【Screen continues】

【Under the bonfire at night, people's faces are reflected red】

【A group of children sat in front of the bonfire, curiously looking at Bushui in front of them. The huge witch hat covered the girl's head, only revealing her silver hair. When she saw everyone's gaze, her silver-purple pupils drooped slightly, and she was petite. Her figure shrank back unconsciously, the girl blushed and shyly stretched out her hand to pull down her hat.】

【"Do you know magic?" Lan Yuan Yanzhu asked curiously】

【"magic?"——"Well, because you are wearing a hat like a witch." Under the firelight, the girl's eyes sparkled with curiosity.】

【"Cui, don’t hide anything from your companions," the girl’s initiate encouraged the girl from the side.】

【The girl is not hiding anything...It’s just that the girl’s shy personality makes her a little afraid of strangers】

【"...Well." The hat was slowly taken off. The girl shyly covered half of her face with the hat, revealing her cute cat ears. The children cast excited glances.】

【"Does such a thing really exist?"Aihara Enju curiously asked Satomi Rentaro.——"Well, it is said that the animal factors contained in the gastroenterovirus sometimes have strong effects on the body"】

【On the other side, the girl put on the witch hat again, her shy cheeks were still a little rosy, her body shrank slightly, the girl looked really cute...】

【The girl has the beginning of the cat gene and once said that she has the ability to divine scent....】

【...According to legend...】

【When the erosion rate is too high...A girl’s body will transform into animal elements...】

【Under the firelight, the girl's expression is so gentle...Purple eyes gently gaze at the people around them...】


【The screen changes】

【The soft light shines on the girl's face. The girl is lying on the bed a little weakly, as if...It's like I'm sick....】

【Satomi Rentaro looked at the sleeping Sui with a sad expression, and the scene just now appeared in his mind.】

【"Tsui wanted to help the starter, but couldn't move due to the neurotoxin...So until I rescued her,...Viruses that have been continuously injected into the source intestinal organism..."】

【"After a doctor's examination, her erosion rate has exceeded..."】

【"Satomi, kill her...This is the world you want"】


【Satomi Rentaro's eyes trembled, and his hand reached for the gun....Once the infection rate exceeds...】

【"Captain, I have a request." A gentle and soft voice sounded. The girl woke up at some point and interrupted Satomi Rentaro's movements....】

【"Please hold the finger you like." The girl stretched out her slender hand, closed her eyes, and a gentle smile appeared on her face.】

【An act that makes no sense...】

【"Are you holding it with your thumb?"】

【...turn out to be...That's right...】

【This is a girl's judgment....】

【own destination...】

【"You guessed it," Satomi Rentaro said as his fingers hurriedly grasped his thumb.】

【"You were slipping just now." Although...Although the girl is no longer able to perceive...】

【but...Intuition or tell the girl...】


【"Because of these ears, no one wants to accept me, not even my mother wants me...", in the dilapidated cabin, the girl took back her hand and spoke softly about her experience.】

【"But Mr. Zhangma accepted me like this...And you too..."】

【...just a moment...The girl has already told all her experiences so far...】

【That's all girls go through...This is why girls often wear tall witch hats and refuse to take them off....】

【because girls think...It must be my ears that have aroused resentment in others...Aroused mother's disgust...】

【so...That’s why I don’t want myself...】

【"If it’s Mr. Satomi...Everything will go well...", the girl smiled and offered her blessing to Satomi Rentaro...】

【final blessing...】

【"I feel relieved...", the girl got up and put on the witch hat】

【"where are you going?"——"Go to the toilet, won't you follow me?"】

【"Of course not"】

【"...team leader...It might take me a long time to go to the toilet...", under the light, the girl's pupils were rippling, and she looked at everything around her carefully....】

【As if to carve the last beauty under this soft light into my heart...】

【this time...It will be a long time...】

【Satomi Rentaro has been searching for a long time...】

【In late autumn, the sparse withered branches drooped droopingly...Under the raging wind, whimpering sobs came from nowhere...】

【found it...】

【Under the light, the girl lies peacefully next to the tree trunk...】

【Blood soaked in white hair...girl...Committed suicide by swallowing a gun...】


【turn out to be...Already knew it...】

【I just want to leave this beauty for everyone before I die...】

【die in a deserted place...Treated as a deserter...】

【This child who is only less than ten years old...That's what you think, right?...】

【because...Because then no one will be sad...】

【Just less than ten years old...The girl feels that this life can be ended perfectly...】

【after all...acid...sweet...bitter...hot...Girls have already been exposed...】

【If you are really reluctant...There must be someone that I care about in this world....】

【But there is nothing the girl can do anymore...】

【I just hope that after death...Become one of the stars...being able to watch them in my free time...】

【Maybe for girls, their life is really not hard....】

【in the dark night...】

【The tenderness of death...】

【Being able to die with a smile means that the girl is really happy, right?...】


【next life...】

【Please don’t come to this world anymore】

【here...not welcome...Such a gentle person】

"Is the reason why the world is different?...", at this time everyone in Wanjie had only one idea.

Why... this girl...

Can die with a smile......................

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