【air fortress...】

【In the gorgeous park, Lelouch cleared all obstacles and walked in the center of the garden.】

【There is only my sister Nunnally in the empty garden...】

【Outside the castle, the huge machine armor will be destroyed in a matter of seconds. In the war-torn sky, many people are dying for this battle every second....】

【In the garden...The girl slowly opened her eyes...The girl who had been blind now used her own will to unlock Geass....】

【No excitement, no sadness...The girl's face is terrifyingly calm...】

【"I saw my brother’s face after eight years..."】

【"Is this the face of a murderer?...I'm afraid I have the same face," her brother said. The girl added mockingly.】

【"Was it really you who launched the previous Freyja?", the young man's eyes trembled as if he was a little shocked, but then he asked softly】

【Even now, the boy does not want to think that his sister will start a war with him】

【"Yes, I originally planned to stop my brother...Even if I kill my brother, I can't give him the key....Even if..."】

【"Even if...Even if my brother uses geass, I won't hand it over." There was an uncontrollable pause in the girl's tone, and she said while holding the key tightly.】

【The voice fell...The two brothers and sisters are on opposite sides...】


【Use geass on Nunnally...】

【The boy's expression showed dullness...】

【In the past, it was because the girl herself was carrying the power of geass and became blind....lost legs...】

【what about now?】

【Lelouch...This devil has twisted the will of many people...for victory...】

【...I'll definitely do whatever it takes....】

【The war outside the castle is getting more intense...】


【"As a zero brother, don’t you think this is despicable? This geass that twists people’s hearts and tramples on their dignity"——"So what about damocles! Isn’t a system of forced surrender despicable?", the young man responded immediately】

【seem...In front of his sister, the boy was a little panicked...】

【"...damocles will become a symbol of hate...Hatred will gather here...In order to allow everyone to welcome tomorrow...", words of unknown meaning, the girl firmed her expression and whispered to her brother...】

【The war outside is still not over yet...】


【The boy slowly closed his eyes, not sure what he was thinking....Just when I open my eyes again...】

【This tyrannical king...I used this will-twisting power on my sister....】

【"Lelouch ordered, give me the key to damocles." The mark of the flying bird appeared in the red eyes, and the girl was lost for a moment....Birds enter the girl's mind...】

【The girl's eyes are gradually turning blood red...I unconsciously want to give the key in my hand, but I am strongly resisting this force against my will....】

【"Can't leave it to my brother...I can't let my brother...Adding guilt to crime..."】

【The girl's hands were shaking violently, desperately resisting the force. She really didn't want her brother to commit any more crimes....】

【such a world...Can't leave it to my brother...】

【girl...In fact, I have been longing for a better world...In this world, there is no war...no killing...】

【The girl only told her brother...】

【but...My brother has been destroying the world...】

【why is this happening...】

【But as Lelouch approaches,...The girl's eyes are getting redder and redder...His expression became gentle...After all, I never resisted that force....】

【"please...elder brother..."】

【The war outside also slowly came to an end....Lelouch's side...win...】

【"My brother is a devil! despicable! Shameless! this...unacceptable!"】

【It only took a moment for the girl to regain her senses, but because she could not walk, the girl fell to the ground, but as the elder brother, Lelouch did not care and walked out of the castle amidst the girl's scolding....】


【Why...The young man's eyes were filled with ripples of light...This war is over...】

【The ultimate goal of unifying the world is also close at hand...】

【Why...Still using that cold expression to respond to the joy of victory...】

【Is it possible to unify the world?...Isn’t it enough to be the king of this world?...】


Naruto world

"Is that the Sharingan?...I never expected that similar power would appear in other worlds...And it can also change people's will..."

The scarlet eyes slowly reveal traces of flying birds, which can change people's will.

The third generation looked at Lelouch in the picture and couldn't help but think of the Uchi family and sighed softly.

The connection between the generation and the Uchiha family was so deep.

But now they are like enemies.

So much so that Konoha teamed up with Uchiha Itachi to wipe out the Uchiha family....

Lelouch in the video is for the world...

They are for Konoha...

"change people's will...The power of evil! You can see the evil deep in the other person's heart just by looking at those eyes!".

Different from the third generation of Danzo, the blood-red Zhu Tong, with that kind of power and ability, couldn't help but think of the lost genius of the Uchiha family for a moment.....

Danzo slammed his hand on the table and growled in a low voice.

I didn’t expect that there would be power that could change other people’s wills in another world....

The genius he killed with his own hands...Uchiha Shisui's other gods are so similar...

If he could get it, the entire Konoha would be more prosperous than ever before!..................................

In the dark underground, the display of power is instinctively tempting.

Orochimaru licked his lips unconsciously....

"If only we could know how to obtain this power..."..................

Lelouch world

"What is the truth..."

"tell us...Are we just allowed to live ignorantly like this?"

"Your Royal Highness, Lord Suzaku..."

"After all, what happened!!!

"who will tell us...."

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