【And it was only now that he began to realize that this so-called weirdo was actually a locust, and that the cursed spirit mutated from a locust should also have the rhythm of a real person.】

【The so-called locust plague is a large-scale disaster caused by the emergence of a large number of locusts. Wherever the locusts go, not only crops, but even paper clothes, wooden houses and other plant items will be devoured. It can eat the same amount of food as its own body weight. A total of 1 ton of insect swarms can consume 2,500 people's food in one day.】

【People feared, hated, and cursed this devil-like insect. At this moment, it exploded with unprecedented impact. It was obvious that a second ago, it was directly punched by the knotweed and hit the wall.】

【But he didn't expect that in the next second, it would move at super high speed and hit the side of the knotweed.】

【"What an amazing leg explosive power and bite force. Being able to talk shows that he is a relatively high-level curse."】

【Just as the tiger stick was still thinking about this matter, the huge locust quickly moved towards him at this moment. Unexpectedly, the tiger stick turned around, grabbed his leg, and hit him hard with a backflip. He threw it out】

【His terrifying bite force and four arms that move freely allow him to shorten the distance between him and the knotweed without any worries.】

【And Polygonum cuspidatum has realized this now, and he seems to have no other tricks.】

【"Is your kid smart or not? Let me tell you, I'm smart"】

【The guy said arrogantly at this time】

【"A truly smart person will not boast about his intelligence"】

【As soon as he finished speaking, the knotweed quickly gathered its fists and struck at the giant locust at the front. At this moment, its two arms were fully equipped to deal with the knotweed, but it was completely unexpected that the knotweed could easily dodge all the attacks.】

【The speed is so fast that this locust cannot be caught at all. Whether it is speed, bite force or strength, it is obviously far better than humans. However, facing the fierce storm attack from the tiger, this guy is constantly being beaten.】

【The powerful impact burst out was too strong, and right now, the giant locust waved its hand and quickly hit the knotweed. However, he did not expect that the knotweed could easily dodge this attack, and then immediately One punch quickly hit the locust on the head.】

【"Locust fennel eggs are laid in the ground. For this reason, its abdomen can be telescopic, hardening the front end, and extending to three times the length when it reaches the ground."】

【At this moment, Polygonatum cuspidatum once again faced a violent storm of attacks, and was still able to easily dodge. This guy does still have a trump card.】

【"You must be prepared to die after eating people."】

【The tiger stick just said this simply, and on the other side, on the other side of Ming Ming, he had already seen that the Ding Mao inserted into the ground had been broken, which meant that the account here had been collected.】

【"Then let's wait here for the knotweed, and then go to the fifth underground floor together."】【On the other side, the real person finally appeared here】

【"The locusts have been killed. It seems that a group of capable magicians have come. It's a pity, but now I also want to stretch my muscles, but there is no way. Who has a job?"】

【The scene finally shifted to the other side. Clepsydra was completely frightened. At this moment, he even couldn't believe that that guy could be so powerful. But now Gojou was slowly moving towards him like a demon. As he walked slowly, cold sweat broke out all over his body.】

【At this point, there was no other way. He quickly grabbed the civilians next to him and threw them towards Gojo. However, he did not expect that they were all easily saved by Gojo, and then he appeared behind him in an instant. Gojo launched an attack suddenly, and the leaky pot now attacks faster. If you hit Gojo's side, you have to keep a distance from this guy at all times.】

【Because at this moment he was really scared, and when Gojo dodged this move, he ran away quickly. This was too scary. Thinking about it carefully, he could never let Hua Yu Bai sacrifice his life to sneak in. In the crowd, using extension to carry out thorough tactics is the best】

【"Mr. Zhang, if you plan to sit back and watch, I will kill you."】【He shouted loudly for the conjurer who could manipulate blood, and at this moment, a giant arrow made entirely of blood shot toward Gojo. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Gojo didn't even try to escape because this thing couldn't get close to him, and now he was also lost in thought.】

【"Don't get close to me but don't run away, but this tactic has limits. People who can't see the curse spirit start to avoid me like the plague. If this continues, I will be able to catch it when there is enough space. That volcano's head"】

【"But this time there is no need to lift it, the warlock went deep again"】

【But now Wu Jiaowu has a new plan, first to exercise, and then beat it to pieces. They all know this now, but if he keeps the distance, and then goes into the crowd with Jiuxiantu If you enlarge the move, I'm afraid it will be troublesome.】[]

【In desperation, Gojo could only choose another way. He had to give up some of the civilians here.】

【"Sorry, I can't save all of you, but as compensation, I will definitely get rid of both of them."】

【Gojo's eyes were very firm at this time, and now about 20 minutes have passed, and Xia Youjie on the other end continued to have a simple exchange with the Clepsydra.】

【"It's still early, Gojo, isn't this very easy? He needs to suffer a little more."】

【The other magicians have also completely come to this side】

【"Abdominal bloating, I didn’t expect you to be very good. You have completely reached the first level. You can do this without starting the vertical pose. You are really the first one after Sunshine."】

【"To be honest, I thought you would put in a little more effort."】

【"My opponent is not that patchy face. If it were him, I might not be so relaxed."】

【"You guy, just accept the compliments from my sister honestly. You should say thank you very much. This is your honor."】

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