【"So Fushiguro will leave it to you to do the next thing. I have to go to the station first. Oh, by the way, if you dare to die, I will kill you."】

【The knotweed has now strengthened his belief. Finally, at this moment, he is fully prepared to compete with these curse spirits no matter what.】

【"Don’t worry, don’t I have a mechanical pill with me?"】

【In fact, Hu Zhang knew in his heart that after the machine was finished, he was actually gone long ago. The guy had been completely trampled to pieces, but only he knew about this kind of thing.】

【"All in all, you just need to understand it yourself. See you later."】

【The two good brothers finally separated completely at this moment, just between Shibuya in front of Meiji Jingu Shrine at Tokyo Subway Station on the other side. Nanami finally completed her last battle, but when she went back at the same time, she saw her advisor, who had already died tragically at the hands of the Curse Master.】

【On the other side, directly under the huge subway, a boy continues to sit on a huge cursed spirit 333, singing happily, and this guy is Ming Ming's younger brother.】

【"You know what my technique is, right? It's just that you can control crows"】

【"It's also super weak, right? So when I was young, I worked hard to train myself so that I could fight without relying on a warlock. Looking at you sitting paralyzed in front of me, I once again realized that all the hard work was not in vain."】【Mingming showed a smile at this moment and looked at the curse master sitting in front of him. At this moment, he had completely exposed all his fears.】

【"Stop it, stop fighting. I swear I will never get involved in this again. Please let me go.……"】

【Before the curser finished speaking, at this moment, the child finally walked up to him and made a quiet gesture with his hand.】

【"My sister hasn’t finished speaking yet."】

【"I kept trying to comfort myself that the real value of a magician is not that of a magician, but this has reached its limit. Neither physical ability nor physical strengthening through spells will grow endlessly. I encountered a bottleneck and endured I suffered setbacks, but later I became more and more courageous. By facing my own warlock again, I finally became a qualified first-level warlock."】

【"Applause, applause!"】

【The curse next to him was that he clapped his hands after hearing what the little boy said. It was at this moment that he had completely become a tool man.】

【At this moment, he had completely given up, and at this moment Ming Ming raised the ax in his hand, preparing to end the war between them at this moment.】【"Okay, okay, you can die. I just want to kill some time and talk nonsense to you."】

【"I'm really sorry. I will never do evil again. Please be kind and spare my life."

【When he cursed, he knelt down and begged for mercy, but at this moment, Ming Ming showed a very charming smile.】

【"Yoyo, what do you think the value and weight of life should be proportional to?"】

【"Needless to say? Of course, it depends on how much use you can make of your sister."】

【"how about you?"】

【"As a killer, you cannot immediately measure and answer this, so you lose your life. By the way, to me, the value of a life is the potential of his intention."】

【"Sister, it seems that the account has been settled. How much profit will this big favor of selling five bars bring me in the future? It’s really exciting to think about it."】

【Finally, at this moment, Xia Youjie's side seemed to be excited, and it came much earlier than expected.】

(chca) [And Ding Qi also rushed to the final venue with his teammates, and at this moment, he finally saw this powerful guy, who was in the Kyoto exchange meeting before assassinating Yiji. The curser. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


【"Oh, oh, it’s a girl in a suit. I’m so happy. All the people I met just now are men. I’m tired of cutting them."】

【At this moment, Ding Qi also took out the weapon in his hand, a sledgehammer, and signaled his teammates to find a place to hide quickly, because the next battle would become quite bloody.】

【On the other side, Nana Ming, Nanami, also began to gradually feel the seriousness of this matter. He looked at his former teammates who were lying on the ground and he felt emotional for a moment.】

【"I have never felt angry because I felt useless, and I never will in the future. I will only blindly regard the evil that caused this situation as a thorn in my side, and then quickly get rid of it. How dare you look down on people, little bastard?"】[]

【"Mr. Ijichi? Nitta said that he heard the phone call when he was talking to him just now. The avatar seemed to have been attacked. It should have happened after he and Fushiguro Megumi and the others separated. I'm afraid it should be in danger now."】

【"All in all, it’s your name, and look at Mr. Stranger, Idiot Satoru should definitely not lose, but the situation is getting more and more strange."】

【"By the way, there is no signal for mobile phones now. If there is no auxiliary supervision, then we will be completely headless. I will take care of it here."】

【"By the way, that old man is too unmotivated."】

【"Give me wine, I want wine"】

【The old man was still lying there without any intention of completing the task. He was stretching and yawning lazily. He had already drank two cans of beer, and he was still clamoring for wine.】

【"Maybe if you stay outside the account, it will be easier to save your life in case of emergency."】

【"I'm so happy. I'm tired of all the guys I met before, so let me play with you guys."】

【"You pretend to escape into the Cultural Village, and then go to the East Pole direction to listen to the guy's tone. Mr. Foreigner may have been attacked by him. If that is the case, you must hurry up."】

【The two women were whispering here, thinking about their next plan.】

【"But Ding Qi, don’t be too reckless."】

【"Don't worry, I'm fine"】

【"What are you two whispering about? He kept mumbling, which made me really want to hear it."】

【The curse master walked toward the two women with an excited look on his face. 】

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