At the same time, BGM exploded in other worlds at this moment, and their emotions instantly exploded.

Nazi, who finally understood all the truth, chose the final explosion, especially Sanji, who was about to burst into tears with excitement.

One Piece World

"This is the ending I want to see. Yes, kill this guy and beat him away!"

"The anger is burning!!!"

【The originally weak light in the video has finally become brighter and brighter. At this moment, Natsu decided to explode his ultimate power.】

【Because of his anger, his deep potential was infinitely amplified, and then dragon horns grew on his head, and then the flames all over his body surrounded it. The heat of this flame seems to be hard to look directly at】

【"Oh my god, something has finally changed. This is Natsu's true face, the son of a dragon!"】

【Even Lucy next to her was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it. How could it suddenly become like this? Everything seems to be developing in the direction he imagined. Now, Natsu, who understands the truth, has become a completely new person!】

【"Acunologia, I will make you pay."】

【"Haha, that's it, come on, I've been thinking about having a fight with you for a long time. Do you think you will be your brother's rival? Just because you want to fight me"】

【But how could Natsu still be in the mood to listen to his nonsense now? He only wanted to do one thing, and that was to kill this guy and beat him away.】

【Discovering that his emotions are the most important thing, and now he has completely fallen into anger!】

【"Then let you see the true strength of the last dragon!"】

【The two started a final confrontation, with only one left alive. The final battle is about to begin!】

【"do you know? Hundreds of years ago, wars between dragons and humans were endless"】

【"To some dragons, people are nothing more than ants. That's why there was the Dragon Slayer behind him"】

【The ceremony has been officially launched, and Acnologia, who is sitting on the throne, is now facing Natsu with a posture overlooking everything.】

【"For tiny humans, dragons are like gods. They will never touch gods."】

【"As for me, I am God, but although you are a descendant of a dragon, you are just a human being after all. It's impossible to fight with me"】

【But the one at the back was still in the mood to listen to his nonsense, so he simply exploded with his own strength and rushed towards Acunologia at the front.】

【"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist"】

【The iron fist of the fire dragon, which was like a rocket, was aimed directly at Akuro Nokia's head. Then there was a loud bang, and flames were sprayed towards Akuro Nokia's head. However, he did not expect that this guy would just lift his head slightly. His hands completely blocked this move!】

【Lucy behind them stared at the battle between the two of them, which was really scary. This was basically a fairy fight. The magic she had learned seemed to have no effect at all in this situation!】

【"What? Is it simply invalidated~?"】

【The flames burned and produced countless smoke, and when the smoke disappeared, they discovered that Akuro Nokia often had no changes in his body.】

【It can only be said that he has exploded all his strength to attack the opponent, but the opponent still has not been attacked at all.】

【At this moment, Akunolokia was finally ready to fight back. He just raised his hand slightly and grabbed the head of the beast. He knocked it to the ground with a bang and dragged it back dozens of meters. It was thrown out instantly, and the black and purple laser behind it penetrated Natsu's shoulder.】

【Then there was a huge explosion behind him, and the impact of this huge explosion blew him away.】

【That one fell to the ground and didn't get up after a long time. At the same time, a face of Igneel seemed to flash in his head.】

【"So in the final analysis, you are just a small human being in front of me. What do you think about fighting with me?"】

【"He's just a bastard, but I'm a real dragon, the black dragon, Akuro Nokia!"】

【Acnologia roared loudly and at the same time, very proudly, staring at Natsu who didn't get up after falling on the ground for a long time. This guy seemed to be instantly killed as soon as he copied it.】

【"Stand up, Natsu!"】

【Lucy shouted loudly next to him, but the one who fell on the ground was already unconscious. He could only vaguely hear someone shouting his name.】

【But with his current physical strength, he is unable to respond. Now he seems to have entered a new realm.】

【"Is this the dragon-slaying magic you learned? If you want to kill a dragon, your human body alone is completely useless!"】

【Akronokia next to him continued to mock the one lying on the ground. At this moment, Natsu seemed to have changed.】

【Unknowingly, various scenes from childhood appeared in my mind. Fighting with companions in the Fairy Tail guild】

【There is also the matter of being alone and bursting with power before joining a guild before fighting with companions.】

