【At this moment, knowing that the enemy was not far away, the murderous intention of the knotweed immediately burst out. That guy was his opponent.】

【As a level 1 conjurer, he obviously has the ability to share power with animals. This guy is completely uninterested in things other than money, but his own strength is super strong.】

【It was at this moment that a crow flying in the sky acted as a scout and began to look around at the current status of the entire subway station. Ming Ming, who shared the same power, was within the entire subway station that he was currently watching. environment of】【So far, the neighborhood is relatively safe.】

【"What is he doing? We have to act quickly"】

【Huzhang was already anxious. He couldn't wait to see the real person and have a good fight with that guy.】

【"Hush, my sister is sharing vision with the crow. It needs to maintain high concentration. Please be quiet."】

【"can talk"】

【"Did you hear that? Your sister said you can talk"】

【"Sister, you really are!"】

【But now he slowly opened his eyes and understood the basic situation.】

【At this moment, Mingming turned around and looked at 623, the knotweed standing behind him. He did have something to say to Knotweed. 】

Pirate World

Sanji saw the situation in front of him.

It can be said that I am envious to death. this shared vision

"It's really abominable, why can't I have the abilities of this beautiful woman? If I also have the ability to share power with animals, can I put a frog in the bathroom?"

Zoron stood aside and glanced angrily.

"What on earth are you, a green algae head, talking about?"

【"Kill a lot of weak cyborgs or destroy a powerful curse spirit. Which one will you choose?"】

【Hezhuang said slowly and thoughtfully.】

【"No need to answer your words, I also know that I will definitely choose the latter"】

【"There are a large number of modified people wandering on the fourth underground floor waiting for opportunities to attack humans. The vast majority of ordinary people should be at the Fudu New Line platform on the fifth underground floor. You guessed it because the crows I sent are all magical. I can't get in, fifth floor underground"】

【"The current situation should be that the enemy has used cyborgs to bring all the ordinary people to the deepest part of the underground. Then my crow is a curse spirit or a magician who was caught between the first underground layer and the second underground layer. It must be there"】【"I don’t know if it’s to prevent someone from escaping to the upper floors, or if it’s a real number condition of the account. The reason for his appearance in this location and the purpose of isolating the five underground floors are still a mystery."】

【At the moment when Mingming was still analyzing it carefully, the tiger stick pointed directly at the underground tree next to him.】

【"It's down there, right? That guy's down there not far from here, right?"】

【And the guy that the knotweed is pointing to now must be a real person.】

【"Who knows, my crows have been killed before they can confirm the position of Patch Face. Although it is inappropriate to spread the combat power, if we continue to delay, all the ordinary people on the fourth floor underground will be killed.. But the matter of transforming people must be close to home."】

【"We will go to the rescue through Exit 7, which can go directly to the fourth underground floor. If the general public feels that something is wrong, you can just run to the fourth underground floor. But if possible, I hope that the visual impairment in our river has been lifted. The general public has been informed, and the purpose of the enemies placed on the fifth floor underground has also been discovered."】

【And obviously at this moment, after talking about the knotweed, he chose to enter exits 4~7 alone.】

【"Don't worry, Miss Mingming, I won't lose again."】

【The knotweed said calmly at this moment, and then gradually began to walk to the underground level, and happened to see a curse spirit devouring a human body.】

【(aheg) This powerful curse spirit can actually speak】

【"What are you looking at?"】

【The tiger stick stood there, and the murderous look in his eyes instantly made the curse spirit standing opposite him break out in cold sweat. He suddenly stood up and looked at the tiger stick standing opposite him at this moment.】

【"You, you, you are a magician, right? You're a conjurer, right? I'm so smart"】

【"It's Patch-face's curse spirit coming, right? Where is he?"] (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【This curse spirit seems to have a low IQ, and after hearing the patch, he still didn't fully understand what was going on.】

【And of course this patchy face refers to a real person.】

【"The guy with a lot of stitches on his face"】

【"I won't let you treat me like a stupid boy. This kind of trivial matter can't trouble me. I'm smart. My real person is down there. I'm here to guard the account."】

【Now it has been confirmed that this curse spirit does not have a high IQ. Although it can talk, its strength is not clear yet. But one thing can be judged, that is, this guy is definitely not smart.】[]

【"I can't control that much now"】

【In fact, until now, Huzhuang doesn't know that the real person is Pudding Face, and he doesn't even know what the name of that Patch Face is.】

【At least he can understand that the giant beetle-like cricket staying here now should be the curse spirit guarding the account.】

【At this moment, he seemed to recall what Mr. Gojo once said to him: Barrier Jutsu is very difficult. There are many people who are very capable, but they cannot do such things as Barrier Jutsu.】

【Now Huzhang has remembered that this guy released two accounts? Or are there two powerful curse spirits like this?】

【Guard the account. It seems that it is not a release or a display, but a protection. If you want to say that, then this thing is too suspicious. The huge rivet inserted in the ground and wrapped in countless talismans should be maintained. A tool for enchantment】

【"Forget it, let’s destroy it first. The real man’s spell can change the shape of human beings, did you know?"】

【"Yes, but the taste is much different. I am smart enough to taste different flavors."】

【And that guy suddenly showed a very arrogant smile, but he didn't expect that in the next second, the knotweed kicked his head completely, and then his body quickly shot towards the front, One punch hit the huge curse spirit completely on the stomach, and a huge hole was completely punched out in the entire curse spirit's body.】

【"One by one, you guys can't look down on humans anymore!"]

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