【On the other side of the huge apron, the wild boar was indeed continuing to fight the other two curses, even though he had now shot out a more powerful murderous aura.】

【I feel like I don't have much effect at all】

【"The prediction was absolutely correct, it wasn't that strong, but there must be something fishy about sacrificing one's life to protect that old woman regardless of the cost, so it was better to end the battle quickly."】

【The wild boar was thinking to himself at this time, and in this situation, he had begun to gradually calculate, and he seemed to be delaying time for the old lady. The old lady clasped her hands together as if in meditation, and sat in the open space aside. , but at this moment the surrounding atmosphere suddenly changed】


【The old lady said something indifferently and then did not respond any further.】【"Okay, I get it, grandma"】

【At this moment, the wild boar continued to make 08 moves. He would never let these guys succeed. Just as he had already shot out more powerful power, he did not expect that the old lady would gradually start to open her mouth at this moment. Got a mouthful】

【"Zenyuan Shi'er"】

【In just the next second, that invisible sense of oppression burst out instantly, and the wild boar standing aside was suddenly shocked. He really didn't expect that such a state would occur, and finally at this moment, something shocking happened in front of him. The wild boar is in a very shocked state】

【The skin on this young man's body began to fade away, and finally at this moment, another man's face began to gradually appear on this person's body.】

【What's more, this name is quite familiar to me. It feels like the Zenyuan family was once the strongest and could even fight with Gojo.】

【Basically someone who is related to curses and spells, no one knows what this name actually means.】

【The day when the strongest one was born, a wave of power unmatched by yours began to gradually subvert the world of magic. That was the day when Gojo was born.】

【"Dad wishes you a happy birthday. The gift is me in uniform. It’s very cute. You really made the right choice to study in Senxue."】

【"There is nothing wrong with that, but if you are always so confident, you will become like your mother sooner or later."】

【The girl in front of me coquettishly sat on her father's mouth】【"Hey, don’t you like mom?"】

【"Of course it's not that I don't like it, but it's because he's cheating on me"】

【And finally in the next second, when the girl was sitting in her father's arms, she took out a huge steel nail from her hand, and then instantly inserted the steel nail into the back of the man's neck.】

【Then the girl's face began to gradually change, and she turned into that old lady.】

【"We used to be extremely free, and the spellcasters were tired of dealing with it. One year: one year of active spell spirits. As long as we deal with them skillfully, we cursers can no longer make money easily and live freely and willfully."】

【At this time, the old lady began to recall the events that happened between herself and Gojo.】

【It was precisely because of this that he decided to kill Wu Jiao】

【It is precisely because of this that the reason why the curse spirits are getting stronger year by year can be understood in an instant, that is the existence of Gojo. After the birth of Gojo, the balance of the world has changed. The former curse masters and conjurers were extremely free, but in later years, that freedom was taken away】

【On the other side, the bald ladle is still continuing to fight with the tiger sticks and the others, even though he has now burst out with more powerful power. He can deal with two guys by himself.】

【But he still didn't feel any fatigue. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"Trampling the weak until death, so I am really happy today"】【On the other side, Koizumi and Fushiguro Megumi were also beaten and retreated. They had no chance to fight the guy in front of them because he was too strong, a strong man they had never seen before.】

【"What the hell is going on with this guy?"】

【"Yes, the blow we inflicted on him didn't cause any damage. This can't be explained by being strong."】

【"Could it be that the attack was neutralized? Nine times out of ten, it has something to do with his technique."】【"Gojo is coming to Shibuya, you should quickly put down the foundation of your account and run away."】【At this moment, Fushiguro Megumi suddenly remembered this, and then shouted loudly towards the curser in front of him, and at this moment, he didn't seem to care about it at all.】

【"Haha, haha, the level of bluffing really stinks, haven't the five items you shouted loudly have been sealed? I guess it was because of the curse that I came out to have fun. If Gojo is still energetic, then I will sleep at home."】[]

【"Sure enough, this guy can't beat Gojo-sensei, so this guy's technique is not something as great as nullification, so don't worry about it"】

【"Don't care, how can you not care?"】

【"If you're not motivated, then I should kill you too."】

【And just after the guy said these words, Knotweed already felt something was wrong, and finally at this time, Fushiguro Megumi made a gesture and used his own magic to create countless little rabbits. Fleeing crazily, it was because of this 087 that these rabbits began to fascinate his eyes.】

【"I know that guy's technique"】

【It was at this moment that he finally saw through the capabilities of the man in front of him. But the familiar man on the other side came back unexpectedly】

【"Is the old woman who can transform a person through the advent spell the tide of witches? No, that's not the point. Who is this guy? Is there a famous magician? You can tell by the way he stands"】

【"He is too strong"】

【And just when he was about to use the technique to fight in the next second, the mask on his head was suddenly torn off in an instant. The speed was so fast that he didn't even react, and he turned his head suddenly. One punch hit him directly on the head, and then with a series of punches, the wild boar was beaten so hard that he was completely confused about the situation.】

【"A shikigami that relies on numbers to feint attack, do you want to give me a powerful blow directly from outside the shikigami?"】

【And in the next second, everything around him completely disappeared, leaving only a incomplete shadow. Bald Lao'er was completely stunned now. There was no shadow. Could it be that he had already escaped?】

【In the next second, a huge elephant trampled on me】【"Full of elephants!"]

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