"who are you! Why hide your identity when you have such power!", Geno was knocked to the ground, and he roared in a low voice!

"I am the shadow, our purpose is only this"...What the hell are you talking about? Geno was calm on the surface, but at this moment, the anger inside had reached its peak!

When he stood up again, he didn't know when there was a medicine bottle in his hand.

That's right! He plans to take drugs, and as long as he takes it, he can become an awakened one!

And being an awakened person means possessing terrifying power!

However, this power is not a burden to him. Most people will destroy themselves due to being unable to bear the power after taking it, but he will not do that at all!

Because whether it is his talent or physical fitness, he is above those mortals!

The moment he took it, extremely powerful power suddenly rose up in his body, and the terrifying magic power turned into substance, soaring straight into the sky!

But Shadow didn't stop him and just watched Geno transform quietly.

When the magic dissipated, a yellow man with hairline reaching the sky appeared.

Super Saiyan? Shadow complained in his mind.

But at this moment, Jeno felt the pleasure of what he had done before!

407 is cool!!!

This is the third level of power of the Awakened!

It is precisely because he can control this power that he is qualified to become one of the twelve seats of the Order!

"I have to say, you are really lucky, a mortal, to be able to see the strongest power before you die, and you will die without regrets." Geno sneered, then without saying anything, he rushed forward!

He Let this guy know what despair is and let him pay the price for his arrogance!

See the difference in dimensions!!!

"Peng——!", Geno starts to show!

Geno started to exert his strength!

Jeno was knocked away!

"How...How can it be!!!"Jeno stared blankly at the shadow in front of him. His pupils couldn't stop shrinking. He had obviously tried his best, but why did the other party

"It's so ugly." A trace of disgust flashed in Shadow's eyes.

He put away his sword and just punched, leaving Jeno with no room to resist.

Strongest, you are insulting Strongest.

For Shadow, Geno's clown-like performance was an insult to the word"strongest"!

Without giving the other party a chance to perform, Sid said coldly, in his opinion, borrowed power is a joke and he will never be able to become the strongest..But since Geno mentioned it, let him show what is the real strongest one.——

"game over——"

The terrifying magic power shot straight into the sky, and Geno couldn't believe the magic power around him. This was not at the same level as him!

But Sid had no intention of taking care of Geno. Instead, he kept talking to himself and said incomprehensible words.

Once upon a time, at the end of the world, there was a man who challenged the nuclear bomb. He kept training hard mentally and physically, but no matter how hard he tried, he would only end up evaporating in front of the nuclear bomb.

Finally, he got an answer. Instead of caring about the power of nuclear bombs, it would be better to become a nuclear bomb! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What on earth are you talking about!!!"

Jeno roared crazily. He resisted desperately, but under the extreme magic power, even if Shadow stood still, he could not attack the opponent!

"What a monster you are!", Geno was desperate.

At this moment, Shadow also showed an extremely terrifying expression,"You, experience firsthand, what is the strongest, this is the strongest!"


As the words fell, everything turned into nothingness (baed), and the vast magic turned into an impact and shot up from hundreds of meters underground to the sky!

The river water boiled and dissipated under this terrifying magic power, and the entire king was illuminated at this moment!

The purple light beam soaring into the sky illuminated the royal capital like an aurora, and the shocking aftermath swept wildly in all directions like a spider web!

The shadow gardens in the distance all showed expressions of admiration, yes!

This is their boss! This is the strongest!

After a moment, a huge crater several kilometers long appeared on the spot. The princess stared blankly at this scene. One of the two people just now had been completely evaporated, and the other left and disappeared without a trace.

"people...sword...The sword of mortals, the strongest sword." The moonlight fell like running water, and light rain began to fall in the sky. The princess was in this world, and she unconsciously picked up the sword. Her body began to move unconsciously, imitating and connecting. -

Although she still couldn't get the essence, the princess deeply realized that she had become stronger!


And at this moment, a voice interrupted the princess's thoughts. The person who came was her sister. The sister hugged her into her arms. The anxious look was not what the strongest magic swordsman should be.

And With that warm embrace and that caring look, the princess finally understood her sister's feelings for her.

In the past, the relationship between the two fell to a freezing point due to jealousy of her sister's swordsmanship, but now the princess has let go and recognized her sister's swordsmanship. It's not that she can't be surpassed.

And her sister didn't laugh at herself, but always cared about her!

But the princess really didn't know anything about her savior.

In a flash, the next day came. Since her fiancé Jeno had died, the princess and Xi There is no need for Germany to pretend to be a couple.


"Seeing that the princess is in a good mood today and you, Pochi, satisfy me very much, it’s okay to continue this relationship~" The princess looked blushing and was waiting for Sid to agree.


"I reject!", Sid gave a thumbs up, and then gave it a hard jab downward!

"~~", upon seeing this, the princess’s face became even redder, and then...

A pool of blood reaches the sky——!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

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