【At this moment, the scene began to shift to the grass, where Sakyamuni was still eating snacks peacefully.】

【The war between humans and gods that has gone through the first five stations is finally about to welcome the sixth war. At this moment, he still has not chosen to participate in the war. He is also slowly watching the wars of several other players.】

【And Gautama Buddha, who originally fought on behalf of God, still wants to wait and see who can become his opponent.】

【Just when I was leisurely continuing to eat snacks, a skinny old man behind me finally walked slowly towards me.】

【"By the way, what did you eat? I really want to try it too"】

【The old man stared expectantly at Sakyamuni in front of"Nine Zero Seven"】

【"No, no, no"】

【"Don't be so stingy, I just want to eat a little"】

【And now the old man in front of him has already started grabbing, but he seems to have no control over the rhythm now. The two people's hand speed is so fast that they can't be caught with the naked eye, and they still continue to grab the one in Sakyamuni's hand. snack】

【And at the last moment, as expected, Gautama Buddha swallowed all the snacks in the box alone.】

【"Hey, it doesn't matter if you give me some food, right? Why do you like to eat it all to yourself so much?"】

【After eating all the snacks, Gautama Buddha walked up to the old man with a smile.】

【"You're not here just for snacks, Xiaozhou!"】

【His eyes were testing that this old man suddenly appeared here, and his purpose must not be just to steal Sakyamuni's snacks, but he actually called this old man Xiao Zhou. Yes, this guy is Zeus.】

【At this moment, of course Zeus understood this guy very well and already knew the purpose of coming here. I believe he can definitely guess it.】

【What's more, he himself had made it very clear, but now, when suddenly faced with this kind of thing, Sakyamuni did not choose to speak. He was still watching the old man.】

【Because he could see the strong aura and power that the old man exuded from the inside out. It seemed that the guy he was looking for must have a very powerful power hidden in him, and this was simply a test of himself.】

【"Do you really want humanity to perish so much, Xiao Zhou?"】

【"I actually just want to win. Since there is already such a competition, then I must win, what do you think?"】

【Sakyamuni chose silence. He did not continue to speak, but remained as before.】

【"Okay, now tell me your answer"】

【At this moment, Zeus's whole body burst out with endless divine power, and the Qi burst out from his body even formed a golden light around him.】

【And at this moment, it completely exploded, with a strong sense of oppression mixed with murderous intent, making Sakyamuni stand on the spot.】

【At the moment when this state began to gradually go awry, what I didn't expect was that Sakyamuni quickly agreed to Zeus's idea of ​​letting him participate in the war.】

【"OK, I agreed"】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【After saying that, he hugged Zeus directly with a peach blossom face. Zeus didn't react at all for a while.】

【In the battle between humans and gods, the score between gods and humans was 3:2, and the gods were also far ahead. Zeus really didn't have high hopes at first, but he really didn't expect that Sakyamuni would be so happy. The agreement was indeed beyond my expectation.】

【And just at the sixth game venue, everyone was watching this war. The battlefield was also extremely lively.】

【The previous battles were so exciting, and everyone was looking forward to which side would represent humanity in this battle. The sixth battle was about to begin, with lotuses paving the road, and Gautama Buddha finally appeared at this time.】

【At this moment, Zeus really thought that they had successfully convinced Sakyamuni. In this way, Sakyamuni could stand in the lineup of gods.】

【They continued to fight for God, but what they didn't expect was that just when everyone was excited about the incident, the man in front of them actually did something that shocked them.】

【Sakyamuni slowly walked up to the host, grabbed the microphone from the host's hand, held it in his own hand, and shouted loudly to all the audience and other gods participating in the battle. shouts 0.】

【"I want to fight for humanity"】

【This speech shocked everyone present, especially Zeus, who had already made an appointment to fight for God. This guy didn't even think about why Gautama would choose to defect in this state.】

【Zeus's entire face was now darkened, and he didn't even expect such a situation to occur. Realized, at this time Sakyamuni was standing under him, looking up at him】

【The other members of the Protoss lineup also completely lost their original peace and fell completely into anger. They wished they could tear Gautama Buddha to pieces right now.】

【At this point, Sakyamuni clenched the Buddhist staff in his hand and pointed it directly at Zeus.】

【"If the gods don't save people, then I will save them. I will kill all the gods who stand in the way."】

【At this moment, he inserted the Buddhist staff in his hand heavily into the ground. The clear sound directly shook the entire land into a huge hole, and he stood in front of the human flag. Below, represents the lineup of humans】

【At this moment, the sixth war was about to begin. Gautama Buddha, representing mankind, made a move that completely shocked all gods and humans.】

【Everyone present was completely shocked, confused, shocked, and even fear gradually began to appear in some people, because this situation was beyond their imagination.】

【Shakyamuni's sudden defection caused some gods to completely lose their original idea of ​​peace towards him. Especially Loki, who has already wanted to kill this unruly guy in front of him.】

【Now that I am a member of the God lineup, as long as the human lineup loses, all humans will perish. Since this guy chooses to stand in the human lineup, I can kill him the next time I meet him.. 】

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