【"Hey, Yumeko, do you want to check out the new lipstick after class?"】

【"Hmm~ Speaking of which, I haven’t changed it for a long time, so I might as well take a look."】

【"Then drop by and check out that newly opened KTV!"】

【The daily life of high school students is nothing more than chatting between girls and teenagers. The atmosphere of youthful daily life fills every corner of the space.】

【However, things are unpredictable, and Sid's specialness is still noticed by a girl.】

【Of course, to be more precise, it's because the girl hates Sid because he can't even remember his name, but the two have been sitting at the same table for three months!】

【""Classmate Rhea", and as expected today, Sid called her by the wrong name again, it was not Rhea...It's Leya!!!】

【Leya was smiling, but she was already mum in her heart. Just when the girl wanted to emphasize her name, suddenly, Sid seemed to have thought of something and spoke,"Oh, I remembered it, you seem to be a character with a name."】

【"with a name...Role?", Leya was stunned.】

【"Ah, don’t worry about it, I haven’t had enough sleep lately, it seems I recognized the wrong person." In Sid’s eyes, these people are all NPCs】

【"I'm sorry, Rena-san."】

【...It’s even more wrong!!!】

【Leia couldn't hold it any longer. The other party called her another name. She had given up her struggle now, but in fact, that was not what annoyed her the most, because she had noticed the look in Sid's eyes a long time ago. No self at all】

【For example, the two of them seemed to be looking at each other just now, but in fact he could feel that the other person's eyes were not on her, that kind of arrogance....No, it’s not that she’s arrogant, it’s that she simply pretends she doesn’t exist!】

【Originally, Leia wanted to pretend that Sid didn't exist at all, but this would expose the girl's image at school.】

【After all, if you just hear about isolating your classmates, you will be disgusted, right? In order not to be disliked by her teachers and classmates, Leya has been working hard not to be hated by others.】

【When she was in junior high school, the girl was once enraged by a kidnapper. In order to prevent things from happening again, the girl put on a mask in her life from then on.】

【It was night in a flash, and Leya was walking home. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps behind her caught the girl's attention, but when she looked back, there was no one there.】

【"Is it because you have been too nervous recently?"Just when Leya breathed a sigh of relief, an accident happened in the next second. A big man with a strong back blocked her. Leya wanted to escape. But soon her mouth and nose were covered by something!】

【Facing the man's overwhelming power, the girl's resistance was completely useless. Soon she felt sleepy and slowly lost consciousness.】

【When Leya woke up again, she had arrived at an unknown warehouse. The two gangsters just now were nearby. The reason for kidnapping was for money, because the girl was the eldest lady of Leya Group!】

【At the same time, a bright light flashed through the crack of the door, and Sid saw it through the reflection. Then he unzipped the backpack, and a black mask lay quietly inside. This mask had accompanied him in solving countless incidents!】

【".Hey, hey, hey, a young lady and a high school student, you can’t miss this kind of thing, right?", and Huang Mao on the side was a little bored at this time. Before the ransom was coming, how about Leya playing poker with him?!】

【Anyway, this isn't the first time I've been kidnapped. Last time it seemed like it was a stalker.】

【"Peng——!"But at this critical moment, a strange noise suddenly came from the ceiling. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Under the cold moonlight, a figure appeared, and then smashed the glass with a kick! Came directly to the ground!】

【"Hello! Do you want to die? (Zhao Li Zhao)!", looking at the man whose face he couldn't see clearly in front of him, Huang Mao didn't care about these bells and whistles. He took out his pistol and was about to shoot! Right now】

【"ah——!"However, before he could take aim, a shard of glass hit his hand, and Huang Mao let out a low roar of pain.】

【At this moment, Sid on the side said calmly and calmly,"There are big flaws in your actions and attitude, are you really kidnapped?"】

【"Damn guy!"Huang Mao still wanted to struggle and reached out to touch the gun, but unfortunately Sid was faster. As soon as he stepped down, Huang Mao was already unconscious!]

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