

【The breeze blows through the golden petals, like golden waves. The green giant trees beside me blow with the breeze, and there is a crisp sound. The distant mountains are like ink, and the green is in the eyes, and the subtle sounds are in the ears.】

【The soft sunlight hangs slanting on the shadows of the green pine trees, swaying out a patchwork of colors.】

【In the dark bullets, all the children appeared among the golden flowers and under the giant trees. Their eyes were confused, where was this?...】

One Piece is far more sad than before, and the resurrection of the children is even more shocking at this time!

Everyone stood up and stared at the screen in front of them.

"There is no hint like the first one, this is not the second video, and those dead children are actually resurrected!"

"Really a resurrection?"

The world in the picture is like a paradise. Anyone will be immersed in it. The beautiful scene will cleanse people's hearts.

Any anger, boredom, unwillingness, etc. will suppress the negative emotions in their hearts after seeing this scene...........................

Naruto world

"Could it be the reincarnation of the dirty land!"The girl who was supposed to be dead now appears in such a place, Danzo couldn't help but guess.

"No, there are no traces." Sandai also opened his eyes wide, but immediately retorted.

"And this place...A place that is countless times more holy than the fairyland"........

"As long as the people who appear in this video can be resurrected even if they die? Lin...", in the dark underground, Obito’s eyes became fanatical.............

"It's so unexpected, he actually came back to life, what kind of power is it?" Orochimaru said in a cold voice while staring closely at the girls on the screen...............

"Resurrected...Very good!", Naruto jumped up, happily wiped the tears from his eyes and shouted loudly!

"Will my parents be on it? Will he be resurrected if he appears on it?", after a moment, Naruto said in a deep voice.

He has never seen his parents....

Not only one person is thinking about this problem, Uchiha Sasuke whose entire family was wiped out, Kakashi whose father was branded as a traitor to ninja, Tsunade who lost his younger brother, Orochimaru who wants immortality........

The World of Death

Aizen's eyes are no longer dull and become sharp

"Not an illusion...Is it really resurrection?"..............................

Game of Life

"Hubie, do you think we will appear up there?"

"Death? Hubie is just a robot and cannot die."


【screen movement】

【An exquisite and beautiful hut appeared, covered with greenery, and under the flower bridge on the roadside was the sparkling river water.】

【""Ding a bell," the concierge of the hut pushed, and a male figure whose face could not be seen clearly appeared in front of everyone. All that could be seen was the smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.】

【Stepping over the flower bridge and following the path, the figure slowly walked in front of the children, and a voice like a clear spring appeared in people's ears,"Welcome here"】

【The children's faces showed confusion and confusion,"We...us"】

【"You can stay here, but you need to pay a corresponding price." The figure said softly as if he expected it.】

【"...We have nothing." After a moment, the children lowered their heads and said in despair.】

【"There is nothing, it is really not possible to move in, but you can listen to my opinion." As if thinking for a moment, the figure walked into the children's side, and the voice came leisurely】

【"Loneliness, sadness, longing, trouble, worry...Are you willing to exchange these for illness and pain? After agreeing, all the previous illness and pain and inner emotions will be gone, and the living time will be gone....Infinite, are you willing?" Before the children could ask, the figure stretched out his finger and tapped his heart.】

【"illness...disturbed....Lonely...trouble...sad...Can these also be exchanged?"The girls couldn't believe what they heard. In this fantasy world, fantasy stories appeared.】

【"Of course." The figure nodded, his tone softer.】

【"...willing! I...We do!"】


【Falling softly, the sea of ​​​​flowers on the ground gathered golden mysterious petal patterns, golden star points scattered throughout the sea of ​​​​flowers, the wind chimes rang, the shadows of the trees swayed, and the four golden lights at the corners spread like rhizomes in the sky, and the huge blue round wheel Appearing in the sky, a golden point of light descended from heaven to earth and enveloped the girls in their pain and anxiety.】

【There is an abnormal sound on the ground in the distance, a pure land like a city in the sky is suspended in the air, countless houses rise from the ground, surrounded by a sea of ​​green vines and flowers】

【"Carrying sins that do not belong to oneself, enduring the burning of this nameless karmic fire in the human world"】

【"Working hard to live, but being frustrated again and again"】

【"Children who are in darkness, look up to the light, and have hope in their hearts"】

【"Allow me to offer this blessing——‘No worries', I hope you will no longer be worried"】


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