【King, my lord, I must not do it now. I must do it this time....Return this holy sword," he said softly as the holy spear penetrated his body.】

【Bedivere's whole body emitted a golden light, and at the same time, he knelt on the ground and handed back the Sword of Oath to the Lion King. Then his whole body was about to be swallowed up by the light, and the outline of his body was also The light gradually shattered into pieces and disappeared into the eyes of the Lion King.】

【The Lion King took over the Sword of Victory in his hand, and all the memories seemed to appear in his head. At the same time, the whole world fell into an end, and everything around him seemed to have completely changed.】

【"I finally remembered that forest, that hill, and that knight’s face whose eyes were swollen from crying because of me until the end."】

【"In order to eliminate the regrets in life, are you constantly wandering through hardships?"】

【"You have indeed returned this holy sword, loyal knight. Stand tall, Bedivere"】

【"You have fulfilled your king's command."】

【Bedivere continued to search for King Arthur for nearly 1,500 years, and at this moment he was finally able to sacrifice as he wished. It was only with the power of the Sword of Victory that he could travel to this day.】

【"He has returned the Holy Sword and everything is over"】

【Among the huge ruins, the refugees won. At the same time, Master, Matthew and Da Vinci also burst out with light. People who did not belong to this era also disappeared. The victory of this battle belongs to Master. them】

【"Master of Chaldea, I will not admit my mistake in this battle. I still think my actions were correct. So you just go down the path that you think is best and goodbye. I will perish along with my ideals. But there are still things that can be saved"】

【"That makes sense to me, Bedieville. for me that's..."】

【In addition to his gentle smile, Lion King Lu's whole body recovered at this moment. 】

Seven Deadly Sins World

Elizabeth has already burst into tears. She can no longer accept such a thing happening.

"Sure enough, this plot is really touching. It would be great if Bedivere was still alive in the end."

"Yes, this loyalty is worth learning from.

Type Moon World

Fuyuki City

"Is this the final result?"

Kotomine Kirei murmured softly.

In a daze, he remembered the original Matou Zouken.

The Matou family that was once known as one of the three imperial families.

The other party in the past was also high-spirited and dignified, but 500 years ago Time has smoothed his edges, enriched the desire in the other person's heart, and filled him with the fear of death.

500 years can make a just partner do all kinds of evil, but....

He murmured and looked at the disappearing light spots in the video

"1,500 years have failed to shake this knight's will..."

"Surprisingly amazing..."

The Sixth Singularity

Knights of the Round Table

The golden eyes gradually dissipated, and the emerald-like eyes shimmered. lion...No, it should be said that he is the King of Knights. The breeze blows on his face. Wang Jing stands on the white castle, overlooking the lights of thousands of houses.

"My last, best, most loyal knight"

"I have indeed received the returned holy sword. Be proud of yourself, Bedivere."

"Your Majesty, you have indeed completed the mission entrusted to you by the king."


As the video ends, a line of writing appears again on the black and white screen

【——Madoka Magica World】

Fairy Tail World

"It’s magic again. Why are all the worlds filled with magic now? Is there a world of pure physics? Let me take a look."

That time I almost couldn't help it. Although he is a magician, he is also a melee magician after all, and for him, melee combat is the romance of mages.

Natsu muttered dissatisfiedly, although he hadn't seen it yet The picture, but just seeing the name of this world, he was already sure that this was a power system similar to theirs.

"Why do you draw so many? It’s already good to watch the video. Look quickly."

After Lucy finished speaking, she punched Natsu directly on the head, and a small meat bag popped out of his head.

