【"finally succeeded"】

【Behind them, Madoka and the others raised their fists high in excitement. The battle was finally over. At the same time, the gun in Asami's hand turned into a huge cannon.】

【Prepare to give the final blow at this time, and then you can leave this twisted space. All battles are about to end~】


【The huge laser emitted by the huge cannon at this time formed a red line and entangled the small puppet.】

【That guy suddenly changed into his true form at that moment. He was a huge candy witch with a clown face.】

【As a result, just when Asami was still feeling proud, the witch appeared in front of her in an instant, so fast that Asami couldn't even react.】

【And the candy witch opened her bloody mouth. Asami, who was still there in a daze so far, didn't react at all. As a result, after one gulp, the thin thread finally disappeared at this time, and the thin thread that originally entangled Homura also released Homura.】

【Xiaoyan clutched the broken thin thread in her hand, and it seemed to have begun to anticipate something.】

【"Could it be...."】

【The camera moved to the other side, where Asami's head was bitten off, and her body was still hanging in the air. All the magic clothes on his body disappeared at this time, and his whole head fell to the ground after being completely bitten off. Now he has no vital signs.】

【And everyone was completely shocked, especially Madoka, who seemed to have been hit hard in his heart. He had just firmly decided to become a magical girl when he saw his senior die tragically in front of him. 】

The occurrence of such a tragic situation has already completely shocked the audiences in other worlds.

Over1 world

"Was he killed now? He is already dead. He has only been out for a few minutes."

"Isn't this a little too fast? This guy was as fierce as a tiger when he came up just now."

The world of the Seven Deadly Sins

"What a joke, this guy died in front of them. Isn't that a little too much?"

Meliodas himself didn't expect that he would be killed so quickly, and even be eaten alive. This time, even his head was bitten off. It was really scary.

"I have never seen anything like this. It would be great if he was immortal like me."

【On the other side, even the girl Madoka did not expect that her senior would die tragically in front of her. At the same time, the moment the body fell to the ground, the Candy Witch followed up and swallowed her whole body.】

【With a shock, all his body was swallowed alive.】

【Everyone here was dumbfounded, their pupils dilated instantly, and at the same time, Kyubey standing at the front was also looking at everything in front of him. So far, they have no other way, now they just let the girl When Madoka signed the magic contract】

【"You two sign a contract with me right now"】

【The two girls were huddled together now, staring at the sky and still smiling strangely. The Candy Witch was completely in shock.】

【"It's too late now. You two should stop cowering there. You must kill him anyway."】

【"Madoka, Sayaka"】

【Watching, at the same time, the Candy Witch is still there eating her alive】

【"Don't worry so much, hurry up"】

【"There's no need for that anymore"】

【Another voice sounded at this time, and a girl suddenly jumped down from the sky. Looking closely, she discovered that she was Homura, and she stood on a platform with a backflip.】

【"It's me who solves this guy"】

【The moment when the Candy Witch opened her bloody mouth, he was standing in front of the Candy Witch. This huge face was full of weirdness, and he seemed to be smiling all the time, but the more he looked like this, the more... The more it makes them feel quite frightened】

【Homura slowly walked forward, jumping over one platform after another, while the Candy Witch opened her mouth wide and swallowed one after another alive."】

【But he couldn't catch up with Xiaoyan at this time. Xiaoyan kept flying forward, and the guy kept chasing after him, but he failed every time, but just when he was about to swallow it the last time For a moment, Xiaoyan was still dodged.】

【At this moment, the Candy Witch's mouth exploded completely, and then the guy completely drooped down, and a wisp of black smoke came out directly from his mouth. The guy seemed to be in considerable pain.】

【And when he reacted, countless bombs floated down from the sky and exploded on his body one after another. The huge impact caused by the huge bombs that collided with each other made it impossible to escape at this time.】

【The huge explosion inside the entire twisted space has completely filled the place, and the black smoke is getting bigger and bigger at this time. With the huge explosion, Homura gradually appeared in front of everyone, and then his body emitted a strange light, and then the magic costume gradually disappeared at this time.】

【"You saved a life"】

【She walked up to Madoka and Sayaka and lowered her head to look at them. Madoka and the others were unable to do anything in a critical moment.】

