
【In the dim room, Lelouch looked so lonely....】

【The purple eyes are filled with unstoppable fatigue...】

【The young man tried to close himself off...interrogate your own heart...】

【"Thank you for continuing to wear a mask in front of Nunnally." CC's figure appeared at the door, and a ray of light shone into the room....】

【There was no sarcasm in the girl's voice...Still a compliment...Because the girl knows...What Lelouch cares about most is his sister...】

【"No matter how many ways I searched, the answer was always the same, so the conclusion at that time should be correct...."】

【He carried out his plan unswervingly, but the young man began to have doubts in his heart....】

【"Lelouch...That's enough...", the girl walked gently closer to Lelouch, leaning against the boy,"You have done well enough...."】

【"Do you know why I am a bad person?...And under the control of Damocles, human life is treated as a child's play...", in front of the most intimate girl...The boy didn't hide anything at this moment...No need to hide...

【"But if there's Damocles, there's Nunnally....You've always been there for Nunnally...", the girl raised her head and looked at the dim ceiling...】

【"There can no longer be any discrimination, and for the sake of the countless lives that have been lost, we cannot live here! right...cc"】

【"Um...Yes, Lelouch." The girl gently held the boy's hand....said softly...】

【As a user of geass...Destiny has already been decided...Lelouch...】..............................

【The final battle begins!】

【Dazzling firelight erupted in the dim sky. The dazzling light was breathtakingly beautiful, but it was not fireworks....】

【Deafening loud noises were heard in the air, and countless lives were lost every second....】

【"The enemy's knigtmare formation is approaching, and the vanguard is a mirage tower." When the battle situation was reported from the headquarters, Schneizel's eyes were indifferent,"Unlock the blazeluminous part of the Freyja launch port, and aim at the mirage tower....Lelouch, are you going to risk your life with one last blow?...Really ugly..."】

【Everyone already knows that this is the final battle, and no one can admit defeat....】

【"Target change completed!"】

【"Well, Nunnally, it’s over like this, can you do it?" Freyja, the last weapon...】

【"yes..."Brother Schneizel", under the girl's trembling reply, one blow was enough to destroy the ultimate weapon within a hundred miles radius....Appeared...】


【Red light spots appeared on the track of the mechanical screen, and a frantic warning went off inside the mecha, but Lelouch's expression remained unchanged,"Start entering data!"】

【His fingers were typing wildly on the keyboard, and his eyes reflected the display of data.】

【Freyja's structure will change every moment. As long as the reaction corresponding to its structure is destroyed, Freyja's critical value reaction will stop.】

【The he warhead penetrated the thick black clouds and headed towards Lelouch at an incredible speed.】

【but...This is easier said than done】

【If you want to stop Freyja, you must log the scene environment data into the program about 19 seconds before the explosion. Even if the program is completed, the execution time is only 0.04 seconds. Everyone is praying....】

【The light of destruction is close at hand! The terrifying energy keeps overflowing】

【"nuclear level...coming"】

【"Suzaku!!!", with the fall of his finger, Lelouch actually completed the formula at the end!】

【"yesyourmajesty!"Lanclot Albion's green wings spread out in the dim sky, and spear-like weapons were violently thrown straight into the depths of the explosion!】

【Two energies are at odds with each other....Girl prays secretly in the room...】

【The principle is feasible...but...It must succeed!】

【In the sky, dazzling spots of light illuminate the sky and the earth, and the energy continues to expand! The purple-black halo gave Lelouch's mecha the radiance of death....】


【Countless points of light sprinkle across the sky...Turn into beautiful starlight and disappear into the sky...】


【19 seconds vs. 0.04 seconds....It actually worked!!!】

【The destructive weapons of this war turned into fireworks and drew the final curtain for this war!!!】.........

"Hey, you are the strongest, you seem to be too weak!"

"Try this!"


"he bomb..."Tsk", the bastard who collapsed on the ground roared in pain, Accelerator walked around everyone and walked to the unmanned vending machine aside.

He hasn't killed those 'dolls' for a long time recently. For some unknown reason, maybe he was tired.

Look. With so many videos, even the so-called lv6 appeal seems dispensable.

And...Don’t know if it’s true or false yet...

Ex-machines will all have hearts, those...‘doll’...

Not where he was going, Accelerator put the coins in his hand.

In the video, he was also calculating when the nuclear bomb was launched, and he analyzed all the formulas in just a moment.

As the strongest person in Academy City, Accelerator knows that what he is strong about is not his ability. On the contrary, his abilities are very ordinary. What is really strong is his brain, which is comparable to a supercomputer.

In fact, the principle is very simple. As long as you predict the movement of all air particles in the world, you can of course lead to the only correct answer. However, if you want to understand the movement of air particles, that is, the flow of wind and atmosphere, you must go through methods including chaos theory. The complex calculations are impossible to fully predict unless using a"dendrogram designer".

Although his calculation amount is far less than that of the tree diagram designer, it is still possible to calculate the wind in Academy City with his calculation amount.

This is the gap, and with his ability, he can be unharmed even if he faces a bullet.

But this can be considered a world difference.

Accelerator reached out and took out the coffee from the unmanned vending machine, took a sip, and looked at Lelouch in the video.

The other party has not received any training at all...........

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