【At this moment, the special curse spirit in Youtai's body seemed to hear her call. Finally at this moment, he burst out with unprecedented strength】

【The huge curse spirit lying on the dark building felt the unbearable nausea in his body at this moment. He spit out all the curse power in his body at once, and at the same time, his body started to have a seizure. An unprecedented sense of distortion】

【Then his chest formed a protruding exit like a drill.】

【Immediately, a huge curse broke out, accompanied by a sharp howl, the sound resounded throughout the sky, and what appeared in front of him was a man with a face and fangs, and his whole body was like a sharp knife. A gray-white giant special curse with strong limbs】

【With her sharp shouts, this huge curse now realized that she could not defeat the special curse that suddenly appeared in front of her.】

【"Who are you?"】

【And just as the curse spirit continued to murmur, a pair of big hands that were eager to curse actually grabbed his head. He was struggling hard, and the man's pain gave him a very strong fear.】

【And with the screams of the super-level curse spirit that suddenly appeared in front of him, half of his body was killed. The flesh and blood were completely torn apart and dropped to the ground.】

【"you are annoying!"】

【In just a moment, the blood had already sprayed on the outer barrier. Gojo Satoru, standing on the outermost side, looked at the internal environment. Even he was surprised by it. He had never seen such arrogance before. fighting style】

【"It’s really amazing. Is this the full picture of the super cursed spirit praying for Rika? Hahaha, terrible, terrible"】

【Even he couldn't help but laugh out loud. It was the first time he had seen such a powerful curse!】

【As Qimoto Rika looked at the blood on his hands, he felt that it was very beautiful. At this moment, he finally broke out the nature of the curse spirit.】

【"So beautiful! Is Li Xiang beautiful?"】

【As soon as she finished speaking, she actually started to attack more arrogantly, opened her claws, and started to attack crazily at the speed of light. She fell completely to the ground, losing her fighting ability due to the huge curse.】

【Like a ferocious beast, it looks like it becomes completely excited when it smells blood. The senior roared, then frantically dug at the flesh and blood of the cursed spirit that had completely lost its life.】

【The other side. Yigu Youta carried the seriously injured and unconscious Qian Qian on his back and the other two children who were in danger, and slowly walked towards Zhangwai. Although his body was very weak, he still did not give up on it. He gritted his teeth, frowned, and looked forward ferociously.】

【"You must come out. If we hold on for a while longer, we will be there soon. We must let the teacher treat them as soon as possible. While the curse spirit attracts Li Xiang's attention,"】

【"I must persist until the end"】

【Because the force expended was too great, his body began to tremble, his muscles began to beat, and even his legs could not stand firm, but he still did not choose to give up and continued to move forward, because in this time, he still can't fall】

【I have decided to stay here and change myself. Those painful memories will never appear in front of me again no matter what. But just as I was continuing, my eyes suddenly turned into a white scene.】

【And right behind him, the headless Rika Kimoto was sitting there, looking at Yuta who was still continuing to work hard.】

【"Come on, keep working hard"】

【He seemed to have been hit by an unprecedented spiritual shock. At this moment, he was more determined in his idea and more convinced that this idea must be correct.】

【"I will work hard"】

【Until finally, the sun shines high. The moment the barrier that surrounded the entire building disappeared, they finally appeared in front of Gojo Satoru, but all four of them were lying on the ground.】

【Two were dying, one was seriously injured, and only one was exhausted.】

【"Welcome back. You guys did a great job. Very hard work"】

Naruto world

"I still can't believe it. The power in him is like the Kyuubi in me."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Uzumaki Naruto said in surprise

"Tsk, so what? There can't be anyone stronger than me, right?"

0request flowers 0

"That’s right, people have a better temper than you do, and they can come out to help anytime and anywhere, right?"

Uzumaki Naruto was still looking weakly at the Nine Lamas standing next to him in his own spiritual world, and then complained in a low voice.

But these words had already reached the ears of Nine-Tails, and he heard When I said this, the whole thing completely exploded.

"You guy, what do you mean by saying this? Are you tired of it now? Do you want to fight?"

And Uzumaki Naruto is simply a pain in the ass."

"Just look at it and let me tell you, his temper is not as bad as yours."

"You guy, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you."

【The camera shifted again, because he had fully joined the spells, and now he had to start training in the high school. Yuta Otoko was a super-level spell master, but his physical skills were completely zero.】

【And the reason why he can be called a super magician is because of the magic in his body. Have a special curse】

【And this kind of thing doesn't seem to be a strong point for Otoko Yuta. In the fight with Maki, he was defeated with just one move. The injury on my face has not healed yet. The bruise remains on my eye and it will probably be difficult to get rid of it for a while.】

【"That's why I said I'm not suitable for this kind of thing"】

【"We act like we are driving seriously, do you think we are joking?"】

【"Yes Yes Yes"】

【And Qi Qi stood in front of him with an expressionless face, holding the spell tool in his hand on his shoulders, showing a very relaxed look. He didn't take this kid seriously at all.】

【"Aren't you going to beat me?"】

【After hearing this, Otoko Yuta's eyes changed instantly. That's right, didn't he just say that he must win a round against him? Get serious now】

【The boy quickly cheered up and then picked up the bamboo knife in his hand, preparing to continue the attack.】

【Gojo Satoru, who was watching from a distance, showed a happy smile. Among the students in this college, there is the strongest magician]

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