【In a circular black and white dramatic space. A girl wearing white stockings is running towards this infinite corridor, and next to her are some gears with various patterns.】

【As the gears rotate, the surrounding environment becomes very dark.】

【The pink-haired girl moved forward, and a safety exit icon in front of him caught his eye. He stopped and took a deep breath. In front of him were the steps leading to the safety exit.】

【As he entered the special environment, the whole world seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes. When he opened the door ahead, he found that he was above a ruined tree.】

【What comes into view is a completely deserted world. In the dim sky, there are only two colors of black and white. It seems very dark at this time, but the huge gears are still continuing to fight.】

【And a strange thing is floating in the sky, seeming to destroy everything at any time. The world has completely collapsed. At the same time, a long-haired girl standing below is in the ruins.】

【And just as he jumped up, the huge tall building in the sky slammed towards him, dodging to avoid the huge impact caused by the huge explosion. At this time, the girl was blown away, and just as he was about to continue moving forward. , a red light instantly passed through his body, and he barely escaped and used the shield in his hand to block this huge blow.】

【Later, he was about to continue online, but the girl huddled at the bottom clenched her fists and stared at everything in front of her, looking very worried.】

【"It's too much, but there is no way. If he is alone, the burden will be too heavy."】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"But he is also ready to wake up"】

【Along with the huge explosion, the red light passed through the ruins and knocked the girl directly away. Then she hit the tree trunk at the back, and the huge vibration caused stirred up the surrounding dust.】

【Under the thick black smoke, the girl could hardly contain her inner resentment.】

【"This is really too much, there is no such thing at all, right?"】

【The girl who was knocked out was lying on the tree trunk. Her eyes had begun to become blurry and her consciousness was not very clear. At the same time, he finally saw the short-haired girl and let out a cry right now.】[]

【A white pet that looked like a kitten next to him finally spoke at this time.】

【"If you give up, that's the end of it."】

【The girl who heard this looked up to the sky】

【She choked up a sob, as if waiting for the pet to continue talking.】

【"But if it's you, you can change your destiny"】

【As the traffic lights flashed on the street, she could no longer endure the sadness in front of her.】

【"Unavoidable destruction and sighs. Just subvert them all, you have the power to do it all"】

【After hearing these words, the girl slowly raised her feet and continued to walk forward, but she was still full of doubts, but she seemed to have a little hope in her heart.】


【At the same time, the girl finally lost consciousness and fell from the trunk of the tree.】

【".~Can people like me really achieve anything? Can this ending be changed?"】

【"Of course"】

【"So make a contract with me and become a magical girl!"】

【The girl slowly lowered her head, and finally she had completely firmed up her heart. At this moment, she slowly opened her eyes, and she was actually in her own room.】

【It turned out that all of this was a dream. Holding the pink doll in her arms, she felt sleepy. She slowly got up and yawned before realizing that it was really a dream.】

【At the same time, the camera moved to the other side. She was in a deserted building, which looked very gloomy.】

【"Is there anyone here?"】

【"help me!"】

【A ghost-like voice came from here, and at this moment, a completely dying injured pet fell from the ceiling of the building. Isn't this pet the one that appeared in his dream?】

【He quickly held the little pet in his arms, and at this moment, the lock on itfell suddenly】

【And a girl appeared directly above the chain】


【"leave this guy"】

【And Homura is also the girl who was beaten unconscious in her first dream.】

【"But the kid is injured"】

【"No, don’t do such an extreme thing, I heard him, he said help me"】


【There was never a trace of pity in Xiaoyan's eyes. His eyes seemed to be very empty, but of course they were also very firm. He was standing in front of Madoka, and now suddenly another green man appeared behind him. girl with blue short hair】

【The dry powder fire extinguisher in his hand sprayed on Homura's body, barely attracting his attention and covering Madoka at the same time. Spoon】


【At the same time, the circular totem rotated again, and then the whole picture was torn apart, and they finally came to a strange space again.】

【"It's so strange here, the roads are constantly changing. What's going on."】

【"What are these things?"】

【And right next to her, there seemed to be countless little ghosts with white velvet bodies, like marshmallows, and mustaches. They seemed to be surrounding the two of them all the time, and they kept smiling evilly, although they were not. I don’t know what they are, but they look like they must be dangerous.】

【Everything around is still changing, and the space here is also in a state of continuous tearing.】

【"What the hell is going on?"】

【"Although I don’t know what’s going on, I must save this child."】

【At the same time, they looked at these weird things around them, and the sky also became dim. At the same time, the rose was in full bloom, but the thorns on its branches were sharper than before.】

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