【At this moment, Polygonum Weed and the others finally rushed towards that side. What they didn't expect was that when they finally arrived at the underground side, they found that everything around them seemed to have ended completely.】

【"what happened? It looks like that person over there is already late."】【"How about it? Are you ok? What about the rest?"】

【He finally saw an ordinary civilian squatting on the ground and huddled in the corner. Now his face was pale, and he was obviously too frightened.】

【"Everyone has become a monster. I just entered the subway and the person said it was full."】

【While Huzhan continued to listen to this guy's words, he didn't expect that his body would undergo a strange change"660" at this moment. His whole person turned into a cursed spirit, and his head instantly became larger. While spreading, it has been completely opened】

【"I'm no longer needed"】

【And when Hearing this moment, Hu Zhi was completely angry. That bastard actually did such a thing and suddenly reacted. Everyone entered the subway, which means that Teacher Gojo has now entered the subway.】【Gojo below was still watching what was happening around him. While all the fighting was still going on, the subway from the other side was coming at a fast speed. This was the moment that Clepsydra was waiting for.】

【"It’s finally here! Great, the subway is here"】

【When these civilians saw that the subway was speeding past, they scrambled one by one, trying to squeeze into the subway and quickly escape from this hellish place. However, what they didn't expect was that at the moment the subway door opened, there was already someone inside the subway. It was completely packed with people, but these guys didn’t seem to be human anymore.】【I didn't expect that they were all cursed spirits. No wonder the guy just said that the staff was full and he was no longer needed, and then he turned into a cursed spirit and fell to the ground.】【It turns out that the so-called"full garden" means that the subway car is already packed with cursed spirits, and there is no room for them to fit in. The civilian who was crowded at the front was unexpectedly grabbed by one of the cursed spirits and punched in the head. He punched his head directly with his fist.】

【Immediately afterwards, this group of curse spirits swarmed out, rushing towards the subway station. At this moment, Gojo was completely stunned. What did these guys want to do?】

【As expected, the real person on the other side has appeared next to him】

【It's this guy who turned everyone in the subway into cursed spirits】

【The only man who can turn things around in the same predicament that reflects the bottomless place is the one who decided at this moment to have a good fight with these guys.】【And at this moment, Gojo Satoru became angrier than before, because he saw that these guys were turned into curse spirits by the patchy face in front of him. It seemed that by now, his anger had reached an all-out level. No matter what, these idiots must pay the price. This is what I want to do most in my current position】

【And Gojo's expression now became particularly ugly. He knew very well that these guys were just joking with him, and they dared to do such a thing.】

【The swarming curse spirits obviously made Gojo completely dumbfounded. Even he can't believe that these guys can do this.】

【"Did the jar break? The smaller the number of people. I'm afraid the more headaches I have, it's your curse spirits."】

【Just as he was still wondering at this moment, the real person at the front finally appeared in front of Gojo. He clenched his fist and hit Gojo. However, he didn't expect that the space that appeared inexplicably still couldn't let any of them come into contact. Go to Gojo】

【"It seems like you really can't hit it."】

【"It's the face stitching. This is the guy Nanami and Kizweed are talking about, right?"】

【"Let me tell you a very disgusting thing about human beings, that is, there are so many"】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【This guy was very excited until now, but now Gojo can't laugh at all. The places blocked by weeds just now are, as expected, all here are cursed spirits, and there are cursed spirits above, or else they are with Zhou Rei Tongtong's curse master plans to trap ordinary people in Shibuya and throw them all over】【"Red blood manipulation, hundreds of drinks!"】

【Another conjurer finally launched his attack at this moment, and the real person on the other side also broke out his own inaction transformation at this moment 0.......】

【Multiple souls erupted at this moment, and now the two of them gathered their strength together, and the moves began to form. The Great Connector unexpectedly surrounded Wu Jiao's sky. The leaky pot also seized the opportunity and hit Wu Jiao at this moment. , he didn’t expect that he still couldn’t hit】

【Just before he could react, Gojo grabbed his arm directly. But what he didn't expect was that Luhu would cut off his arm with a knife to make it easier to escape. Obviously, this was what he had just done. Determined things】

【The surrounding civilians began to flee】[]

【"The Gojo I know is different from Knotweed Yuuto. It is in cold storage. It will probably get rid of us steadily based on a certain degree of sacrifice."】

【"But in this situation where both the dead and the living continue to increase, that certain level of balance will no longer be effective. What you must do now is to expand the domain, expand the infinite space, and remove the cursed spirits in the domain. Kill all the humans"】

【"There are no humans who have been thrown into the fifth underground level outside of the rescue field, but you can’t do it, because the sacrifices you expected were humans killed by the cursed spirits, not those killed by Gojo Satoru."】4.8

【At this moment, it was obvious that Gojo was silent and did not speak. At this moment, everyone was provoking him crazily.】

【"So think about it slowly and hesitate."】

【"Real or fake? It really made me laugh to death"】

【Just as they were continuing to be proud a second ago, they did not expect that Gojo would put two fingers together in the next second, and then instantly expand his own domain of infinite space, and at this moment, everyone They were all completely stunned, because Gojo now planned to make a desperate move, and the time to use Muliangkuju was only 0.2 seconds.】

【Within this 0.2 seconds, he instantly captured most of the Zhou Lings around him and killed them all. 】

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