【And for the fact that he was cheated, Geno didn't care at all, and even seemed to enjoy it, quietly watching the two people perform.】

【Seeing that this method was useless, the princess couldn't help but feel a little angry.】

【But Sid didn't want to get involved in this dispute, but the princess refused to let him go because the punishment game exposed him. The princess just asked a few casual questions, but she didn't expect that Sid's bad friends would be all involved!】

【If everyone in the school knew that the princess could be obtained so cheaply, how would she survive in the future? And I believe that Sid will no longer be able to live a stable student life.】

【In short, the two need to continue pretending to be a couple until her fiancé Jeno gives up.】

【"No, I still...", Sid still felt that something was wrong. This kind of life was too inconsistent with his role as a minor player. Just when Sid was about to speak, a golden thing flashed across his eyes.——】

【That's a gold coin! Just one is enough to feed a family of three for a year!】

【"...Do I look like the kind of person who would be moved by money?", Sid sneered~ said】

【"Like",-The princess nodded】

【"snort——", then,"That's as you wish-!"】

【You are really good at judging people~~】

【And Sid looked like this because he had no choice. Since all his men left two years ago, his activity funds have been wiped out.】

【So, now you are the only one to make money!】

【After a while, the two continued to play the role of a loving couple, but Geno didn't care about it and would smile and say hello every time he saw the two.]

Beautiful world

"What brand of green turtle? So tolerable?"

Sato Kazuma was shocked.

I've been rubbing my ears and temples in front of you, but your fiancé can still sit still?

Do you have some perverted fetish?!

【Under dusk——】

【The two walked in the park until they reached the fountain, where they sat down. At this time, the princess also decided to confess everything.】

【But just when the princess was about to speak, unexpectedly Sid spoke first】

【In short, the princess is dissatisfied with the arranged marriage arranged by her parents, so she needs a smoke bomb, and she is a perfect target for manipulation both in terms of identity and personality!】

【But what makes Sid wonder is, why deny this marriage? In this regard, the princess said that it is just because Jeno has no shortcomings, and it is precisely because of this that she does not hate Sid, who is full of shortcomings.】

【"...Arigado, this is a compliment to me"】

【"You're welcome, Pochi is full of shortcomings, this is today's reward~"】


【A few days later, in the carriage, the princess crossed her legs and commented on Sid's swordsmanship today,"The basics are good, but that's all. It's not special, but it's eye-catching and annoying at the same time."] (See For exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【"So what's wrong with you? Today's swordsmanship is even messier than usual," Sid asked shamelessly.】

【Although it was a bit unexpected that she discovered what she was worried about, after many days of companionship, the princess no longer regards Sid as an outsider]

0 flowers requested

【The princess directly expressed her feelings. She has a sister who is the strongest magic swordsman in the kingdom, and she has always wanted to catch up with her sister.】

【But no matter how hard she worked, it was in vain, and she was rated as a mortal sword by the world. But even so, she still had the confidence and determination to work hard. But when she failed miserably in the last martial arts competition, her sister actually told her that she liked own swordsmanship】[]

【It's like the world's richest man dressed in luxurious clothes, and after eating to his full strength, he walked up to a beggar with a sallow face and said,"I like your life very much." Isn't this a mockery, is it a joke?!】

【From then on, she really hated practicing swordsmanship. After venting her anger, the princess finally left in depression.】

【However, an accident happened the next day. The two bad friends asked her what progress she had made with the princess as usual.】

【But at this moment, three knights surrounded them, and the leader was Geno!】

【Can you finally bear it no longer? Sid glanced at the other person pretending to be scared.】

【But I thought that the other party was finally coming to make trouble, but unexpectedly, the princess disappeared. She has not returned to the dormitory since she and Sid parted yesterday!】

【The Knights dealt with the kidnapping case and needed to take Sid back for investigation!】

【As soon as he said this, the surroundings suddenly became quiet. Seeing this tense situation, Sid chose to surrender. It was eye-catching and not his style.】

【And then, just like this, Sid ushered in his prison torture——】

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