【It is accelerating instantly, and now the two of them have been discovered. They would do such a thing in order to steal the Soul Stone. After arriving in the special area here, the witch is still at the front.】

【"Is this Sayaka's witch?"】

【But the magic power of this guy was completely different from the previous group of guys. The strange aura emanating from the inside and outside made the two of them shudder.】

【"Just listen and do as agreed."】

Over1 world

"Are they trying to recover the Soul Stone? Can this kind of thing really be done now?"

"I'm not sure, Lord Ainz."

【The huge witch on the other side seems to have three eyes. No, she should have no eyes. There is also a crimson bow hanging on her chest. The whole person is completely inconsistent.】

【"Sayaka, I am Madoka, do you still remember me? Can you hear me? Remember my voice?"】

【"Madoka was shouting loudly towards the witch, but now he seemed to have really changed. Kyoko suddenly appeared in front of him. At the moment of forming the seal, her own weapon appeared in the sky."】

【"Stop it, please, think back to this kind of thing, Sayaka, you should hate it too, right? You're meant to be a partner in justice, right? Please, please change back to the original Sayaka."】

【The witch seemed to be really affected at this time, but at the same time she still continued to attack Madoka. Kyoko took away her weapon and fought with her at this time, and the black totem that appeared inexplicably in the sky was formed. A huge impact hit Kyoko's weapon forcefully at this moment.】

【"There must be a limit to not listening to what others say, Sayaka!"】

【And now the huge black totem turned into countless small round totems, hitting the apricots on the ground like raindrops, and at the same time, there was a huge explosion. After Madoka also stopped her movements, she immediately turned her attention to Kyoko.】

【At this time, the entire earth was completely engaged in a battle. Then huge cracks appeared on the ground again, and the surrounding twisted space was also bombarded indiscriminately. After that, it was riddled with holes. Along with the thick smoke, the people in front There has been no news about Xingzi for a long time】


【Madoka was shouting Kyoko's name loudly, but Kyoko finally came out at this time, and the whole ground was full of scattered gears. Kyoko was alone with the spear in her hand, supporting her body with the spear. After dropping the last gear, he stood alone in front of Madoka.】

【"It doesn't matter, this level is not even a piece of shit"】

【"You continue to call, call Sayaka!"】

【But now, even though he said such words, he was still breathing heavily next to him. The crazy bombing attack just now made him feel very tired, and it was particularly difficult.】

【"stop it! Stop it! But you realize it’s us.~"】

【And right at the front, the witch was attacking more frequently than before, and Kyoko finally had no strength to continue resisting. Being hit one after another, his whole body staggered and stood back and forth. The beatings were unbearable.】

【But the witch still didn't feel anything at this time. She was obviously touched just now, but the changes now are no different from before.】

【Kyoko was bombarded one after another, but at this time, the people inside the twisted space were still directing the music performances of others with the batons in their hands.】

【But now Kyoko has been beaten full of holes, and the model of the gear is a whole circle larger than the ones just now.】

【"Is this revenge on me? Speaking of which, we were fighting each other from the beginning. I said you were too young. No matter how I disturbed you, didn't you always stand up?"】

【And now the entire video is getting weirder. The red and blue totems are intertwined, reflecting the shapes of two girls. One of them should be Sayaka, and the other must be Kyoko. The two of them are in It seems that the fight is still going on at the last moment】

【"Were you angry at that time? You can't forgive everything, right? I understand. If you are satisfied with this, then open your eyes quickly."】

【At the same time, Kyoko seemed to have given up resistance. The moment she was knocked away by the wheel, a huge explosion knocked her completely to the ground. The witch opened her big hand and pointed towards Kyoko's body. While grabbing it, I didn’t expect that the one I caught was Madoka.】

【Madoka was tightly held in his palm, and his strength was getting stronger and stronger than before.】

【"I beg you"】

【Kyoko in the back used the spear in her hand to shoot down and broke the guy's hand.】

【"Didn’t you say you believed it?"】

【Madoka fainted at this time, the whole ground was completely sinking, and Kyoko was now stabbed directly in the body】

【"Please, God, please let me have at least one happy dream for the last time. And at this moment, Madoka fell to the ground and was caught by Homura who suddenly appeared now."】

