【What this person said was so powerful and domineering that it made everyone present completely tremble. Even the Lord God here began to feel shaken.】...

【But Loki who was standing there was still a little unhappy. This guy didn't expect that he would suddenly rebel at this time.】

【But Hilde still didn't make any reaction at this time. He always felt that everything was as expected, and he also felt that he should be like this in this state.】

【And he recalled that when Sakyamuni was searching for himself alone, he saw Hilde crying for those souls. Perhaps this was the reason why he was truly moved.】

【"Zeus asked me to fight on behalf of the gods, but I want to represent humanity more"】

【In the recollection, Gautama Buddha walked up to him with popcorn in his hand and said very calmly】

【Perhaps this incident became an opportunity for Gautama to want to fight for the human lineup even more.】

【And Gautama Buddha himself hated gods very much, so betrayal at this time is completely normal.】

【And maybe he has another reason, that is, when he faced Zeus and Zeus asked him to fight on behalf of the gods, the powerful aura exuded by Zeus from the inside out may have attracted Sakyamuni even more】

【He wanted to fight this old man even more, and it was obvious that he seemed to have no other way now, because Gautama Buddha seemed to be the most powerful person so far, and no other god could fight him.】

【And at this moment, there was a loud noise in the sky, and the whole dark clouds covered the sky, and at the same time, golden light shone along the sky on the land.】

【And a mysterious voice suddenly came】

【"God damn it!"】

【When everyone heard this sound, they knew very clearly that the Seven Gods of Fortune were coming. There were bursts of thunder and the sound of knocking wooden fish, and then a huge dragon boat appeared in front of everyone. It floated in the sky, and its light began to shine gradually.】

【Sure enough, it is the Seven Gods of Fortune. These seven guys finally appeared here, and the God of Bully is one body. It seems that they can be combined.】

【And the guy who appeared here and brought disaster to Taotian was the God of Lingfu who was formed after the fusion of seven gods.】

【I saw this man's naked upper body, and his gray hair began to gradually open at this moment, and each hair was covered with a rosary, which represented the rosary of the seven deadly sins.】

【A series of beads such as pride, lust, anger, and violence imprisoned his hair, and he appeared in front of everyone with his upper body covered.】

【And the moment everyone saw him, they were completely stunned】

【"Who is this guy? Is he the god who appears here?"】

【"Does it represent the lineup of humans or the lineup of gods?"】

【The audience below were still exploring this matter, but at this moment, the bones on this guy's waist began to gradually bulge, and then suddenly a huge murderous aura suddenly appeared on his back. A big black ax】

【This guy instantly broke out into a arrogant smile】

【At the sixth station, the gods fought on behalf of Ling Fu. He symbolized the turning of blessings into disasters.】

【"Gautama Buddha? It seems that you are the one representing humanity. Are you the representative of the waiters? I want to turn all the blessings in your body into disasters"】

【Lingfu said arrogantly at this moment, and the battle finally started. At this moment, Lingfu continued to speak rudely, and madly mocked the Sakyamuni in front of him.】

【Shakyamuni flew up and kicked the guy directly in the stomach, causing tears to burst out from his eyes. His saliva even dripped to the ground. The huge pain began to spread to him at this moment. His whole body fell to his knees on the ground】

【"who are you?"】

【At this time, Sakyamuni said calmly】

【Confucius, who was standing aside and watching the battle, was completely shocked at this moment. His whole eyes were shining, staring at the god in front of him, and he directly exuded worship at this moment. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"Oh my god, he's so handsome. That kick just now was so powerful. Did you see it?"】

【"He's so handsome, right?"】

【At this moment, because Ling Fu was humiliated, the weapons on his body began to undergo drastic changes, as if they were alive, and the tentacles on them began to spread everywhere.】

【While waving his hand at this time, the big ax struck down the huge air flow, distorted the space, and hit Sakyamuni directly on the head, but Sakyamuni successfully dodged the blow. They were even very close to each other and did not take this move seriously at all.】

【Holding the Buddhist staff in his hand, he just dodged all the moves indifferently, but at this moment he actually launched a crazy slashing, waving the ax in his hand and started a high-speed fighter, but he did not expect a move Then he made a move, and all of them were successfully dodged by Sakyamuni.】

【"It's so slow. Do you still want to hit at this speed?"】

【After hearing this, Ling Fu's anger became even more intense. As his anger level increased, the ax in his hand became bigger and bigger.】

【"do you know? The name of this ax 253 is Ax Yao. It can continuously absorb misfortune and make itself stronger. You should be careful next."】

【The guy said very excitedly. 】

Over1 world

"Is there such a prop? This man is really too arrogant."

Even Ainz Ooal Gown has already felt the resentment and murderous aura emanating from this man from the inside out.

It is obvious that this huge ax has begun to undergo strong changes, and the tentacles on it have gradually begun to form irritating

"Lord Ainz, a weapon like this must have more powerful effects."

"That's right, let's wait and see first and then talk."

Xiao Di, who was standing next to him, also took a fancy to this bone. It looked like it was really powerful.

"Sure enough, it’s different from our world"

"It looks like this is more like a fighting convention."

The world of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Meliodas also took a fancy to this game. The thunder mode between them was basically a fighting competition. In that war, he was pierced by Estarossa seven times. He returned to hell due to his heart attack.

I still remember that scene to this day.

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