【The world to be played next is the final world of Valkyrie】

【He once enlightened the troubled ignorant sentient beings and guided them on their path in the darkness.】

【Engraved with divine characters, the door dozens of meters high slowly opened with the sound of bells, and a tall figure walked out.】

【Visions suddenly appeared, flowers fell from the sky, and golden lotuses surged from the ground.】

【Lawsuit of all kinds of Buddha's voice, the ancestor of all gods!】

【"It's this man! Shakya!", Heimdall, representing the god side, held a horn and shouted his name!】

【On the human side, seeing this, they almost collapsed. That was the Buddha they believed in and respected.】

【Are you going to point the blade of your sword at them now?】

【I saw Sakyamuni step forward, and he came to Heimdall in an instant, took away the horn, and opened his mouth】

【"Now~sound test"】

【When the gods saw this, they couldn't help but raise their eyebrows and sneered inwardly. Even in the face of human life and death, Sakyamuni, can you be so playful?】

【Buddha? Pursuing humanity, what a joke...】

【"I represent the human camp, please give me some advice."】

【The next moment, the entire arena seemed to be forbidden. Heimdall, who was still snatching the horn, froze on the spot, his eyes were dull, and his body was stiff as he looked at Sakyamuni.】

【The faces of the gods were distorted, the space around them was rioting, and the wanton murderous intent crazily swept the entire place. Humans stared wide-eyed, as if they couldn't believe the scene in front of them.】

【"Are you looking down on us? What are you, God, talking about!"】

【"Back off! Don't disgrace the gods!!!", the gods had a terrifying aura around them, and they roared in a low voice!】

【But Sakyamuni didn't care, and the six-path stick in his hand reached all the gods!】

【"If God doesn’t save me! Then let me kill them all!"】

【The human side was sluggish, with tears streaming down its face, and cheering crazily!】

【Round six!】

【Human camp!】

【The god who represents the human side!!! 】

One Piece World

"Gods fight!"

Zoron looked at Sakyamuni in the video excitedly. His figure and what he said were hers! It's so hot!!!

【In the dark corridor of the garden, a heavy step was walking forward slowly. Loki, who was sitting by the fountain in front of him, slowly raised his head. The man he had made an appointment with finally arrived.】

【He showed a very disdainful look, looking around with a lollipop in his mouth.】

【Wearing it all up and down is also very cool, and the expression seems to ignore all cynicism.】

【"Oops, it’s finally here, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time"】

【Sakyamuni appeared in front of him. The Buddha had a head full of white hair, a handsome body, and was dressed very coolly. He exuded a unique temperament no matter where he went.】

【At this moment, Shakya showed a very contemptuous smile. He bit the lollipop and made a crisp sound. He lowered his head and looked at the man with green hair and drooping head.】

【"Do you all want to fight?"】

【"If you want to fight, then I will kill you"】

【At this moment, the two people looked at each other, and their eyes glowed with endless ferocious light, as if I tore both of them apart at that moment.】

【At this time, Loki's whole body was exuding black and purple evil energy, and at the same time, his whole body was exuding golden murderous aura. The two forces collided with each other at this time, forming a considerable distortion.】

【The two of them were looking at each other, as if they were fighting with their eyes.】

【Just when the two were about to confront each other, the clear ringtone from behind interrupted their current state. An old man slowly walked towards them, with a huge throne and the same items behind him.】


【"Those who betray should be punished by heaven!"】

【There are more and more people standing here now, including Shou Lao, and other guys are all here. Everyone seems to have very powerful power, but for Sakyamuni Said, these people are just a bunch of rabble, not worth mentioning】

【At the back, Fu Lu Shou and Budai Zun all appeared here. This really made them feel interesting.】

【The sudden appearance of these guys also interrupted the atmosphere just now, but neither of them took these guys seriously at all.】

【But now the only one who is very frivolous among this group of people is Ebisu, who is wearing glasses and a red dress. This guy doesn't pay attention to the Sakya in front of him at all. Even Loki next to him doesn't care. Didn't take a second look】

【He looks very arrogant now, but his expression is quite vulgar. It looks like he knows that this guy must not be a fuel-saving lamp.】

【"The seven of us are the executioners in the heaven, the seven gods of good fortune!"】

【This group of guys shouted in unison, but the two people behind them never spoke and continued to remain silent.】

【"There are really a bunch of strange guys here."】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【At this moment, the two people began to feel obviously relaxed.】

【"It turns out it's you, Shakya, we haven't seen each other for a long time."】

【Ebisu put his hands in his pockets and walked towards Sakyamuni very arrogantly. He seemed not to take this god and Buddha seriously at all.】

【"We have been waiting for a long time, and the day has finally arrived for you to be punished by God."】

【Ebisu walked closer to Shakya. Shakya had no expression on his face. The guy had a mustache and wore sunglasses, but he didn't take Shakya seriously at all. He was still provoking him until now. 】

0 Request for flowers

【At this moment, Shakya subconsciously bit the lollipop in his mouth, and the crisp sound made Ebisu take two steps back. For a moment, he didn't know what to do, and he thought I made that guy angry because of my words.】

【Just one move actually frightened that guy and made him feel a little overwhelmed.】

【"Really, it’s true, you can’t finish the candy by licking it."】

【"I always bite it into pieces accidentally, oh, by the way, who are you?"】

【At this time, Shakya looked down at Ebisu who was standing in front of him and didn't take it seriously at all. Even his tone was very intimate, as if he simply regarded it as a small pickle.】

【Now Ebisu's self-esteem was also strongly scorned. Finally, in this state, he couldn't bear it anymore and chose to take the lead. He aimed at Shakya's face and hit Shakya as soon as he found it.】

【The speed was so fast that it could not even be captured with the naked eye. This was simply not the speed that ordinary people could achieve. He was cursing loudly, and Shakya stood in front of him and remained indifferent.】


【But at this moment, Shakya was indifferent, and simply spit out the lollipop in his hand without moving his mouth. The high-speed lollipop was like a flying knife, and it penetrated Hui directly at that moment. Bisu's palm】

【Blood spurted out at this moment, and the speed was so fast that it was impossible to catch it. This action was completed in just an instant, and the severe pain penetrated Ebisu's body at this moment, and for a while he couldn't bear it at all.】

【"What are you doing? You bastard!"】

【Ebisu couldn't bear it anymore, and finally took out his weapon from his pocket, which was a goldfish made of gold.】

【And this time they have to interpret the meaning of sending Buddha to the West.】

【But Loki suddenly appeared in front of them at this time】

【"No, don't fight"】

【"If Mr. Loki wants to choose to protect him, then we will kill Mr. Loki too."】

【"No, I have no intention of protecting him. He is my prey, so I can only deal with it. Oh, by the way, you don’t think I’m trying to protect you, do you?"】

【Loki stood on the spot, took two steps back, and looked at Shakya with a very proud expression. At this moment, Shakya was even more excited, pressed his fist, and made a crisp bone sound. sound】

【The golden Buddha's light rises slowly, and the shadow behind him is like a sun, soaring into the sky with unrivaled momentum!】

【Shakya sneered.】

【"In that case, if you want to fight, hurry up."】

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