【But no matter how hard the tiger struggled, he couldn't break free from this huge cage, so he tried his best to bite it, but it still didn't help.】

【"The balance of your modeling imitation is not good, so you can't exert your true power."】

【Gray said the last words, and then prepared to launch the final magic circle to end the battle. The blue light instantly filled the entire ruins.】

【Then the tornado formed by the ice condensed floated in the air. With Gray's shout, it completely condensed into a completely new look, just like a cannon.】

【"Ice cannon!"】

【Immediately afterwards, this huge-caliber cannon sprayed out such a powerful ice and snow laser, and after that, a huge hole was penetrated through the entire ruins.】

【In this way, this shot hit Leon's body exactly. Leon's body was completely exhausted. With just one move, it was like Leon fell instantly.】

【Then he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, having no desire to continue fighting this battle. He was fully born】

【Gray is the man standing at the end】

【"This is the teaching of Ulu, isn't it?-"】

【Before he could finish pretending, a deep pain filled his whole body, making him unable to stand up at this time.】

【"It hurts so much. I should have wrapped the wound earlier, otherwise something would really happen."】

【Ice surrounded his body and healed his wounds. 】

Pirate World.

As the war is about to begin, Whitebeard leads his pirate group to the execution site where Ace is executed by the Navy.

Because this game is very important to them, they must win.

And now Luffy actually met Jinbe here.

After rescuing Jinbe, he prepared to go to the navy side with Jinbe, preparing to fight to the death with the navy. In order to rescue Ace, this kind of thing is essential.

At the same time, Ace had already been sent to the execution ground.

There are undercurrents from all sides. In this case, everyone began to launch the most violent attack

【The second video is about to end】

【Searching for the third specially edited video, this is the last one, so stay tuned. 】

Tutoring World

Sawada Tsunayoshi was beaten to the ground by the Six Paths Skull and could not stand up. At this moment, the only trace of death fire left on his head had been burned out.

And because Len has always been in a very special state.

Therefore, it is impossible to let Li Baoen participate in the battle under such circumstances.

"Now it's just you, baby. The person I want to kill next is you."

"Don’t you hate me when you see me trying to kill your apprentice with my own hands? Even now he is still calm. Are you afraid that all your composure is just an act?"

Li Baoen lowered his head and smiled slowly.

Because the video disappeared, now he can give a good explanation.

"Every time Lean suffered from indigestion, his counselor was in a critical condition."

"At this time, Len will awaken, and his shape will continue to change, giving birth to new powers."

"The reason why I didn't fight you is not because the weapon in my hand cannot be used, but because my apprentice has not been killed by you yet, not to mention he can win."

"So I don't hate you at all."

The world of the Seven Deadly Sins.

This is a world completely filled with magic, but when they saw the Fairy Tail video, they found that their magic seemed to be more powerful. And there seemed to be some magic circle or something like that.

"I have never seen it before. What kind of magic is this? Meliodas said softly.

The business of the Pig Hat Booth is pretty good now, and many customers came here to drink when it opened.

But Meliodas' cooking skills are still quite poor as before. , so now we can only hire Ben to be the chef

"Yes, if it were Marlene, could he use such magic?"

"I took a look and found that their magic is more focused on combat, while I am doing academic research."

"What I didn't expect is that this thing is really deceptive. The lethality accompanying their imitation seems to be stronger than in our world."

"Maybe even I can't judge from it."

Dragon Ball World

: The battle between Son Goku and Frieza is still going on. At this moment, he has realized a new ability, which is the vitality bomb.

And when the video ends, the two of them can continue fighting.

"Is there magic in other worlds? Why doesn’t our world have that?"

And Sun Wukong had just finished saying this and realized that all they had seemed to be fighting spirit.

The rest was actually not particularly important to him.

And what was going to happen next was quite terrifying, as shown in the video The playback was also accompanied by various events.

Over1 world.

In the necropolis. After watching this video, Ainz realized that ice magic is so powerful, and for them, the magic of the sacred and the undead is actually in this It is better than anything else in the world

"If there are natural magic users in my world who can compete with the magic of the undead, it seems that I should pay attention to them."

But now for him, he is invincible. There is nothing else to do except filling cups every day.