【The most important thing is that during this period, he was raised by Igneel and successfully learned the dragon-slaying magic that Igneel taught him.】


【That one slowly opened its own eyes and stared forward. There was nothing in front of it, and the face of a flying dragon could be vaguely seen. And this face is very familiar to me. That's Igneel】

【"Stand up, child, you must know that what I teach you has never been the magic of killing dragons."】

【"What is that? How on earth am I going to beat that guy? The person I am now is nothing worth mentioning to him."】

【"Real dragons are gentle. They are powerful, and their magic is also bright. They possess magic of a higher level than the evil dragon.】

【"The real dragon-slaying magic is the gentle and powerful power of dragon magic. You must understand it correctly to obtain more extreme magic!"】

【In his mind, Igneel explained to Natsu about the war between humans hundreds of years ago.】

【Since dragons have always been sacred, hundreds of years ago, humans were nothing but food for dragons.】

【But after that, dragons were divided into two factions, one of which continued to regard humans as food for ants.】

【The other faction hopes to coexist peacefully with humans, and the dragons who choose to coexist peacefully with humans gain a higher level of power. And the source of that power is humans!】

【"Children, your magic has more powerful power, go and slowly understand the wonderful relationship between humans and dragons. As long as you can successfully penetrate, well, you can use more powerful power"】

【In this environment, deep in Naz's mind, Igneel appeared again and successfully gave him guidance. At this moment, Lucy, who had completely fallen into despair, was half-kneeling on the ground. Eyes shed tears,Looking at Natsu who is completely dead】

【"We have obviously come such a long way, and I have obviously created so many bonds together. Don’t just die here."】

【"Is it possible that the so-called dragon-slaying magic only has this effect? At this level, it is impossible to destroy the dragon."

At this moment, people in other worlds have been completely distracted by this video, and they really thought that Natsu was killed at this moment. dragon ball world

"`.What magic? Is it only that weak? This guy is obviously the protagonist, he can't be killed so easily, right?"

Pirate World (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Stand up and defeat the enemy who destroyed your brother. Fly, someone called me over and asked me to meet him!"

Sanji was so angry that he was almost speechless.

【In the video, Lucy is also in a state of despair】

【"I'll deal with you again, kill you, and let the ritual continue."】

【This was just when Lucy was still in despair and sadness. A familiar voice gradually came, and sure enough, this voice belonged to Natsu.】

【"Sure enough, my magic still has room for improvement, and now I finally realize it. Thank you Igneel"】

【Acnologia next to him was stunned, this guy could actually stand up. Your own dragon magic is the strongest】

【"Don't blame me, aren't you also learning dragon-slaying magic?"】

【"It's not my magic, it's not my magic to destroy the dragon. It is a higher-level magic learned in order to be able to save dragons and humans!"】

【At this moment, Natsu burst out with even more powerful power. His whole body was completely filled with flames, and the flames actually emitted red and white light. As soon as this power burst out, Acnologia felt very uncomfortable.】

【"What? What kind of power is this? I feel very uncomfortable. Where did you learn this kind of thing?"】

【"This is the real dragon-slaying magic, something Igneel taught me (Nord Zhao) a long time ago, and the purpose of his appearance is for peace! For humans and dragons to understand each other and coexist peacefully, this is the meaning of my existence!"]

At this moment, the bgm speed exploded.

One Piece World

"That's how beautiful you are, knock this idiot away from me, oh, it hurts, it hurts!"

Zoron's whole body was wrapped in bandages, and he was still watching the video. He was so excited that he almost opened his wound.

"Be careful, you are already like this and yet you are still so dishonest."

Perona said angrily.

Over1 Realm

"What on earth happened to this guy while he was in a coma? Why could his magic level rise so quickly at this moment?"

"Is this the power of bonds?"

【"Impossible, only my magic is the most powerful"】

【"Is it powerful? You have no idea what true power is!"】

【"You trample life and slay dragons! Understand the true meaning of dragon-slaying magic!"】

【Lucy next to him was completely excited. He thought this guy had been killed, but now he finally stood up again!】

【"Eat my last resort!"】

【"Just you? Let’s do it!"Kay】

【Really destroyed! Fire Dragon's Explosive Flame Fist!】

【The roar of the black dragon!!! 】

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