【Childish singing sounded in the corridor】

【In the artistic corridor, Satomi Rentaro slowly walked in. The white-haired girl wrapped in a shabby pink coat held up this sign. Her eyes were covered by a white bandage, and she raised a smile at the corner of her mouth and sang softly.】

【The wooden sign says 'I am a cursed child'’】

【Satomi Rentaro and Tina knelt down and looked at the girl,"You..., what’s wrong with your eyes? If you were a cursed child, you wouldn’t be sick, right?"】

【The girl was startled when she noticed the source of the sound, and slowly untied the stained white cloth. She couldn't see the pupils and the whites of her eyes clearly, only darkness. She said with a smile,"My eyes are filled with lead. My mother abandoned me." Me, she hates my red eyes"】

"absurd! How absurd!", in the office, Zeng Guo clenched his fists tightly, and uncontrollable anger came out of his mouth.

Everyone understands now!

Everyone hates these innocent children!

These existences that should be heroes have become sins Start!........

"As adults, they didn't think of a solution, but vented all their dissatisfaction on these children....Such a country will perish sooner or later!", Artoria said in the white castle..................

"...In other words, the girls in the opening scene are all abandoned children....why is this happening...They have protected the safety of these people, shouldn't they be respected? So what is their significance in protecting people?"Naruto looked at the girl who was filled with lead in the picture in disbelief and said angrily.

".......", Kakashi looked at the angry Naruto and was a little silent. If what happened back then were reversed,...What Konoha does is so similar.

At this moment, he began to question the practices of the third generation

【The girl reached out to touch Tina's cheek,"Are you also a cursed child? You are very beautiful, and I can only survive by praying to others, so besides smiling like this, I don't know what expression to show."】

【""Ding dong", (the sound of the can handle being thrown into the bowl),"Thank you", the girl smiled and thanked when she heard the sound, and the two people who passed by were full of mocking laughter.】.......

【The screen flashes】

【In a ruins, Satomi Rentaro and Tentsuki looked at the group of children in front of them,"Then I will be your teacher from now on.""——"Well, we all like the teacher too." The children had innocent smiles on their faces, and the long-lost rosiness appeared on their withered little faces.】..........

One Piece World

"Dad, what's wrong with you? These children seem to have been sheltered," Marco asked, looking at the silent white-bearded father.

"How do the weak protect the weak?..."

"If possible, I really want to be the father of these children."........................

The rebellious world of Lelouch.

Lelouch looks at everything with cold eyes.

"Such a world shouldn't exist at all..."...........................


【The sky is covered with dark clouds and drizzle falls with the wind】

【Satomi Rentaro almost walked to the original gathering place tremblingly. Blood stained the ground. A huge pit appeared in front of him. Surrounded by yellow lines were three police officers with indifferent expressions.】

【The yellow windmill that symbolized hope was filled with blood, and the rabbit doll's limbs were broken when it exploded at the bottom of the pit. Rentaro Satomi and Enju Aihara looked at the scene in front of them blankly,"Bomb"..."】

【In the morgue, countless corpses were covered with gray cloth. Satomi Rentaro opened the cloth covering the girl with trembling hands, his face was gloomy, and the girl's body was blown to pieces.】

【Enju Aihara was stopped at the door by several people,"Let go!", Rentaro Satomi turned around and was grabbed by Enju Aihara,"Why are you here?"】

【Lan Yuan Yanzhu's face showed a trace of desperate expectation,"Didn't you say that there is class today?"——"...No need to go"】

【"That...That...If not today, what about tomorrow morning? Even if it’s just one section or a while, that’s fine"——"...Yanzhu"】

【Lan Yuan Yanzhu took two steps back and said loudly,"No, they want to see Xiaomi and Sasana. We made an appointment to show them Tenchu ​​Girl! You see, I brought them all! So!...So, Rentaro..."】

【"Sorry, please take her away." Satomi Rentaro lowered his head and said to the police behind him.】

【"don't want! don't want! let me go!"Alan Yuan Yanzhu's pupils turned scarlet, she broke away instantly and ran to the room】



The scene ended, leaving only a dark screen and everyone in silence..............

The dark world of bullets

"Is this what the world is like? Unexpectedly beautiful...", in an abandoned unfinished building, a girl covered in white bandages hugged her sister in her arms and said softly.........

"Is this where we end up? So what is the meaning of our existence? Rentaro, people don't understand why they were so cruel to the cursed children in the era of plundering? We are only...I just want to find a place to live in this world. Everyone says so. The civilian police system is just a way for the intestinal organisms and us to kill each other to look good and dispose of garbage."

"Why...will be like this...", Yanzhu’s eyes filled with tears, and she tried to ask.

But the answer seems to have been known from the beginning.........................

Naruto world

"What is the point of such editing?!!"

"Unable to save! Can not change! What is the meaning of existence?", Naruto cried in tears and collapsed..........................

One Piece World

"hateful! Where is the justice? What did you think of these girls? Is this clip just meant to make me and others sad?", Warring States clenched his fists and said dissatisfiedly........................

At this time, the disappeared screen appeared again.

Is it the second death scene?

The black and white screen flashed quickly and became brighter.

Once you see it, all the world will be shocked.........................................

Already saved 120,000 words of manuscript!

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