【Kyoko's weapon fell to the ground. Kyoko slowly stood up】

【"This kid is in your hands. I asked him to do stupid things with me."】

【"Are you a militant without encumbrances? Okay, that's right, just protect the only thing you want to protect until the end."】

【At this moment, she took out the key from her hair and held it in her hand. Purple flames were emanating from her body.】

【"Take him away quickly, leave this guy to me"】

【Everything around him had completely changed. The entire ground was completely pierced by spears. At the same time, a huge cage was formed, and then a huge spear appeared behind the man at this time.】

【"Don't worry, Sayaka, it's lonely now, right? Okay, I'm with you Sayaka"】

【But now Kyoko is kissing the magic key in her hand, and her whole body is still glowing with purple light at that moment. At the same time, the red crystal on the key was completely shattered, followed by a huge explosion. At this moment, the entire scene was completely out of control, and the twisted space was completely swept away at this moment.】

【Accompanied by the huge mushroom cloud formed by the huge explosion, Kyoko was ready to die together with Sayaka at this time"】

【"Is there really any hope of rescuing him?"】

【"how could it be possible? That's simply impossible"】

【"Why didn't you stop that kid?"】

【"Of course, if it is a meaningless sacrifice, I will stop it. But this time his departure was of great significance. You are the only magical girl who can face Witch Night like this."】

【"Although one person has no chance of winning, so in order to protect the city, Madoka can only become a magical girl"】

【"I will never let you do it"】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"This is something I will never allow"】

【In order to prevent Madoka from becoming a magical girl and having the same tragic fate as these magical girls, at this moment, Homura finally sat down in her heart and made a rather big decision.】

【Kyubey must be stopped no matter what. He must not let him turn Madoka into a magical girl. 】

Tokyo Ghoul World[]

"Aha~ Looks surprisingly interesting?"

In the bright hall, the girl's legs were crossed, her white hair fluttering as her head shook. The dense lines on her body showed that the girl seemed to be a doll made by some strange pervert.

While other people looked embarrassed or serious, At this time, the girl said softly with a happy face.

The voice was not loud, but it was extremely loud in this silent hall where you could hear a pin drop.

Sure enough, after the girl finished speaking, there were many people gathered in the hall. The eyes on the video were all looking towards the girl.

".No, no, no, you can't say that at all." Shinohara Yuki stood in front of the girl with an embarrassed look, and looked at everyone and explained,"Suzuya Ichi is just joking, don't pay attention." Shinohara Yuki

's rough face There was a trace of sweat on his face.

He knew very well that the girl behind him, no, it should be said to be a boy, was a mentally unhealthy child. She was lazy and weird, lacking a sense of common sense and moral concepts, so she was... Breeding experience.

It is precisely because of this that such children need to be more understood.

After hearing Shinohara Yuki's explanation, everyone said nothing, their eyes flickered with a bit of strangeness, and they took the child from Suzuya Move away from your body.

Suzuya waits...

Indeed, who will be in charge of the CCG in the future is not necessarily the same....

"Don't say that in the future." Seeing everyone's eyes moving away, Shinohara Yuki breathed a sigh of relief and felt the puzzled looks on the side. He knew that Suzuya Jizo was wondering why he denied his statement - it was interesting.

A rather helpless emotion arose in my heart. (De Zhao's)

The boy in front of me didn't have the awe, fear, and pity that a normal person should have.

This may be why Suzuya Jizo is so powerful..

Thinking of this, he whispered to Suzuya Jizo beside him,"Perhaps, in the world in the video, they are just redeeming each other.""

"Just like you, Suzuya, you also have your own salvation, right?"

"mine...Redemption?", Suzuya Jizo tilted his head, as if he was very new to this word, a sickly blush appeared on his face, and said seriously,"My salvation is just to fall asleep and have sweet dreams, that's all."

"If it were like the world in the video...."

Suzuya Jizo shook his head.

Many people die every second in the world, and she, or rather they, are just one of them. All unfairness in the world is due to the lack of ability of the parties concerned, who cannot give up either side of the two parties. That is not Tenderness is nothing but weakness.

That's all he feels

"I won’t be sad if anyone dies," he replied cheerfully

"That's it..."

"But if you die, Suzuya, I will definitely be sad." Shinohara Yuki looked directly in the eyes but said with some emotion.

"...Will you definitely do it?" Suzuya Jizo froze on the spot, staring at Yuki Shinohara.

For a moment, he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

It was unprecedented...Yun...

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