【At this time, the camera shifted again. It's finally time for them to carry out their mission】

【At this moment, Youta didn't know what kind of enemy he was about to face. Although I am still a little nervous now, at least I am fighting with my companions.】

【He was not alone, which at least made him feel at ease.】

【And when he learned the reason, he seemed like he couldn't bear it anymore. The reason turned out to be the outbreak of a curse caused by a child being abducted.】

【I learned from Gojo Satoru that there are currently two people, and their purpose is to rescue the children and remove the curse.】

【When they arrived here, they found that the surroundings were completely dark. Even if they and Maki continued to walk forward, the entire building was very eerie and terrifying.】

【"There are four stages of magician"】

【"But I have just arrived at the Conjuring College. Maybe there is no level at all!"】

【Now Maki is still a little bit unhappy. She has just arrived here. She doesn't trust Yuta Otoko very much. What's more, there is a very powerful curse zero hidden in his body. At the same time, she doesn't trust people like this. The idiot was already very unhappy. 】423

【"Forget it, show me your student ID card. Blindfolded fool, I should give it to you, right?"】

【This blindfolded idiot must be talking about Gojo Satoru, right? Maki stretched out her hand and looked at Yuta】

【And when Otoko Yuta took out his student ID card from his hand and handed it to Maki, he was completely shocked when he stared at the small student ID card in front of him.】

【The last second he was still mocking Otoko Yuta, this guy doesn't understand anything at all!】

【"After all, it’s a zero-level foundation, so it should only be level 4."】

【But what he didn't expect was what was on this man's student ID card. Hold on to a huge special character】

【Turns out to be a super magician? The special level seems to be higher than the first level magician. This doesn't look like a joke at all.】

【While he was still shocked by this incident, Otoko Yuta stared at the front, and the huge curse spirit began to spurt towards them crazily. At this time, the entire building exploded violently, and with this At the same time, this huge building was completely destroyed in just an instant.】

【The guy broke through the building directly, and both of them fell down one after another. At this time, Maki tightened the knife in her hand and slashed hard at the huge curse spirit. She never thought that at this time, the guy would actually open his bloody mouth, Directly planning to eat them both alive】

【He tried to use the arrival in his hand to resist, but he never thought that he could not resist the two of them. It fell straight into his stomach, and then he swallowed it directly. The two of them faced the darkness in front of them, and when they waited When he reacted, he found that it had entered his stomach】

【Otoko Yuta had just woken up when he heard Maki yelling angrily.】

【"Isn't it really disgusting to let me out of here? Damn it"】

【"Where is this?"】

【"We are in his belly. This little thing needs to be cured. Are you going to faint?"】

【"That means we've been eaten, right?"】

【"That's right, don't you have a cursed bodyguard? Why haven't you come out yet?"】

【"I don’t know when Li Xiang will come out. What should I do now?"】

【"When the time comes to the tent outside, someone will naturally come to rescue us, but it’s really embarrassing. Damn it."】

【While the two of them were still waiting here, he heard the voices of children behind him. One of the children had fallen to the ground, dying.】

【The other half of his face has been severely injured. It is only now that Ichigo Yuta has begun to react. What Gojo Satoru said to him at the beginning】

【Only then did he realize that these were the two babies in distress that he mentioned. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"Okay, they're still alive"】

【"It's not good at all. Look. The older one has been hit, and the younger one is about to die. Both of them may die at any time."】

【"But what should we do?"】

【"We can only wait for rescue. Not everyone is as patient with the curse as you are. They are just ordinary people."】

【And he actually began to gradually fall to the ground】

【Only Yiguyoutai was left. At this moment, he was completely stunned. But at this moment, he finally noticed the injury on Maki's leg and the reason why he was cursed, which caused the power of the curse on him to begin to decrease significantly.】

【The child behind her was also shouting loudly. She hoped to make her brother fall down next to her.】

【"Damn it, why does this always happen? By my side. Damn it, whatever? I have to keep them alive, but even if you say so, I can't do it at all."】

【Just when he was doubting his life, Maki fell to the ground, grabbed his collar, and forced him again. Said what he wanted to say most】

【"What do you think you came here to do? You are a magician, why are you here? what do you want to do? What do you want to achieve? Do you know it yourself?"】

【"I don't want to hurt anyone anymore. I just want to stay behind closed doors so that no one can find me"】

【He recalled what happened when he came here. Want to be needed. Hello, be confident, he wants to find the meaning of living】

【"Remove the curse, and then you will have the confidence to communicate with others and live together"】

【"Conjuration College is just such a place. What kind of environment do you think you have been in all this time?"】

【It was at this moment that his heart seemed to have been completely awakened, and the voice deep in his heart was also completely awakened. He knew very well that there was a demon living in his body and he would never change it.】

【In this case, he might as well use it to realize his great dream. At this moment, he took off the ring from his necklace】

【That special magic spirit is finally going to break out at this moment.】

【"No matter what? Urika, please. Give me strength, lend me your strength"】

【He put the ring on his hand, and now the huge curse power inside his body finally began to have nowhere to rest. 】

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