【"Kill them all! destiny!"】

【Following the philosopher's order, Cosette suddenly turned into a beam of red light and hit the enemy's face with the weapon in his hand!】

【The battle became more and more intense. Countless monsters rushed up to fight with Cosette in close combat. In order to deal with the opponent as quickly as possible, Cosette changed his weapon into a gun-shaped weapon and inserted it into the ground, destroying the entire street with a red shock wave!】

【"Boom boom boom——!!!"】

【The smoke dissipated, and Destiny once again fought with dozens of monsters. At this moment, Cosette's energy was exhausted and he could no longer fight. Correspondingly, the philosopher as a conductor had also reached his limit.】

【Both of them were unable to fight, but D2 monsters still appeared one after another in the darkness. Just when they were in desperate situation, two figures suddenly appeared, and an uncle rushed into the battlefield with a lolita!】

【Without saying a word, the twin-tailed loli took out a shotgun and, under the command of her uncle, cleared the place!】

【After a while, the philosopher woke up from his coma. He first looked at the markings on the palm of his right hand and told him that everything that happened yesterday was true.】

【Then he came to the piano room and met Cosette, but Cosette had lost all his memory. At this time, the girl only knew that she was called Destiny, the player responsible for fighting monsters, and the Philosopher was her conductor.】

【"Don’t remember anything?", a wry smile appeared on the corner of the philosopher's mouth.】

【At this time, the uncle who appeared yesterday also came to their home. It turned out that the uncle was called Lenny and was the conductor of the symphony orchestra, and the twin-tailed Lolita was called Giant and was the player of the uncle.】

【Looking at the silent philosopher, the uncle told the philosopher that their situation was extremely special, because Cosette was the performer of natural awakening, and this kind of thing was the only case before!】

【Because generally people with the physique of a performer will need a long period of training in the symphony orchestra's research institute, and becoming a performer will completely erase their previous personality.】

【In other words, Cosette actually no longer exists, and due to defects in energy regulation, it will also lead to life-threatening】

【If you want to solve this problem, you can only go to the New York Symphony Orchestra headquarters to find a solution!】

【And this is the reason why the three of them went here]

Fateful World

"Is it really impossible to recover Cosette’s personality?"

The philosopher clenched his fists tightly, with sorrow flashing in his eyes.

But...If Cosette comes back, what will be his fate now?

The philosopher knelt on the ground, his eyes empty and confused

【The world of Echoes of Fate ends, and then a new world begins—the world of powerful shadows! 】

The World of Shadow Powerful Persons (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Sid, who was handsome in a black robe, was stunned for a moment, and then stayed where he was.

"No...No, you're kidding!"

If this is exposed to him, how can he still show off?!!

【Modern City——】

【The young man was dressed in black student clothes, walking slowly towards the front.】[]

【Sid - an ordinary high school student, but in the young heart, he has a heart that wants to become stronger!】

【He has started free fighting, fencing, mixed martial arts, etc. since he was a child. He has tried his best to learn everything related to becoming stronger, and he has even studied ethereal magic!】

【Because Sid knows that humans have limits!】

【Surrounded by heavily armed soldiers, no matter how strong you are, you can't stop bullets. Even if you become the strongest fighter in the world, there is only a slight possibility of counterattack.】

【But if you have expectations about this, you are totally wrong, because what if a nuclear bomb falls from the sky?】

【This is something he can't stop no matter how hard he trains. This is the sorrow of living things.】

【And Sid's dream is to become a strong man, and an unknown strong man, who can resolve disputes secretly, possess absolute power while maintaining a low profile.】

【In this way, under the dual training of body and spirit, he has persisted for more than ten years without realizing it. On the surface, he is an ordinary high school student who is harmless to humans and animals, but in fact, he is practicing all the time!】

【Even in normal times, when others are chatting, he will exercise unconsciously】

【"22251.22252.22253", just like this, Sid's strength continues to improve, but one day, it will reach its end】

【And this end is despair that can be seen at a glance——】........

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