【"Such power is the heat of the sun that can purify any filth, Bediwell. Let's end it this time"】

【The huge explosion of a meteorite falling from the sky and hitting the Holy City had shaken half of the city, but the meteorite fell like raindrops, and the ten golden pieces were also like meteorites at this time.】

【The entire Holy City is riddled with holes, and there is no place where anyone can set foot】

【Gawain burst out his own blazing fire, and the fitness area surrounded by flames was already filled with flames. At this time, he often hit Bediwell's silver wrist, but he did not expect that at this time, Bediwell punched him back. Hit myself in the face】

【Bediwell stood up slowly in the dust, thinking that this incident was over, but he didn't expect that Gawain raised a huge rock that was more than ten times bigger than himself with one hand, and then squeezed the rock with all his strength. beat to pieces】

【"Draw your sword, Bedivere"】

【"Have you still not changed your mind?"】

【"I will stick to my desire this time, my desire to serve the King until the end. The king himself knows this better than anyone else, Britain. Already perished"】

【"Our world has perished. No matter how independent it is, I am still Gawain, the knight of the Lion King."】

【The two finally prepared to show off their final strength at this time, and at the same time, the silver means glowed again, and Betty Weir finally pulled out his sword at this time.】

【"In this case, let us make the final decision"】

【"I'll smash your arm too"】

【As the two shouted, the two knights stuck to their beliefs. At the same time, the hard-working Gray Machine was hit by the huge 14 bombs. Bedivere was beaten back one after another. The forward's high temperature pursued the victory and never gave up. any chance he has】

【At the same time, a common golden light burst out from the blue sword energy in his hand, and at the same time, a huge air flow was launched, which was enough to knock the two of them away. When he overreacted again, Gawain sat on the ground. Betty Weir gasped, holding the sword in his hand and standing there, looking down at Gawain.】

【"Why do you think there are only a few of us at the Round Table left in the Holy City?"】

【"Because everyone else has been killed by me"】

【Bediwell, who had learned the truth, was completely shocked at this time. At the same time, his arm had been grabbed by Gawain, and now he saw that Gawain was about to kill him.】

【Then he picked up the stone next to him and threw it at Gawain's face. Gawain picked up the dagger and prepared it for the next time. The two launched their final attack at this moment, at that moment. Bedivere fell to the ground】

"Is it finally the end?"

【"Everything is fate. I didn't catch up with the king's battle. I am a disloyal knight."】

【At this moment, Gawain had just said these words, and the great pain in his body finally broke out. At that moment, he realized that it was him who fell to the ground. At the end of his life, he still fulfilled his duties as the king's knight】

【"There is no knight more loyal than you."】

【Bediwell said】

【"Why did you just show up now? As long as you are here, it will be able to return to its original state after learning."】

【Gawain gradually disappeared, and Bedivere, who was half kneeling on the ground, looked at the sky, and finally reached the final moment.】

【Master and Matthew finally arrived at the special realm hall where the Lion King stayed. The two of them stood in front of the Lion King. At the same time, the guy finally spoke】

【"I am the King of Storms and the Lord of the End. Why do you want to visit the end of this world?"】

【"stop you"】

【"I'm afraid that only the end of this world can be redeemed"】

【"God cannot exist without human beings, so I cannot bear to lose you, so I decided to give you eternity. Is there anything wrong with me in gathering pure souls who are suitable to stay in the hereafter?"】

【"This is the ultimate conclusion to protect mankind"】

【"You are wrong to begin with. I cannot agree with your so-called happiness that the end is not meaningless."】

【"Even if there is still such an end, life will continue. Even if many things are lost, giving will still continue and be passed down. Even if we reach the end of the world, we will fight with you with all our strength."】

【The Lion King remained expressionless, opening his arms. Golden light burst out, and then a golden crack appeared. The thin lines of light in the sky condensed again. At the same time, this guy unexpectedly Is it really going to tear the sky apart?】

【At this moment, Matthew raised his big shield and blocked the front.】

【"The world will still come to an end, and the light emitted from the end is called the gun shining in the end!"】

【Along with the huge light, at the same time, a huge explosion was about to hit. Matthew also made his preparations, and the cross shield in his hand emits a blue light.】

【"An ideal city that is already far away"】

【With the shouts of both sides and the huge light shrouding them, the two fell down again. At the same time, Bedivere seemed to remember what he needed to do, and suddenly a familiar figure appeared in his life. At this moment, Bediwell appeared again】