【"Let this scene be imprinted in your eyes. This is what happens when you become a magical girl"】

【At this time, the distorted space around them began to gradually disappear, and the setting sun shone on their faces and drifted down in the sky. What they've been looking for】

【The golden sphere in the magical girl's hand also dimmed at this time after her death, and seemed to have no effect.】

【"Give it back to him"】

【Xiaoyan picked up the thing, turned his head and looked around, only to find Sayaka staring at him with tears in her eyes, and then shouted again loudly】

【"Give it back to her!"】

【"This is...This is Asami-sama’s thing. I ask you to return it to Asami-sama!"】

【"Yes, this is something that exists for magical girls. You have no right to touch him"】

【After saying that, Homura left their sight alone. At the same time, Madoka knelt on the ground. Everything that happened in front of her eyes came into her eyes, and endless collapse filled her brain.】

【The setting sun shone on them, and three lonely figures were reflected on the road. At the same time, these girls let out silent sobs.】

【They saw their companions die tragically in front of them, but at the same time they were unable to do anything, not even to protect their companions.】

【At this moment, Madoka was completely numb. He stared at the ground, tears kept flowing down, and the tears wet the entire ground. He never said a single word.】

【Presumably, they must have recognized the reality at this time. After all, they have fully understood the meaning of the existence of magical girls and the risks they need to take at all times. 】

Pirate World (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"This is too bloody. Was he killed so quickly?"

Luffy himself didn't expect this to be the case.

In their world, there is no such tragic death. There are only enemies who are knocked away, and of course they only exist in a few plots.

"what is going on? These monsters! Why does this happen?"

Tutor World"[]

"As you can see, this kind of situation often happens in other worlds, and in the world of the mafia, maybe one day you will also suffer such a vicious attack, Gang!"

"I don't want it to be like this. If this is really the case, then I would rather destroy all the mafia families, especially Vongola."

He was able to say such words. Sawada Tsunayoshi seemed to have been greatly stimulated. Although he did not appear in his own world, when he saw the video, his heart was also greatly shocked.

【The video also moved to the other side. After experiencing all kinds of unbearable events, their hearts seemed to have undergone huge changes.】

【"Don't waste food or I'll kill you"】

【In the picture, two girls came to a building under the sunset and looked outside. At this time, the red-haired girl took out an apple.】

【"I have to leave some words to you."】

【At the same time, because he completely offended the red-haired girl because Sha Yexiang threw away the apple, he was completely angry and directly lifted Sha Yexiang up with just two hands. and said the above sentence】

【Then Kyoko let go and Sayaka was completely dropped to the ground.】

【He picked up the apple in his hand and put it back into his pocket. He didn't forget to rub it on his clothes before putting it back.】

【"This used to be my dad's church. He is a very honest and kind person. Is it someone who sheds tears every morning when reading the newspaper and is genuinely distressed?"】

【"Saving a new era requires new beliefs, so sometimes even things that are not in the doctrine are instilled into believers."】

【"Of course, the believers disappeared immediately and were kicked out by the headquarters. No one listened to Dad's words. That's of course. To others, he is a suspicious emerging clan member."】

【"No matter how correct he was, the world just thought he was an annoying guy. In the end, it became a problem for our family to eat."】

【"I couldn't accept it because what he said was not wrong. He just said something different from others, and everyone understood that what he said was right. But no one will pay attention to him"】

【"I am unwilling and unable to forgive, and even I cannot stand those people ignoring him. That’s why I asked Kyubey. In order to make everyone listen carefully to what he said, his church was packed with visitors the next morning, and the number of believers increased strongly every day."】

【"But I also understood that no matter how correct his teachings were, he still couldn't destroy the witch, so it was my turn to appear. He and I save two worlds in the open and in the dark respectively"】

【"But later he accidentally learned about it. So after learning the truth, he cursed me as his daughter, saying that I was a witch who was cunning and confusing."】

【"But I was clearly drinking real witch fighting every night. Later, my father broke down and ended up miserable. He was addicted to alcohol and had problems with his brain. In the end, he supported others, killed his family and then committed suicide. Just left me alone"】....two..

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