【"Dear Lord Shadow, please give my loyalty to Alpha——"】

【In this way, Sid began to develop the organization. On the surface, it seemed silent, but in fact, the power behind it was growing!】

【Time flies by, and in a blink of an eye, the day comes when my sister Kekleia turns 15.】

【When nobles reach this age, they must go to study as magic swordsmen students. This is the unwritten"six or seventy" rule of the empire. However, on the day of departure, unexpectedly, her sister Cleia suddenly disappeared!】

【"Cleia must have been kidnapped by someone!", Sid's father said coldly, because Cleia is his most proud daughter. How could he not distinguish the importance at such an important time!】

【Obviously, the kidnapper is also a master. Cleia is already the best in the family, but she was kidnapped overnight without being discovered by anyone. It is obvious that the kidnapper is not only powerful, but also well prepared.!】

【Just when the house was in chaos, Sid still remained calm and unhurried.】

【Because there is no use even panicking, and this is the opportunity for Lord Shadow’s men to show their strength.】

【In the past five years, Alpha has unknowingly gathered six subordinates for him, and each of his subordinates is an extremely powerful and talented girl!】

【The whereabouts of the kidnapper could not be hidden from the organization's intelligence. The kidnapper was a cadre of the Diavolo Order. The reason for the kidnapping was the suspicion that Cleia was a descendant of a hero.】

【"Forehead...."Hearing this report, a flash of helplessness flashed in Sid's eyes.】

【In their eyes, any kidnapper may be a conspiracy of the sect, and things related to the sect are their hostile existence!】

【However, Sid didn't point it out, and Lord Shadow, who is addicted to role-playing games, also enjoyed it.】

【Soon, the picture flickered - in the dark and dark dungeon, the dim lights came on - a fierce white-haired man kicked hard towards the tied girl, but the girl just tilted her head and avoided the attack. hit

"Not bad! He is indeed a genius of the Cageno family! You have such strength at a young age, but this also comes from your family’s..."

"Not really." Claire interrupted Bai Mao who was talking to himself. The girl said coldly,"My father didn't teach me anything. What really taught me was my stupid brother."

She could learn from him every time. He learned something from his sword skills, so he often bullied Sid.0

"Roar? Is your brother, Sid Kagenor, that loser? It seems necessary to investigate. Maybe your situation is also related to your brother."

At this point, Bai Mao became interested. The girl would have become a rotten monster, but for some reason the curse was cured.

He felt that it was necessary to investigate. Sid!】

【As soon as these words came out, Claire couldn't bear it anymore. She said it casually, but she didn't expect to implicate her younger brother. Claire was so angry that she broke the chain in anger, and then swung it at Bai Mao!】

【"Die you bastard! Anyone who dares to touch the Sids will be killed...", but before he finished speaking, Leya was knocked unconscious by Baimao's punch.】

【At the same time, urgent information came from their subordinates, and someone attacked their headquarters] (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【As soon as he finished speaking, the visitor's heads were rolling on the ground, and when Bai Mao came out, he had become the only survivor.】

【Several girls have already surrounded him, and these are Lord Shadow's men! 】

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