【"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh job whose good luck so so- so- so- so- so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so ( so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so occasions applications applications walks of occasions walks‐in walks‐‐ applications matters, roles of roles have been anymore, my lord!"】

【"No, no, no, look at Sid's expression. He is obviously very excited right now, but you can't see any disturbance at all. He is just showing off!"】

【The two bad friends were having a heated discussion, their eyes filled with envy.】

【"....", no, not at all, no excitement at all】

【Sid was speechless about this. In his opinion, attracting attention is a burden, and having a princess as his girlfriend is an even greater burden.】

【While the bad friends were discussing happily, a figure suddenly came over and it turned out to be the princess!】

【The princess bluntly said that she wanted to dine with her boyfriend, and then she sat down unceremoniously.】

【In an instant, the atmosphere in the entire restaurant suddenly became anxious. Regardless of whether they were boys or girls, even people with weird sexual fetishes were so shocked by this scene that they couldn't close their legs!】

【...Princess, the princess is actually sitting next to a lower-class noble!!!】

【As the princess sat down, various delicacies were placed on the table, and Sid was not polite. When he saw the luxurious lunch, he reached out and ate it skillfully.】

【Everyone around was shocked! No...No matter what you say, you have to be polite!】

【But Sid didn't care about the looks around him at all. While he was eating delicious food, he thought to himself, yes, that's it, he hates me, hates me, and then abandons me!】

【Just when Sid thought that the other party would dislike him, he didn't expect that the princess didn't care at all. She slightly raised the corner of her mouth and said that there was a five-star practical class in the afternoon, and she wanted (badd) to have the two of them take the class together.】

【Although it is said that, in fact, it has been arranged. It is more of a notification than a discussion.】

【"Eh...That I am just the lowest...", Sid was surprised. You know that he is only the lowest student in the ninth department, how could it be possible?...】

【But as soon as the words left his mouth, he was interrupted by the princess, because the princess had already helped Sid transfer to the first part!】


【As soon as these words came out, not only Sid was stunned, but everyone around him was also shocked.】

【After finishing the meal, Sid followed the princess and left the cafeteria. After a brief silence, everyone in the cafeteria let out deafening sounds of jealousy!】

【Damn it!!! They also want a princess girlfriend! 】

wonderful world

"Ahhhhh, the princess is my girlfriend, and she still has cute white hair and red eyes. This is a personal treasure! Who can accept this?"

Kazuma is madly envious.

He's beautiful and rich. He's not just lying down, but he's working so hard!

If he had such a princess as his girlfriend, he would still save this other world!

What a waste! Show them all to me!

【In this way, Sid came to the first part. Both the facilities and the environment here were far superior to those of the ninth part. No, it should be said that there was no way at all.】

【After a moment, Sid looked at the tall blond man on the side, that was Mr. Jeno, the consultant!】

【The other party is young and handsome. Not only is he powerful, but he is also kind and amiable. He is also the country's benchmark for swordsmanship. Looking at it, the students are all taught well. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【After introducing the new classmate Sid, the swordsmanship class officially began.】

【Sid's opponent is the princess, and they face each other head-on. But what makes Sid puzzled is that in his eyes, the princess's sword skills are not only very slow, but also don't often use magic power.】

【Are you cooperating with me, a weakling?...At first, he thought the princess was cooperating with him, but soon, Sid denied this answer.】

【This is the true strength of the princess!】

【Sid made an evaluation in his mind. Although his basic skills were very solid, he seemed to be imitating something.】[]

【Just like a machine, if you input instructions, you will only perform the actions in a rigid manner.】

【Huh, is it because of this? The strangeness of the princess also reminded Sid of an interesting anecdote. The princess's sister is the strongest magic swordsman in the kingdom. Everyone commented that their swordsmanship is as different as clouds and mud.】

【One is the strongest magic swordsman, and the other is a mortal sword, but...】

【None of this has anything to do with him, because playing a supporting role is as daily for him as eating and drinking!】

【Thinking like this, the sword in Sid's hand fell off, and here, the class just ended. It was at this time that Sid knew the purpose of the princess approaching him!】

【Because the other party’s fiancé is Mr. Geno who teaches swordsmanship!】

【Are you familiar with the routines of ancient oriental countries?】

【The princess on the side has already spoken,"Yes, that's right, I have already dated him, Teacher Jeno."~"】

【"Really, how long can you run away like this like a child?" Geno said helplessly.】

【Sid on the side already knew everything, and he was bored by it. He stopped listening and chose to leave directly]

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