuna!"】

【As Leon spoke, he prepared to activate his magic, and the ice gradually materialized, forming countless arrows made of ice.】

【These four or five consecutive shots of ice arrows were in the sky as imagined. Then it aimed at Gray's position and fell quickly, but the ice arrow did not disappear. It was like it had a tracking effect and was chasing Gray madly.】

【Gray dodged one after another.】

【But he didn’t have any posture to fight back】

【It seems that I have never been able to find an opportunity.】

【Leon also unleashed all his strength at this time, preparing to fight Gray to the death. This man can't stay any longer, but at the same time, the Moon Drop ritual has really started over there.】

【At this moment, just as Gray was about to fight back, he found that Leon suddenly disappeared in front of him. When he reacted again, he found that he had appeared behind him, and the ice magic had already been stored. Finished】

【"Snow tiger that makes ice!"】

【At this moment, Gray was holding the sword of ice. When he looked back, he found a huge beast in the sky, completely made of ice. It's rushing towards me very quickly】

【The creaking sound was deafening! Make him feel very bored】

【And just when the tiger was about to fall, he realized that everything was a trap.】

【In fact, Gray had already prepared countermeasures, but was just waiting for him to take action first and find loopholes. Now his flaw has come】

【Gray jumped up and jumped into the sky with a harem flip. The ice magic condensed instantly, and then a huge iron cage with a height of more than ten meters appeared instantly from the sky. The entire ice tiger was completely suppressed in the iron cage】

【"Create an ice prison!"】

【The speed was so fast that Leon couldn't react at all, and his curling was instantly suppressed, making him unable to continue fighting. Now he was completely surprised】

【At this moment, Gray was standing directly above the ice cage he had created. He lowered his head and looked down at the man who was completely surprised.】

【"Is this your prototype? Always ignorant of the world, a pathetic beast"】

【Gray's eyes were scornful, and he lowered his head to look down at this man. He saw that his defense had been completely broken, and his mentality was completely exploded. Leon fell into anger and tried to fight to the death with Gray at this moment.】

【"Boring, your mere modeling magic, look at me breaking it!!!"]

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