【"died...Classmate Sid is dead?", Leya continued to be confused. She never thought that Sid would just remember her name and then die?!]

Wonderful world

"hahahahahahahaha! Hit by a truck?! Isn't this the same as me? What else can you say about the strongest high school student! ~That’s just what I think."

Kazuma laughed crazily

"No, Kazuma, you have to be clear about one thing. You were not killed by the collision, you were frightened to death, or you were frightened to death by the tractor."

Aqua retorted with a frown.

Kazuma:"....." enough! This kind of thing is not at all - you have to say it!!!

Everyone in Wanjie was also confused. He died so quickly, so what else could they look at?

Looking lonely?

But the dark screen soon lit up again, and everyone realized that things were not that simple!

【Blue sky and white clouds】

【green water and green mountains】

【In an open field, the girl knocked the boy away and then touched her neck inexplicably.】

【Claire looked at her brother Sid in confusion. This feeling was very strange. She would feel this way after fighting with her brother.】

【But the opponent's three-legged cat's Kung Fu had no chance of meeting her, and when Sid fought with his sister, he was beaten every time without exception! 】

In Ten Thousand Worlds, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they realized that Sid had traveled through time!

After being hit by a truck and killed, he went directly to another world!

But now it seems that he is not doing well, right?

Everyone tilted their heads

【However, as the camera shifted, the answer was given at the moment of God’s perspective.】

【It turns out that Claire's doubts were not inexplicable. During the battle with her brother, Sid struck out hundreds of times at a speed that Claire couldn't catch with her naked eyes. As he approached, Claire was actually already Died countless times!】

【And every blow was a fatal blow, but Sid stopped at the critical moment. By the time Claire realized it, Sid had returned to his original position, causing him to be in Claire's eyes and everyday. It's no different when you're flying!】

【Of course, this illusion also needs to be matched with acting skills,"Hey~~Ouchi-chan is really too strong!"】

【"This child has really made no progress at all." Looking at Sid falling into the water, Claire touched her neck again and sighed.】

【And this is the truth that has troubled the girl for many years. After her sister left, Sid changed his state of mind and stood on the water effortlessly.】

【He was born into a noble family in the countryside. This family has had the magic swordsman gene for generations. It stands to reason that he is likely to be the heir. However, due to his talent, this position went to his cheap sister Claire.】

【Outstanding talent is the pride of the family. Under the light of his sister, Sid is completely like a passerby.】

【But this is only on the surface!】

【Sid at night is a completely different person than he is in the morning. He only takes off his disguise when no one else can see him. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【In the previous life, Sid's dream was to become a hidden strongman, then resolve disputes secretly, and finally become an unknown hero, and the same is true in this life!】

【In this world of swords and magic, Sid felt like he was about to get excited! 】

0 Request for flowers

【Cool!!! It’s so cool!!!】

【Is there anything more exciting than traveling to a different world and becoming infinitely stronger?】[]

【As night fell, Sid wore a black robe and sneaked into a village. After killing all the thieves, he stopped.】

【He saw something in a cage】

【"Oh, what is this? It's not a human being, nor a monster, but it has vital signs, and this magic power...", seeing the magic power erupting from the jam, Sid immediately pressed it with one hand, and then brought it back to the experiment】

【In this way, within a month, Sid implemented it every day until a month later...】

【I saw an astonishing light burst out from the meat ball, and then turned into a girl!】

【Blonde hair, blue eyes, and those innocent eyes...】

【Sid was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately had a plan in mind. In this case, let's just pretend,"The curse on you has been lifted.""】

【The girl was stunned】

【Sid continued to lie,"The reason why you are cursed is precisely because of the curse placed by the Demon God Diavolo before he died."】

【"As long as you are the descendant of a hero, you will be rotten when you are born, but now someone has distorted this fact. You are said to be possessed by demons, so you are all despised by everyone."】

【"...Who is our enemy!", the girl growled.】

【"It's the Order of Diavolo"】

【In this way, the girl became Sid's subordinate, and Sid named her Alpha! 】

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