【This man's smile was extremely abnormal. He was holding the iron fan in his hand and showed a very happy expression. The more such an expression, the more the Butterfly Man hated the man in front of him.】

【"Oops, I’m so happy. Poisoning is so interesting. It’s so interesting that I’m almost addicted. Do you think changing the ratio again will be effective? Let's try it quickly"】

【He said loudly and excitedly, but the expression on his face still did not change. This guy is simply a pervert.】

【The Butterfly Ninja's expression gradually became serious, and he was calmer than before. Now he was also thinking about how to mix poison to kill the evil ghost in front of him.】

【"It's true, then come on, at least things have come to this point, and it's all within my expectations."】

【At this moment, Tong Mo began to gradually recall things from his childhood. He didn't know if it was the poison or the sudden emotion that made him emotional.】

【This kind and smart child not only saved the poisoned people in the village, but also gave 02 happiness to many poor people.】

【And his parents founded the All-things-Bliss Cult. Because of his rainbow-colored eyes and oak-white hair, he was regarded as a holy child who could hear the voice of the gods.】

【But Tong Mo himself doesn’t seem to have such an idea.】

【"My parents are simply stupid and despairing, otherwise they would never create the Bliss of All Things and teach this boring religion. I feel so pitiful for them, so I always follow their words, but In fact, I have never heard the voice of God."】

【This is indeed not the case. The believers who came to pray and pray to go to the paradise after death told their misery.】

【"At the beginning, a group of people gathered together to serve and pray, which made me quite disgusted and cried bitterly in front of these precious children.】

【The adults were complaining so much that they all knelt down and asked what they should do in the future. I was really worried that there was something wrong with their minds."】

【Although Tong Mo had completely shed tears at this moment, he still shed tears of pity because he felt helpless at human ignorance.】

【The scene shifted to childhood. After a series of complaints that made people yawn and feel sleepy, these people knelt before Tong Mo. What were they talking about? I hope I can guide them to the paradise world】

【At this time, Tong Mo did shed tears. How pitiful. After all, there is no world of knots at all. They are just fairy tales created by human beings through delusion.】

【The scene shifted again. At this time, Butterfly Ninja held the sharp knife in his hand and stabbed directly in the direction of Tong Mo. In Tong Mo's inner world, the scene in front of him seemed to have been completely frozen.】

【"Why can't they even accept such a simple truth? Stupidity really makes people suffer."】

【From that moment on, he began to study the toxins. Only by killing them can they enter the so-called paradise world.】

【Once a person dies, he will return to nothingness and will no longer feel anything. When the heart stops beating and the brain loses activity, the body will gradually decay and eventually return to the earth. As long as you are a living thing, you will definitely experience this process.】

【Only this matter is the real truth for the same model. Helping those poor people get happiness must be the reason why they hurt the world, which became his motto】

【It is precisely because this environment has gradually distorted his ideas for a long time.】

【"Did the idiot choose to attack me? Only death is the real liberation for human beings!"】

【But for just a moment, he returned to reality. He watched the Butterfly Ninja stabbing him in front of him, and then punched it directly and knocked it away. The Butterfly Ninja quickly stepped back, and The body was forcibly beaten for more than thirty meters.】

【Staying away from all pain is the real salvation】

【Kill believers and regard them as salvation, that is why】

【While the butterfly ninja retreated, he knew very well that his poison would not have a big effect on Tong Mo. Every time he successfully attacked, Tong Mo didn't seem to dodge clearly, but just took it hard. his moves】

【Finally, it was the fifth time, and his toxin still had no effect.】

【"This is already the fifth time, and this really doesn’t work. It doesn’t work for me at all."】

【At this moment, Butterfly Man rushed towards the front position and attacked Tong Mo again. He was really a little emotional this time. He didn't expect that he was hit hard by Tong Mo at this time] (Read the Baoshuang novel, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"compound eye, hexagonal"】

【But I didn't expect that not only would it not work, but the Butterfly Ninja at this time would actually show flaws.】

【And just when his knife was about to hit, his body began to spurt out blood. At this moment, he finally felt obvious pain, and the clothes on his body were completely stained red. After being completely knocked out, he collapsed. on the ground】

【Butterfly Ninja was stunned. The guy attacked him at an extremely fast speed. While he had a flaw, he was completely hit by the huge iron fan and had a huge scar on his chest.】

【His eyes became dull, his pupils gradually dilated, and he even couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. He obviously could successfully hurt him at this time, but didn't he expect to be killed by him?】[]

【However, this move will not cause his own death at all, and he can continue to fight after another 150 moments of rest.】

【But at this moment, Butterfly Ninja was ridiculed by his fellow model. Tong Mo stood behind him, using a very leisurely expression and tone, gradually distorting the concept of Butterfly Ninja.】

【"It would be best if you cut my neck with a knife instead of using poison. After all, with your speed, it might still be effective."】

【"After all, it really doesn’t work. Your body is too petite."】

【Then this man actually showed a very joking smile. He didn't take the pillar in front of him seriously at all. This guy didn't have any compassion at all.】

【At this time, Butterfly Man felt great pain. He seemed to have felt the powerlessness of blood gradually spurting out of his body. His body began to tremble uncontrollably and the blood was lost too quickly. 】

Seeing this, the anger in everyone's hearts has reached its peak, and at the same time, questions arise in their hearts, since Butterfly Ninja is so vulnerable, how did Tong Mo die?

Not only the people of Wanjie, but also Wuxian, the boss in Infinite City, are the same.

He could tell that Butterfly Ninja was too weak.

It is simply the weakest of all pillars, as fragile as an ant. so...

Tong Mo, how did you die?

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