【Next, the spell returns to the battle, the pure love god of war, Otoko Yuta!】

【It’s so rude, we are in pure love]

The world of Spell Return

"Is it our world’s turn? Yigu worries too? Sounds familiar? I seem to have heard of it somewhere."

Hishito Kizui blinked, and he was really curious. After all, his character is to always maintain a strong curiosity about all new things.

""Second-year senior, special magician,"

Fushiguro Megumi said softly with some uneasiness on her face.

For them, in this special period, there is no benefit at all from exposing videos of their own trump cards.

【Under the scarlet snowy moon, the red moonlight illuminated the entire land, and at the same time. School of Conjuration】

【"Long time no see, Yiguyouta"】

【"Don't come here, stay away from me"】

【"Don't be so outspoken. Do you know how much I want to beat you? You have to put yourself in my shoes! If you keep whetting my appetite like this, I will kill you accidentally."】

【The few gangsters in front of them slowly walked towards Yiguyouta, and Yiguyouta had not chosen to resist at all until now, but it seemed that all this could not be decided by himself.】

【If they didn't get up, in the next second, these gangsters were beaten to death. He stuffed it into the closet, and when he opened his eyes and woke up again, he was in a completely unfamiliar world, with a completely closed cabin in front of him. There are lanterns hanging from the ceiling, and all kinds of charms are posted around them.】

【Looking around, everything happening in front of me is very strange. This is not the world I know at all.】

【"To carry out a completely secret and secret execution, this is a special barrier. How can that work? But I have agreed"】

【"Although he is still a minor 16-year-old child. But in this way, we don’t know how many people will be cursed to death. Currently, he is a second-level warlock, three of them are first-level warlocks, and one of them was killed. Only then did this hot potato come to my body."】

【Gojo Satoru stood in the center of this group of principals from major universities. Although I hate these guys very much, I still have to follow the rules and regulations.】

【"Sure enough, I still have to kill him!"】

【"That's right. Yigu Youtai will be under the supervision of the Conjuring Specialist"】

【On the other side, Gojo Satoru was standing in front of this man. She knew very well what she was going to do next, and Otoko Yuta also knew very well what she was about to face next.】

【"Yiguyoutai’s classmate. This turned out to be a knife"】

【"I originally wanted to commit suicide, but Rika stopped me"】

【"It's really quite dark. I'm going to a new school today"】

【"I don't want to go. I don't want to hurt anyone anymore. So I won't leave here"】

【Huddled in the corner. He is already very afraid of accepting other people's feelings for him. He doesn't want to continue like this, because every time he does this, other innocent people will be hurt.】

【"But can a person be lonely? The curse on you can also help others depending on how you use it. So don't worry about this"】

【"Therefore, how to learn to use your own power is also a course you must learn. If you want to give up everything, it is not too late to decide after trying it."】

【But now the camera finally shifted again, everything returned to nature, and she finally agreed with herself. Come to the Magic College] (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【The other side. A man walked slowly. In this classroom, there are three students from the Conjuration College. They always feel that the scene in front of them is very shocking, and these three students also see the huge curse spirit hidden behind this man.】

【Obviously, there was a very powerful special-level curse spirit standing behind him, showing a ferocious smile, always following Yigu Yuta, and the moment he saw these three guys at the same time, he also showed a very fierce smile. The arrogant expression seemed to be still warning them.】

【And the moment I saw that powerful special-level curse spirit. The three of them immediately assumed a fighting stance. They knew very well that even if the three of them attacked this guy together, they might not be able to win.】

【This guy is so powerful as never before. There was just an ordinary boy in front of her. As soon as he introduced himself, the three guys quickly appeared in front of him, with a long knife inserted next to her.】

【"Is this some kind of test? You guy. It's cursed, right? This is a place to learn curses. Cursed guys shouldn’t come here."】

【"In the entire Sakura Country, nearly 10,000 people die mysteriously every year. Or whereabouts are unknown, most of which are negative emotions generated by the human body"】

【"`.And some of the curse masters did it with malicious intent. It will also cause a certain amount of trouble. If you can resist the curse, I'm afraid only the curse is the most effective!"】

【"This is a place where curses are learned in order to remove them. In order to establish magic, a specialized technical school"】

【Yuta was completely stupid about this kind of thing. It seems that Gojo Satoru didn't tell her at all in the beginning. She immediately felt a little regretful after coming here, and of course the other three students were also victims.】

【"Are you just telling him this now?"】

【How many guys share the same opinion? But now there seems to be no solution at all. Gojo Satoru is just giving a prompt.】

【"I advise you three to stay away from him now."】

【First of all, right now, two huge white hands suddenly appeared behind him. The moment they grabbed the long knife, they directly threw the huge (good Wang Zhao) long knife out. The three people quickly moved toward Then retreated, and then with just one move, the long sword was completely shattered.】

【"Stop it, Rika"】

【It seems to be completely useless now. Even if Yuta is here to dissuade Rika, he is already completely angry. He will never allow anyone to bully Yuta. And these big hands rushed towards the three of them, right here In a moment, they learned a lesson. The three of them were beaten with black noses and swollen faces, and they stood there honestly.】

【"welcome here"】

【The next step is to start teamwork. There are many things we need to do!】

【"Please give me more advice in the future."this】

【"Have you ever been bullied before?"】

【Facing the question asked by Maki, it seemed like a bolt from the blue. 】

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