【I really didn’t expect that at this moment, Boar Head arrived in time. Just when Chanel was about to die, this guy’s sudden appearance obviously successfully saved him.】

【At this moment, accompanied by the huge bitch, the powerful sword energy burst out at this moment, tearing apart everything around it like saw teeth, and everything it was swept away was cut into pieces.】

【"Breath of the beast, five fangs, ~ violent cutting"】

【With the shout of the boar head, the alliance at this moment was completely beaten back more than ten meters. He stood on the spot and stared at the man in front of him with a huge boar head on his head. I really don’t like this guy’s violent collision.】

【"I never thought that being a part of my body would be such a great blessing.-"】

【But now the sudden feeling of the boar head has completely helped Shanahu who is staying here. Shanahu thought that she would not be saved.】

【"I thought I would die here too, but I didn't expect you to come and save me."】

【"Of course, no matter how far away I am, I will go and save you."】

【"We have made an appointment, and the hook will not change for 100 years."】

【And just when the boar head began to realize that the butterfly ninja had been swallowed by this man, he was completely angry. At this moment, he had already learned that the butterfly ninja had been dead for a long time at this moment.】

【"It was you who killed Shinobu, right?"】

【"You bastard, I'm going to bite you alive"】

【At this moment, the angry boar head actually began to demonstrate the breathing method again, and at this moment, powerful power began to burst out in his body, and in the first battle, he quickly appeared at a very fast speed. In front of Tong Mo】

【Immediately afterwards, with high-speed movement and slashing, he aimed at Tong Mo's body, and Tong Mo's reaction was also very fast. In this state, he suddenly retreated and barely escaped this move, but this was only once In the face-to-face confrontation, he successfully recaptured Shanahu's sword.】

【"The breath of the beast, the teeth of the nine, stretch out, twist and cut"】

【At this moment, Tong Mo was completely stunned. At this moment, the huge boar-headed body seemed to be able to move freely. It usually looked like an arm, but in fact it looked more like a huge tentacle. The state of going back and forth is not like the body that a human should have at all.】

【Along with the shout of the boar head, a very powerful force burst out at this moment. However, he did not expect that this huge force was accompanied by a sharp slash and still could not kill Tong Mo.】

【The huge impact force formed erupted at this moment, and countless sword energy swept across the entire land. Even the sun blade in his hand was saw-toothed, with the purpose of being able to achieve the purpose of sawing through these saw-tooths.】

【But I didn't expect that these moves seemed to be of little use to Tong Mo. This was originally a high-speed return of the arm using the powerful joint dislocation ability, and this knife successfully scratched Tong Mo's face. , but it will not kill him, nor can he chop off his head.】

【"Damn it, I still can’t get the accuracy of my new move."】

【A huge crack began to appear on Tong Mo's face, and blood spurted out at this moment, but what he didn't expect was that it was not enough to kill him, and the wound was healing very quickly.】

【"This pigskin looks like it has been around for a long time. How were the eyes made?"】

【And just when the current boar head had not reacted, he realized that the evil ghost in front of him suddenly appeared in front of him. What on earth was going on? And when he reacted again, he realized that the huge boar head on his head had been completely removed by the man in front of him.】

【At this moment, the boar head was completely stunned】

【Then intense anger began to arise spontaneously. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"Damn it, you bastard, give me the pig head back!"】

【"I know your face"】

【And at this moment, he inserted his fingers along his temples into his brain, and at this moment, he began to understand the life experience of the boar head in front of him. 】

0 Request for flowers

【His mother's name seems to be Kotonoha, and she was only seventeen or eighteen years old at the time. Because he could not bear the long-term violence at home by his husband and mother-in-law, he finally fled to the All Things Bliss Sect with his infant boar head.】[]

【And all the stories started to come out at that time】

【"Finally I remembered, it meant that her husband punched and kicked her, and her mother-in-law always bullied her. After all, does the Church of Bliss I founded provide protection for similar poor people? So he came to see me."】

【Sure enough, deep in Tong Mo's memory, he did remember the existence of this guy very clearly.】

【"Protect Inosuke"】

【His mother was very beautiful and could sing very well. At that time, Tong Mo was entrusted by his mother.】

【"I originally planned to keep him by my side until he dies, but even though your mother's mind is not very bright, I always feel that he is very sharp."】

【"I didn't expect that he would find out about me eating believers not long after. No matter how I explained, he couldn't understand my fan shape. He just yelled at me and said that I had been deceiving everyone, and then he ran away with you in his arms. Out of the monastery I opened"】

【The Boar's Head remains silent now. He seems to be recalling what happened to him since childhood, but this memory does not exist at all, because at that time he was still quite a child.】

【In the end, he had no strength to continue running away. In the end, he had no choice but to throw the boar head away. The later boar head was completely raised by the boar.】

【"But don't worry, I eat very cleanly, not even half a bone is left. When I go home, I will still be abused by my husband and mother-in-law. After getting lost in the wilderness, both mother and son will die of desolation."】

【"What an unfortunate life he had. Did he ever have a happy time? What a meaningless life"】

【When he said that sentence, the man was still smiling, without any pressure or tension at all. 】

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