【But at this moment, his words had completely angered the wild boar head. The wild boar head became even more angry than before, and now, at this moment, his expression became extremely ferocious, even though he had suffered a lot on his chest. He suffered two traumas, but he still cheered up】

【"I have to thank you, thank you, for reminding me of all this, but just cutting your neck is not enough to express my gratitude to you. Oh, let you see the real hell."】

【And with the roar of the boar head, the anger he burst out at this moment completely killed all the evil spirits in front of him, which was his current hope.】

【At this moment, the wild boar head finally rushed forward. I picked up the two swords in my hands and started to attack with"Two Zero Zero" in a crazy and unorganized manner.】

【But these moves had no effect on Tong Mo. He dodged one move after another, and at this moment, the countless crystals that appeared in front of him began to condense into a physical person.】

【"Come on, let this kid be your opponent, Son of Crystal"】

【Then came the current doll made of ice, which actually spun the two of them around at such a speed that they couldn't catch it. Moreover, it could inexplicably open countless tentacles connected to the ice, and began to wanton attack】

【All of a sudden, it became even more impossible for them to continue to fight Tong Mo perfectly in this state.】

【"Just hold on for a while longer. Don't worry about the son of crystallization. You can record the entire war process for me."】

【At this moment, he has received the order from Wu Mei in the sky, and he wants to go to Wu Mei's side to help Wu Mei fight together.】

【That's why he left an ice man to hold them back at this moment. But just when he was about to leave, the Butterfly Man's legacy was officially launched.】

【And when he was about to leave at this moment, he suddenly felt that his body began to gradually change.】

【The boar head on the other side has gone crazy, attacking with the same madness, always blocking his iceman.】

【"Inosuke, don't be anxious and calm down. If we just hold him off for a while, we can succeed."】

【Shanahu, who was standing aside and continuing to fight, shouted loudly, but now the large amount of Fujiflower poison injected into Tongmo's body by the Butterfly Ninja before he died has begun to gradually activate.】

【This is the toxin that the butterfly ninja injected into his body before he was swallowed. Once he swallowed the butterfly ninja, it meant that he also absorbed these toxins, and now the scene in front of him has undergone a very shocking change.】

【Tongmo's whole body began to gradually rot, and the most important thing was that his face also began to change. One of his eyeballs had begun to ulcerate over a large area on his face, and had even begun to fall off.】

【There is only one meridian connected to other structures inside the eye socket. The eyeball is pulled on his face, and the skin on his body begins to become gradually thinner at this moment.】

【He was completely shocked at this moment, and even had some doubts about what happened to his body? Part of the tissue has begun to refuse to be controlled by him, and his face has begun to gradually melt. This is indeed something that he did not expect at all.】

【Moreover, his body is no longer under his control, and it has even completely affected his actions.】

【And it was only at this moment that he began to realize what happened when he was devouring that woman. Only then did he realize that it was the woman before she was devoured by him.】

【He has already injected a large amount of toxins into his body, and when he absorbs his body, it means absorbing a large amount of toxins.】

【"Why is my face starting to melt?"】

【The butterfly ninja had long made a plan to sacrifice himself as the core. And at this moment, memories begin to come back gradually】

【"The prerequisite for winning this battle is that I must be eaten by him"】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【In the past, he would inject a small amount of wisteria flower poison into his body every day. His Nichirin Sword could only inject up to 50m1 of poison into the ghost's body, but if the ghost ate him, it would be ingested all at once. all toxins】

【Over the years, the butterfly ninja has accumulated 70 times the lethal amount of wisteria flower poison in its body...】

【And according to the emergence of his memories, he finally revealed his previous plan, and Tong Mo ate the butterfly ninja, which was equivalent to eating 70 times the lethal amount of wisteria flower poison.】

【And thanks to Zhuyo's help, the poison in Butterfly Ninja's body was able to spread throughout his body before it started to take effect. And most importantly, it was difficult to observe at all.】

【But now Tongmo's body began to be seriously corroded, Inosuke and Kanao seized this opportunity, and at this time began to launch a crazy attack in the direction of Tongmo】[]

【"what happened? The body began to melt from the bones. It turns out that it was the child's poison."】

【Only then did the boar head begin to realize that he now wanted to regenerate and recover, but the toxin was too strong to regenerate and restore his body quickly in this state.】

【By the time he reacted, the two people in front of him were holding the knives in their hands and had already dropped them towards him.】

【"You just have to die, you bastard"】

【And just when they thought everything was going to succeed, they didn't expect that the same model who had completely reached this state could still use very powerful moves, such as Vampire Technique, Fog Ice, and Water Lily Bodhisattva.】

【The body of the huge Bodhisattva that appeared in front of them seemed to be in the 4.7 stage of gradual melting, but it still summoned powerful moves. At this moment, the two of them retreated urgently, and the huge Bodhisattva began to move towards With their fierce attack】

【At this moment, the thorns of ice began to greet their bodies crazily. As the two of them retreated, the strong ice mist produced by the explosion behind them made them feel that the temperature was too low and they could not bear it.】

【"Damn it, you’ve already reached this point, how can you still fight with us? The vitality is too strong, right?"】

【The boar head avoided and used the weapons in his hands to resist. He also complained about how powerful this guy was, which was beyond his imagination. 】

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