"When will the next video be played? I can't wait any longer."

At this moment, he is still carrying out what happened after the fight. Of course, the methods he used are also quite cruel.

After all, except for the internal members of his own necropolis, outsiders cannot be trusted. He has always been quite cautious..

He will never allow himself to deviate anywhere. Just on this matter, he has to think about it for a long time.

After much thinking, he finally made this decision to deal with all the winners in the fighting competition. , leave no one alive.

And they must not be discovered by anyone, so letting them die in the cemetery is the best option. As the captain of the Shinigami World

, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni is rumored to have returned from hell. Guy.

And in his body, in the eyes of many people, he is a man stained with the blood of others.

And the crusade here begins. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Just in time When other worlds are considering factors in their own world because of the resonance of the Fairy Tail world, the third video has already started at this time

【The video reaches its final stage. It’s also the final battle at the end of Fairy Tail.】

【The following story will bring you new fragments】

【Stay tuned everyone】

【Then a trailer flashed inside the video, showing Natsu and an unknown man having a final duel, and the aura of magic had filled the entire area.】

【The strong murderous aura affected everything around him】

【"So, brother, I have to defeat you today"】

【"Yeah? Who wins and who loses? We don't know yet"】

In the video, only this clip was played and then the camera disappeared.

A countdown is started above, and just after the countdown ends, this video will start.

0 Request for Flowers

And the story of the Fairy Tail world is about to end. fairy tail world

"How much have you written? I haven't seen enough yet."

Lucy was eating delicious cakes in the union, sitting with Happy and eating snacks, preparing to watch the last video.

But the video suddenly disappeared.

This made them feel that something was wrong.

How could it suddenly happen? To do something like this?

Is it really that we are about to reach the final stage? That’s why it’s like this

"It won't end just now, right? I obviously haven't seen enough yet"

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, it seems to be starting soon."

Happy is still eating snacks, waiting for the content of the last video.

It is not clear who is the protagonist of the video.

【In the video, you can only see Natsu dragging his tired body slowly towards a black-haired man.】

【They seem to have been fighting for a long time, but no one knows who this black-haired man is.】

【And right behind Natsu, a yellow-haired man followed Natsu. He was also scarred.】

【"Father, I caught up"】

【Natsu was completely shocked by this sudden call from his father.】

【Is this guy calling a man with black hair?】

【How come you are called your father? Although he didn't know it clearly, he was about to fall asleep. And everything is because of the sleeping imitation performed by the yellow-haired man behind him.】

【At this moment, Zhang was furiously hammering his face with his fists, trying to cheer himself up.】

【"Kill this guy now. Free yourself from the shackles of your brother, and your white soul will return to the sky of freedom"】

【It was the voice called by the yellow-haired man, and the black-haired man's eyes widened after hearing the yellow-haired man's words, as if he was ready to kill him at any time. 】

Over1 world

"It seems to be a war between brothers. Could it be that he is Natsu's brother?"

The Bone King's guess is indeed correct. Everything unfolded based on the war between their brothers.

【And just when the yellow-haired man behind was in a state of triumph, the black-haired man finally made a move, but this move was not aimed at the word, but at the yellow-haired man.】

【The black and purple whirlwind instantly penetrated the body of the yellow-haired man, and then he was killed instantly with one blow.】

【"Don't come over and get in the way"】

【The black-haired man spoke slowly, and his name was printed at the top of the screen.】


【The yellow-haired man who was already on the ground was completely dying and had almost no motivation to continue fighting.】

【"Call me father again, I have no home. You are the material for the book I write, the devil is born in the book"】

【In the end, the black-haired man was beaten to ashes just like the yellow-haired man with just one move. This man named Gilf was too strong.】

【"You actually gave your companion to"】

【Natsu, who was standing next to him, was completely angry. Is this ruthless guy in front of him still his brother?】

【"I told you I have no family! No kids either!!! Some only..."】

【Before Zeref could finish speaking, the flames from the Suijingquan that followed instantly filled and surrounded his hands, and then a huge blow like the claws of a fire dragon hit Yufu's face. Zeref was hit hard by this punch and fell to the ground. and】.

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