【At this moment, the Butterfly Ninja has completely fallen to the ground. He feels that his body will become weak, and the pain in front of him is even unbearable.】

【And the more he felt like this, the more he felt like he couldn't do anything, especially when faced with such a situation.】

【Facing this powerful ghost in front of me, I am powerless】

【"Cheer up and stop crying"】

【And just when he was still discouraged by this matter, a familiar woman's figure in his spiritual world finally began to appear in front of him at this moment, and when he suddenly looked up, he realized that it was the dead Kanae.】

【"Those don't matter, stand up right now, insect pillar, butterfly ninja"】

【And at this moment, his tears seemed even more unable to be suppressed. He watched this dead person suddenly appear in his spiritual world. This was probably the hallucination caused by his endless longing.】

【"No, I lost a lot of blood and my legs were weak. My left lung was almost cut in half."】

【"If you are determined to defeat him, then defeat him. If you are determined to win, then you must win."】

【At this moment, the encouragement from the Kanai Society began to gradually stimulate the Butterfly Ninja. The Butterfly Ninja slowly raised his body at this moment. He felt that his body was still trembling, and the pain was still there. It hasn't slowed down】

【"Oops, I stood up. I can still stand up."】

【Obviously, Tong Mo was stunned now. The move just now was almost fatal. He didn't expect that he could still stand up after catching it.】

【He dragged his tired body and slowly turned his head at this moment. He saw the man in front of him who he hated so much. His anger seemed to completely drive his body.】

【It was now that he finally burst out with his powerful power】

【"No matter what, I have to kill you, Centipede Snake Belly~!"】

【Along with countless thrusts, just like the impact brought by a huge python, the entire land gradually began to explode one after another, and it was the powerful force that exploded at this time that knocked out the entire land. several huge holes】

【At this time, countless pools of water in the pond rose to a height of more than ten meters.】

【"With your size, it wouldn't be unusual at all if you died on the spot because of the massive bleeding you just had."】

【"But I didn't expect that you actually stood up. Don't force yourself anymore. I will simply behead you and let you escape from the sea of ​​suffering as soon as possible."】

【While Tong Mo was avoiding one thing, he continued to taunt him. But at this moment, what he didn't expect was that while Tong Mo was still avoiding, the butterfly ninja at this moment actually appeared completely under his body.】

【Then with the powerful impact, the huge vibration caused by this move exploded in Tong Mo's body, and then blood spurted out and burst out.】

【The blood that followed made Tongmo completely unresponsive at this moment, and at the same time, the Butterfly Ninja injected his strong toxin into his body, injecting a large amount of toxins at once.】

【However, Tongmo's poison resistance is still very strong. In this state, he can't continue to be hit hard at all. Even if the butterfly ninja has already exploded his powerful power, it still doesn't seem to work."】

【"Oops, it really doesn’t make much sense."】

【"Are you kidding me, you bastard?"】

【"Sure enough, your poison still has no effect on me."】

【At this moment, Tong Mo spurted out a lot of blood, and he also spit out a big mouthful, but he still maintained a smile. At this moment, he didn't expect that Tong Mo was still useless, but he seemed very excited.】

【He even suddenly made a very surprising move. He actually hugged Butterfly Ninja directly and held him in his arms, and then his tears kept flowing down.】

【For a moment, Butterfly Shinobi was stunned. She even couldn't believe it. Why did such a situation happen suddenly?】

【"It really touched me. You are so strong and you are working so hard."】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Are you admiring his courage? I really can’t believe it. Butterfly Man was so overwhelmed by the sudden hug.】

【"Even though it is meaningless, it will still lead to darkness stupidly. This is the ethereal and wonderful place of human beings. You are fully qualified to be swallowed by me and live forever with me. Do you have any last words? I'm all ears"】

【The words he suddenly said made Butterfly Ninja's ego even stronger. Butterfly Ninja had no idea that he would suddenly make such a move. On the surface, he still admired him, but in his heart, he already wanted to absorb him.】

【At this moment, the insect pillar butterfly ninja had begun to gradually lose his breath. The fatal injury he had just received at this moment had indeed made it impossible for him to continue fighting. The move just now could no longer support him. life】

【So far, Butterfly endures the battle and dies】[]

【At this moment, Shanahu suddenly rushed to the scene, and he watched the girl being gradually swallowed by the evil ghost in front of him.】

【At this moment, Shanahu, who was standing there, was so frightened that she dared not move at all. This was due to human instinctive fear.】

【He was stunned for a moment and chose to stand there blankly. What kind of move would it take to seriously injure this guy?】

【"`Oh my, my, how can you still stand still in the face of my challenge? Is it because you saw the last gesture this child (Zhao Zhao) made? He has already told you all my abilities, right?"】

【"He has told you all my abilities. It is really amazing. It was only for a moment, but he worked very hard, even though it was all meaningless."】

Naruto World

Uzumaki was also completely shocked by his move. This girl spent the last moment of her life choosing to severely injure the evil spirit in front of her.

But in the end he was devoured by evil spirits

"When will all the evil spirits in the world be eradicated?"

Tsunade, who was standing aside, said nothing. There are more evil spirits like this in the world than in hell.

"Do your job well, the rest has nothing to do with you, right?" and...

Even if he is a weakling, he still has the courage that belongs to the weak!

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