【And this so-called 0.2 seconds is Gojo Enlightenment. It feels like setting an infinite void. This residence time should not make non-magicians useless, nor will it cause sequelae.】

【There is no definite basis, but within 0.2 seconds, approximately half a year's worth of information was poured into the brains of countless people, including the modified humans, and everyone stood there and lost consciousness.】

【However, the survivors on the fifth underground floor will all return to society in two months without exception, and the special-level curse spirit of this level may awaken at any time. Considering the limited time, the goal is to focus on transformation. on people】

【And it was at this moment that Gojo was fully prepared. At this moment, he burst out with an unprecedented strong murderous aura, and he was holding two huge heads in his hands. 299 seconds after the domain was lifted, To kill them all】

【But just when he reacted, a small square appeared under his feet beside him 07. It was at this moment that the small square finally started to appear at this moment.There is some movement gradually】

【"Prison gate territory! open the door"】

【Finally, this thing suddenly appeared on the other side, and memories began to emerge gradually.】

【"This thing is a living barrier, it is what the original nature will eventually become. There is nothing that cannot be sealed by Prison Gate, but there are still conditions for sealing it."】

【"One minute, under these conditions, leave that guy for one minute"】

【This means that if you want to activate it, it will take at least a minute. Basically, it should be like this】

【"Even if we spend thousands of years of ignorant human life, we still can't do it."】

【"Don't be so anxious. The leaky pot will be fine. Just say it for a minute."】

【And now, the prison gate finally opened. The four squares in front of him began to gradually bulge, and then formed a pair of huge eyes. There was a steel nail inserted into the inside of the eyes. He was looking at Gojo with his big eyes. Gojo was completely stunned. Just as he was still shocked by this incident, Xia Youjie suddenly appeared behind him.】

【"Oops, long time no see. What appears there is the best friend you personally killed last year."】

【"Fake? Is he a transformed warlock? Six eyes are real"】

【Memories of the past began to emerge in Gojo's mind. After the Yumen opened the door, Gojo could be contained only within the effective range of the seal with a radius of about 4m. The only thing to do was to keep Gojo. minutes】

【And finally now, Clepsydra began to recover gradually, bursting out with unprecedented huge help. At this moment, he finally chose to sacrifice himself in order to control him.】

【In fact, no sacrifice is required at all. What's more, it's said to be one minute, but in fact it only takes one minute of five mental times.】

【This means that the so-called minute in his mind is actually only a moment.】

【At this moment, the prison gate had already wrapped around Gojo's whole body, and finally it was completely sealed at this moment. It was only at this moment that Gojo began to realize that he had been trapped in a trap.】

【"How can this be done? Satoru, how can you think about things during a battle?"】【"No, I can't feel gravity, and I can't exert any energy. By the way, who are you?"】

【"I am Xia Youjie, have you forgotten? I'm so sad"】

【"The information obtained by these six eyes shows that you are Xia Youjie, but my soul denies all this. Answer me quickly, who are you?"】

【Gojo was roaring at this moment, because he would never allow anyone to invade Xia Youjie's body, which was his close friend. That was why the Social Security Center became like this. He had let go of all the things he had done between good brothers before. He is still unwilling to accept what is happening now. Even if he is sealed, it doesn't matter, but he will never allow others to invade his free body.】

【But at this moment, when Gojo was still feeling very angry and roaring about this, he was completely shocked by the actions of the downstream knot in front of him. At this moment, the guy actually slowly sutured the Take the needle and thread off your head. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【He actually opened his head directly, and a brain with smart teeth appeared in front of Gojo. Seeing this guy looking at him with a very strange smile, he was holding his own head in one hand, and his head The brain is also exposed】

【At this moment, Gojo looked at the scene in front of him in even greater disbelief.】【"It's really disgusting. Why do you know that?"】

【"It's this kind of magic. You can use the body repeatedly by replacing the brain. Of course, you can also use the warlock carved on the body, so this body is very useful to me now."】

【The anger in Gojo's heart was finally a little uncontrollable. He gritted his teeth, but now he didn't have any power. 】

Spells return to the world[]

"Hey, are you kidding me? This disgusting guy actually opened his head and exposed his brain."

Huzhang can't believe it until now. On the one hand, his teacher has actually fallen into the trap. On the other hand, who is the guy who appears here? He looks like he is something serious.

350"Damn it, he is Xia Youjie's former teacher. A dear friend, but I remember that during the first Hyakuki Night Parade, he was killed by the teacher himself."

Fushiguro Megumi said seriously at this moment.

【"I want the magic operation of the downstream and the current situation. You didn't leave Xia Youjie's body to someone else to deal with it, and restrained some strange things. Thanks to this, I can easily get this body. Don't worry, the seal will be released soon after 100 years. Oh, no, it will be 1000 years later, because you are too strong and will hinder my purpose."】

【The guy said calmly, but he didn't expect that Gojo Satoru suddenly laughed.】

【"Did you forget it? Who had beaten this body before I killed him?"】

【"Is Yigu too worried? I don't find that kid very attractive"】

【Now that the God of War of Pure Love has appeared, he will definitely be able to reverse the situation. The unconditional vertical mode and the bottomless gravity are all achieved by retaining the soul of the person you love most.】

【So it’s a pity that Otoko Yuta can’t become Gojo Satoru】

【So in their eyes, that man is not a very strong existence, and they will not be afraid of him. 】

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