【The weirdness here has almost become unbearable for them. They are surrounded by some strange and weird creatures.】

【"The two girls protected the cat, but it was still seriously injured and could not escape."】

【"Are you kidding me? I must be having a nightmare"】

【At this time, these weird creatures have fully revealed their ugly postures. They have been playing in their ears and seem to be singing songs that they don't understand at all.】

【And that feeling was like showing off one's trophies, which made people feel more and more uncomfortable, and then the surrounding chains began to whip rapidly.】

【As the space continued to tear apart, the entire land here was shaking violently, and at this moment, the entire space suddenly changed into something they had never seen before.】

【The golden light shrouded and was accompanied by a huge explosion. At that moment, everything had changed, and the surrounding space also stopped changing at this time.】

【Then, while they were still shocked, a girl with golden hair suddenly appeared behind them.】

【"It's okay"】

【He was holding a golden object in his hand. Although he couldn't see clearly what it was, the light began to gradually spread, and then it gave people a very warm feeling at this time.】

【"Oh, you must have saved Kyubey. Thank you, that child is my important friend"】

【"I was awakened by him, and the voice of this child directly came to my mind."】

【"I see. With this uniform, it looks like you are also students of Takihara, right? Are you in the second grade?"】

【Looking at the two girls up and down, they seem to be wearing the same uniforms】

【"Yes, yes, it's really not good if you don't introduce yourself. But before that..."】

【At this moment, the golden girl opened her arms, showed a gorgeous dance, and then threw the golden 963 price in her hand into the air. Along with her dance, the thing fell. in the palm of one's own hand】

【"Let me finish one piece of work first, okay?"】

【And now the golden thin lines are fully unfolded at this time, and more than a dozen thin lines completely cover everything around them. Then the light is also spreading. So far, only three gorgeous girls can be seen in the light. figure】

【And the golden-haired girl's whole body also changed at this time. She used the super powerful airflow generated by the transformation brought by that thing and at the same time, she was accompanied by huge tremors.】

【Sure enough, at this time, groups of strange creatures were preparing to attack, but they didn't expect that, with just a gentle wave of their hands, countless muskets appeared in the sky!】

【Along with the empty space in the class, the golden girl in the sky fired thousands of bullets at the same time, hitting those weird creatures like raindrops.】

【With the huge explosion, at this moment they finally figured out who this girl was, and the two of them were completely shocked.】

【"So awesome!"】

【But while they were still shocked, the surrounding air seemed to be distorted again, and the space had changed again. Just as the two of them were still feeling fear, they discovered that the space here had changed back to its original state. look like. ]

Inside this huge abandoned building, three girls were looking at each other, and the blond girl in front of them continued to stare at the nearby area.

【Sure enough, Homura can no longer be seen clearly.】

【"The witch has escaped. If you want to take care of her, please hurry up and get over there. I'll let you go this time."】

【And now Homura finally appears in front of the golden-haired girl. These words seem to be telling Homura to catch the witch.】

【"what i'm looking for is..."】

【"I really don’t understand human language. What I mean is that I’ll let you go this time."】

【"Don't you think we should avoid unnecessary trouble?"】

【The long-haired girl was staring at the three girls, as if she was about to attack at any moment, but at this moment when he heard the golden-haired girl speak, he hesitated.】

【The surrounding air fell into silence, which made people feel a little embarrassed.】

【Then in an instant, Xiaoyan disappeared in front of everyone】

【After the woman left, the girls also sighed. After all, the threat had disappeared so far.】

【The emergence of the safety exit has been accompanied by the emergence of security. They spread a blue square carpet on the ground and placed Kyubey in the center.】

【The blond-haired girl used her magic to save the pet, and it slowly opened its eyes, and all the injuries on its body had dissipated.】

【"Thank you Mami, I am really saved."】

【"I should thank these two. After all, I was just passing by."】

【"Thank you, my name is Chubby"】

【"Are you calling me?"】

【"Yes, Shikame Madoka and Miki Sayaka"】

【"Why do you know our names?"】

【"I came because I need something from you."】

【"I hope you will sign a contract with me and become a magical girl!"】

【At this moment, the magical girl finally unfolded, and his story also unfolded.】

【At this point in the video, the first story is coming to an end, and at the same time it's time for an intermission. 】

Fairy Tail World

"Is she a magical girl? They seem to be completely different from our Magician's Guild. They look like they came out of school."

