【"I won’t let you do it, absolutely!"】

【In order for him to live as an ordinary person, to be able to stand alone after accepting these, and to live happily as an ordinary person, no matter who it is, he must not let it go, as long as Madoka can be prevented from becoming a magical girl at this time, even if Even if it means death, Xiaoyan is willing to do so】

【Asami was eaten alive after all. Sayaka's darkening, coupled with Kyoko's death, a series of tragic consequences have occurred. 】

Pirate World.

Luffy really can't stand the content of this video

"This video has just been played for a few paragraphs. Every time it is played, someone will die. What kind of video is this?"

"Aren't the so-called magical girls supposed to uphold justice? Why do they all end so tragically?"

The tutor incident

"Why do they always end like this 633? Isn't it a little too dark to happen in this situation?"

"It was unbearable."

Just as everyone was angry and venting their dissatisfaction, the scene in the video changed again.

"This is...Is the world about to end?..."

As the first building in the camera shot, a scene of the end of the world appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and everyone frowned and discussed in low voices.

In other words, is the video fast-forwarded again?

【Among the endless ruins, wreckage is spread in every corner of the earth, and endless ashes are spread at the top of the sky. Madoka looked at the injured Homura with indescribable tenderness on her face, and she said softly,"I finally understand."】

【"I finally found my wish to come true, so I'm going to use my life for it"】

【"No, in that case, in that case..."(acda) for what?" Tears and blood were mixed, Xiaoyan's eyes were a little blurry, and her heart couldn't help but be pinched tightly.】

【In order to meet her, she went through countless world lines. Even if she sacrificed everything, her last wish was just to reunite with this girl, Madoka.....】

【but...But, in this case...In this case...Isn’t there even hope?】

【"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." Madoka hugged Homura tightly and said softly,"I have always been protected by Homura and looked forward to, so that I am what I am now...."】

【"It's me who finally found the answer. Trust me, I will never let Homura's efforts so far be in vain."】


【Endless desolation blew the earth, the ashes of death passed over the sky, and countless corpses were buried under the dust. Looking at Kyubey in front of her, Madoka whispered】

【"Containing the fate of countless worlds and becoming the singularity of cause and effect, you can realize your wishes no matter how huge they are."】

【"Really, then, Shikama Madoka, at the cost of your soul, what do you wish for?"】

【It stood quietly among the ruins, its lovely appearance unchanged and its voice without any hesitation.】

【Kyubey - a magic user who can grant a girl's wish. At the cost of fulfilling the girl's wish, the girl's soul is extracted and made into a soul gem/spiritual core.】

【At the same time, energy is collected when the spiritual core undergoes a miraculous distortion and becomes despairingly blackened into GS (griefseed). She once tried every possible means to seduce Madoka to become a magical girl. Because she has no feelings, she doesn’t think there is anything wrong with her actions.】

【The ultimate goal is to choose to sacrifice human beings in order to satisfy the energy consumption of the entire universe and avoid the heat death of the entire universe] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【It was without any emotion, just like a machine without emotion, but what the girl said next made it startled.】

【"I...I want to destroy all witches before they are born, so those who want to leave, the witches of the past and future, will be left by my own hands...", the pink starlight kept flashing with the girl's voice, becoming more and more dazzling.】

【"If this prayer comes true, it will not only be a level of time interference, it will also be a rebellion against the law of cause and effect itself....", when he realized what the other party wanted to do, Kyubey's voice began to tremble uncontrollably.】

【"are you really ready...Become a god?..."】

【"It doesn’t matter what God is. Everyone who has fought against the witch so far, and the magical girls who have believed in hope, I don’t want them to cry. I want them to keep smiling until the end."】[]

【"The rules that stand in the way of this, it's up to me to break it, it's up to me to change it, that's my prayer, my wish"】

【"Come on, make it happen! Incubator!"】

【At this moment, endless light shines in the sky! Huge purple magic circles are spread across the sky like stars! The Ring of Perfection erupted in an instant, the endless mist dissipated, and the ashes of death were blown away in an instant!】

【Figures of girls...Everyone who has fought and believed in magical girls reappears in the endless light.】

【Madoka's figure shuttles through the dusk, the city, and the early sun】

【With your prayers, I will never let it end in despair. You will not curse or harm anyone.....I accept all the cause and effect, so please, you have to believe in yourself until the end】

【At this moment, girl...I finally became a god]

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