【Really destroyed! Fire Dragon's Explosive Flame Fist!】

【The roar of the black dragon!!!】

【But at this moment, people in other worlds have been completely distracted by this video, and they really thought that Natsu was killed at this moment.】

【The Explosive Flame Fist launched a huge flame vortex, and the moment it came into contact with the air, it was able to produce endless explosions.】

【Two or three consecutive terrorist bombings were like dropping countless atomic bombs on the ground.】

【Lucy behind him was completely surrounded by a pillar of flames. The flames seemed to be protecting his safety, and the roar of the evil dragon behind him once again exploded with unprecedented power.】

【The huge damage that once destroyed an island with just one blow completely destroyed the ruins after an instant explosion, and therefore the whole life was forcibly interrupted.】

【The sound of a huge explosion resounded through the sky, and this continent also suffered an unprecedented blow. At the moment when light and darkness came into contact, a huge mushroom cloud rose over the entire continent, and then a spherical body was gradually spreading, and then Countless huge explosions condensed into one】

【After this huge explosion, the crystal was shattered into pieces, and the boulders in the sky were falling rapidly. The boulders were completely crushed into powder in the air, and the air and the surrounding space instantly became distorted.】

【But at the same time, both sides are still increasing their efforts, especially for Natsu, who has now completely transformed into anger, and at the same time, he has gradually found the true essence of dragon-slaying magic from his anger. He must destroy the darkness!】

【"You, the embodiment of destruction, darkness and destruction! You will never be allowed to act recklessly and trample on the life of any creature, not even a dragon!!!!!"】

【Accompanied by a roaring cry, 873's power is gradually expanding, and the magic's transportation has become more intense than before. It is shrouded in light.】

【His whole body then burst out with unprecedented huge damage, and the impact even offset the black dragon's roar, and the moment it broke through the roar, it headed straight towards Acnologia!】

【The sound of the explosion can even completely shatter a person's eardrums. If no protection is provided, they may die from the sound.】

【The flames of the vacuum protected Luci Luci who was present. He witnessed this unprecedented destruction with his own eyes. He also saw with his own eyes how Acnologia went to destruction step by step?】

【The final flames completely penetrated his body, and his figure was gradually torn apart in the light. The whole light swallowed it up, and it turned into a puddle of fly ash and disappeared into the light.】

【When everything settled, Natsu fell to the ground helplessly, and his deep melting state was completely cancelled. He fell to the ground dying and seemed to have no strength to stand up again.】

【Lucy ran to his side, calling him desperately】

【"Wake up, Natsu! Don't die!"】

【"Have I won already? Don't worry, it'll be fine. I want to take a good rest now. I'll leave you with the rest."】

【"You scared me to death. Do you know that I thought you were dead just now?"】

【Lucy was crying and smiling, but she was always complaining about Natsu, but now she couldn't hear what he was saying at all. With his weak breathing, he just wanted to rest!】

【"Damn it, you are so important, how can I carry you?"】

【Later, Happy, Gray and their group finally arrived, and they could only see Lucy, who had been carrying the walking cat on her back.】

【"How about Natsu? Is he okay?"】

【"I'm sorry for making you worry, but I've won"】

【After saying that, everyone started snoring the next time, and the ceremony was completely destroyed in the explosion.】

【true peace is coming...】

And this video has come to an end, everything gradually disappears as they prepare to return to the guild, and the video about the world of Fairy Tail ends.

At this moment, the shock in the eyes of people in other worlds has not dissipated. Although they don't know why, they just want to shout, isn't this better than Bo Ran!!!

"God, this video looks really cool!"

"This is the end, I haven’t finished it yet!"

One Piece World

"I really didn’t expect this story to end up like this!"

"It's so miserable between brothers, right? I really didn't expect this!"

Zoro stared at the screen in front of him. After the last video was played, he had a profound meaning.

And now, isn't this what Luffy is rescuing Ace?

But now they don't know. What's going on on the other side?

And when everyone is doubting whether he can rescue Ace.

News of the fall of the city comes again. After the last Blackbeard riot, the former king Shichibukai Jinbe has also succeeded. Escaped Impel City Prison. He was going to rescue Ace with his colleague Luffy, but before that, he had already promised Ace not to get involved in this matter, and he had also promised him to protect Luffy. But before that, he had already promised Ace not to get involved in this matter.