"Yes, that should be it. They are called magicians, and we are called magicians."

【On the other side, Madoka has officially signed the magical girl contract, and at this time the video has also moved to the other side. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"Why do you have to become a magical girl? impossible"】

【"If I become a magical girl, all my wishes will come true. Even if I am useless, if I can be useful to others, I can live with my chest raised (beaa). This is my biggest dream."】

【"There will be injuries, and there will be no time for love and play."】

【"But Asami-san, who is unyielding even so, makes me admire her very much."】

【At the same time, Asami stopped.】[]

【"I'm not someone worth admiring."】

【"I just forced myself to work and take selfies, even if I was afraid that I would be sad and there would be no one to talk to. Magical girls are not a good job"】

【The atmosphere in front of them seemed quite heavy, and after that, they were about to face even greater challenges, as well as an even more powerful witch.】

【"You are not alone now"】

【With the sad BGM all around, everyone here felt as if something big was about to happen.】

【"Yes, indeed"】

【But just when Madoka didn't know what was going on, Mami at the front suddenly turned around. At this time, he had tears in his eyes. He ran to Madoka's side and grabbed Madoka's hand.】

【"Can you really fight with me in the future?"】

【"if i could"】

【"It’s really nerve-wracking. I obviously have to continue pretending to be a senior."】

【"But the opportunity is rare. Just think of a wish"】

【"Sure enough, it is still very rare. A contract is a contract, so you should treat it as a gift. A millionaire, a great boyfriend, anything."】

【"Well, if you haven't decided on your wish before you deal with this witch, then please ask Kyubey to treat us to cake."】

【They seemed to be making a final decision at this time, and at the same time, this heavy scene also became active.】

【"It’s the anniversary of the founding of Madoka and I’s magical girl group, so I have to eat the cake."】

【And just when they were still discussing the cake, finally at that time, the twisted space appeared.】

【"Let me make a quick decision today"】

【At the same time, Asami finally transformed into a magical girl. As expected, hordes of monsters appeared underneath the twisted space around her.】

【They were all staring up at the sky with wide eyes, right now. The group of guys below were also preparing to enjoy the food in groups. As expected, at the same time, countless muskets appeared in the sky.】

【As Asami gave the order and waved her arms to target the other monsters, the group of guys also quickly rushed towards her side.】

【At the same time, with the first gunshot, the moment the trigger was pulled, a small black figure appeared from behind, shooting towards him at a very fast speed, and then continued to attack as before, shooting with one shot. He went down, then threw out his gun and knocked the other one away.】

【A swarm of absolute monsters rushed at this moment, but they still couldn't hurt Asami in the slightest.】

【"My body is so light. This is the first time I have fought in such a cheerful mood. No longer afraid. There's nothing to be afraid of now"】

【"I'm no longer alone"】

【Asami's heart seemed to be healed at this time. The moment he landed, he held Madoka's hand, and the two of them arrived at the safe exit at the same time, and then entered another area, but it was pitch black here. Seems to be more dangerous】

【"Great, I finally caught up. Be careful, it seems to be coming out."】

【Sure enough, while they were still excited, a small doll gradually floated down in the sky, and this doll looked expressionless. The result was that at this time】

【At this time, Ma Mei took advantage of the victory and directly knocked the guy away. The moment it came into contact with the candy wall, thousands of bullets were aimed at the doll from behind.】

【But what he didn't expect was that the bullet struck so quickly, but it still didn't cause any serious damage to him, and it didn't even hit him.】

【"I won't give you any chance again"】

【The doll was hit directly by Asami with a shot at the last moment, and then fell to the ground. Asami put the gun in her hand against the doll, and then shot it directly on the head of the doll. , and sure enough, at this moment, thin lines appeared and gradually floated into the air】

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