【"As long as you don't have any hesitation in your heart, this shield and the city of Bai Ya will never collapse."】

【"The spell is activated!"】

【"You were not knighted just to defeat the enemy."】

【In the huge light in front of him, Matthew stared at the familiar man in the light with wide eyes. She seemed to see this figure that she had always wanted to see】

【"It's about showing your kind side. will be selected as one of the round tables"】

【"What's this?"】

【"It was the Holy Grail, and he responded to Galahad's inspiration. BenQ's output has begun to rise rapidly"】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"who are you? Looks like he's also a knight"】

【"I've come this far thanks to you. On this night of jihad, I wouldn’t be where I am today without you."】

【"I have to apologize to you. I have something to hide from you. Hold on to his sword! Silver Arm!"】

【Bedivere decided to exert his last power at this time, and at this time, this unprecedentedly powerful force had even shocked the Lion King. The Lion King stared at everything in front of him with wide eyes.】

【With the huge dedication of the light, the color light has completely swallowed up the golden light even at this time. Finally, at this time, I faced the Lion King in person】

【"Wait a minute, why did I only find out about this now?"】

【Roman on the other side was completely frightened】

【"What are you talking about, doctor?"】

【"Bedivere had no spiritual reaction at all, and his magic circuit was the same as that of ordinary people. So, it seemed that the person standing there was not a Servant. Just like you, just an ordinary person!"】

【This news has shocked everyone present. At the same time, the silver wrist burst out with red brilliance and waved a huge weapon, but now its power has already burst out.】[]

【He was beaten directly to the ground. The Lion King was covering his face now, but his expression could be clearly seen, it was very ferocious.】

【"That light is..."】

【"Please forgive me, holy shit, Merlin's magic tricked everyone. The same goes for this silver wrist. It is actually..."】

【"Sword of victory!"】

【The light gradually burst out, and the Lion King seemed to show a very painful expression】

【At the same time, he seemed to have slowly spoken】

【"Bediwell, what's this name?"】

【And Bedivere also responded to The Lion King at this time】

【"I have sinned. A most foolish sin. If you return the holy sword to the lake, you will literally die. Because he was scared, I didn’t even return the holy sword for the third time"】

【Finally at this moment, the truth has become clear】

【"Then I understood. Because we did not return the holy sword for sure, the king could not even die as he wished. In order to repay this sin, I continue to search. It's like I've been looking for a non-existent phantom"】

At this moment, people in other worlds are almost in tears.

This loyal knight fulfilled his duty from beginning to end

【"I can't remember, Bedivere, you are"】

【"I 323 have the obligation to stop you. I am Bediwell, Knight of the Round Table. As a virtuous person, I come to fight against you, a person who has done many evil things."】

【The Lion King now seemed to have a complete short-circuit in his brain. He held the spear in his hand and burst out a golden light. At the same time, the light gradually turned red, and black and purple thunder filled the sky.】

【"No, you were mine in the past"】

【Sure enough, at this moment, the light that had exploded almost covered the entire sky, and the white light began to spread everywhere like blood vessels.】

【"Please let me do it for the fourth time..."】

【At the same time, Bedivere really has no extra power at all. Now the master has given all his last power to Bedivere.】

【The golden light exploded, and cracks appeared in the entire arm, and at the same time, the light leaked from it. The holy sword finally appeared in front of everyone at this time】

【Seeing that the red light was about to swallow up the entire sky at this moment, and the golden holy sword exploded with all its power at this moment, Bedivere recalled every bit of his past and the king, this... The city of Camelot was built by gathering people's dreams】

【In order to create such an ideal city, we gave up our past dreams. At this moment, the light rushed into the eyes of the Lion King. At the same time, Bedivere also rushed towards the Lion King. At this moment, everything seemed to have returned. past】

【"I'm also happy that you can live such a fulfilling life every day"】

【The words that the Lion King said to him still echoed in Bedivere's ears. Now, everything has returned to reality and is white, filling the entire space. At this moment, the Holy Sword cuts them all off.】

【"who are you? To do this?"】

【The leading light gradually disappeared, and the Lion King's spear was inserted into Bedivere's chest, and at that moment】

【"Because I still remember your smile that day. King Arthur, I would like to thank you on behalf of the Knights of the Round Table. Leaving you alone to bear that dark age. You are our shining star. King, my lord, I must not do it now. I must do it this time....Return this holy sword"】

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