Now things have turned out to be completely different from what I imagined.

I can only resign myself to fate and rely on my own strength to do things next.

"Ace, I will rescue you no matter what."

In the Over1 world, various local kingdoms have noticed the existence of the necropolis, because all the people in the last fight were not alive, and one by one, all of them died in this fight.

Kingdom The Allies held an emergency meeting to discuss this matter and finally planned to give a result

"No matter what, let me discover the truth about this necropolis! What secret is hidden here?"

"It's so dirty. I can't believe that so many of our heroes were killed in this huge cemetery."

But Ainz himself didn't care about their lives at all.

"In this world, everyone except my former game friends are enemies"

"When I returned to this world again, changes had already occurred, and I myself became the owner of this huge cemetery."

He seemed to be recalling everything that happened before.

But now is no longer the time to continue reminiscing. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Forget it, just let them come over. Anyway, I have already prepared countermeasures."

Ainz's general purpose of holding a fighting tournament is actually false.

It is a conspiracy decision made in order to attract the attention of other kingdoms and make them come to nothing.

"Now let them find it however they want."

The world of the Seven Deadly Sins

"I really didn’t expect that in the end, the misery between their brothers was just like Escanor’s."

"Unexpectedly, there is a legend about dragon hidden behind it."

After watching this video, Meliodas and Elizabeth were deeply touched. This is actually exactly the same as the dispute between the Demon Clan and the Goddess Clan.

And the two of them are like those mentioned in the video. Igneel is also one of the few who think that they can coexist peacefully with humans.

And they are also one of the few who think that the demon race and the goddess race can coexist.

Therefore, this video has a deep feeling for them.

"In the future world, will we become like them?"

"Are you talking about brotherly quarrels, or eternal peace?"

"I believe that my children will never do something like that. Even if it does happen, I believe that I will be able to handle it."

"I trust you! Meliodas!"

In the Dragon Ball world, there are constant disputes between brothers.

And the disputes between Sun Wukong and Vegeta are also constant, but it is not like a war between them, but a battle.

"Vegeta, we are just rivals, not enemies."

Monkey King stared at Vegeta who had been killed by Frieza and thought silently.

His real name is Kakarot, and he is also a Saiyan prince.

But in the final analysis, he and Vegeta are still like brothers.

I believe that one day such barriers will gradually disappear and there will be no more fights.

Future generations will not suffer the damage of any disputes because of this.

Tutoring World

"God, I never expected that this would happen between brothers."

Jokudera Hayato clenched his fists, looking at the final outcome really made him feel unhappy.

"But his fate is really pitiful. He said that if Zeref can escape his fate, I believe he and Natsu will be the best brothers."

"In short, I have no control over their affairs. Don’t worry, the tenth generation leader, I will never betray you."

"If one day I really have something to hide, and I have to confront you, I will choose other methods to end it on my own, and I will never bother the tenth generation leader."

"Forehead....Really don’t do it like this, Gokudera-san..."

Sawada Tsunayoshi just waved his hands hastily. He didn't want to be the tenth generation leader. He had no right to interfere in the affairs of the Vongola family, not to mention that he didn't have any interest.

And now that Li Baoen has forcibly interfered in his own affairs, it really makes him feel very unhappy.

【Please watch carefully. The next video will enter a whole new world】

【When evil attempts to contaminate the world, the saints who represent hope will inevitably appear to fight against them.】

【It is said that their fists can pierce the sky and their feet can break the earth. They have been guarding Athena since the mythical era. In order to protect the goddess of wisdom, the teenagers wear armor called holy clothes that imitate the 88 constellations in the sky. Fight your enemies with your bare hands!】

【Every few hundred years, when the world is shrouded in evil, Athena will come to the world. She is noble and beautiful. Although she has been fighting for a long time, she will not start a war for personal preferences.】

【He joins the war to protect mankind】

【Ten years ago, Aiolos rescued the infant Athena from the false pope and entrusted her to Chen Fuguang, saying that the story began from there!!! 】

Everyone in other worlds immediately got excited. Is it finally the turn of the latest plot?

"I just said it won't end so easily, right? There will be other videos"

"Hahaha, hurry up and watch, now I still like goddesses more than shemales."

Sanji was extremely excited. He didn't want to be with those shemales day and night. He just wanted to watch the videos honestly. What's more, some of these videos were irritating and some were touching, and they looked very relaxed.

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