In the cafeteria the next day

"Eh? Sid, are you telling the truth? Very good! No...What I said~ is that it’s so sad"

"Hahahaha, Sid, I'm really interested now. Don't look at me smiling, but I'm actually crying.-!"

Sid ate in silence without saying a word, his eyes full of sadness, as if he was really suffering from breaking up with the princess.

When the two bad friends learned that he had broken up with the princess, they laughed first, and then Huang Mao decided to introduce a store to Sid!

"Recently, there is an April Chamber of Commerce that is very popular. It sells a snack called chocolate, which girls generally like very much.

Huang Mao had a sincere look on his face. On the surface, he was thinking about Sid, but the bald head knew it well. It was obviously Huang Mao wanted to confess his love to the girl, and Sid was just the tool he wanted. When the bald man on the side saw this, he quickly asked to be included!

How could such a good thing be missing from him?!

"All right...", seeing the two of them invited together, Sid had no choice but to agree. He had taken great pains to blend in with the passers-by, but he was also curious about what the world's chocolate would taste like.

After all, isekai chocolate?

This kind of thing sounds new.

In this way, the three of them arrived at the April Chamber of Commerce. When they saw the scene in front of them, the two bereaved friends suddenly looked like grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

But even Sid was a little surprised.

What you see is a crowd of people, and the chocolates that a few people want only take an hour to queue up. This can't help but make the bald man hesitate. Although he can barely make it in time for the dormitory's access control time, the night in the royal capital is not stable these days.

"Rumor has it that a random killer has appeared recently." Baldhead couldn't help but feel a little scared.

"Eh? Instant murderer?"Hearing this, Sid became interested. He was about to ask, but then a voice interrupted him. It was a beautiful girl in uniform,"Hello, can I invite you to fill in the questionnaire?"

"Eh? I can do it too!"

"And I! Invite me too!"

Seeing that the person who came was a beautiful woman, the two friends' eyes immediately lit up, and they immediately introduced themselves vigorously, but the girl insisted that she only wanted Sid.

"What good luck"

"Obviously Sid is not as handsome as me, so why do good things always happen to Sid?"

The two bad friends looked at Sid with envy, and Sid was a little confused. Although he didn't know why he only called himself, he was very interested in this store. It was like Ginza in the previous life, and everywhere was full of people from the previous life. The smell.

Sid pretended to hesitate, then nodded shyly and followed. The two of them quickly shuttled through the building. It was fine at first, but unexpectedly he was soon taken to a corner.

At this time Sid also realized that something was wrong, but his panic was not consistent with his identity as a master behind the scenes. He kept a calm face, and was finally taken to a large villa on the roof of the building.

Maintaining calm like this, Sid saw the true appearance inside. The interior was like In a palace, all beauties are lined up in two rows, bending down with respectful expressions.

"Lord Shadow——!"

It turned out that the April Chamber of Commerce, which had been held for a long time, was actually opened by his own subordinates!

Sid looked at the girl next to the throne named Gamma, one of the seven shadows in the Shadow Courtyard. Her current achievements are exactly the shadow wisdom that the master once gave him!

This word was familiar to Sid.

A few years ago, he told Gama some things from his past life. For example, chocolate is a kind of bitter bean, which is solidified with sugar. As long as it is cooled and solidified, the taste will change drastically.

But I didn’t expect that just by mentioning it casually, Gamma would actually recover in another world!

"This is the mind of a smart person." Sid couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Gamma is one of the best think tanks among the Seven Shadows.

However,...Even such a girl has a fatal flaw! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Lord Shadow...ah--! ah! Peng——ha——"

"please..."Take the throne," Gama, who fell down and had a nosebleed, smiled.

That's right, his motor nerves are so weak!

It's easy to say that he is a member of his family. This throne interests Sid very much. Sitting on it is like becoming a The real King of Shadows! []

It’s a shame that Gama is willing to spend so much money to cooperate with him. Shadow is unmoving on the surface, but he is happy in his heart.

"This is a reward. Take it.——"

A ray of light bloomed from mid-air, and then fell on every girl like raindrops!

Suddenly a warm feeling emerged from their bodies.

This kind of light left Gama's memory fresh. The Shadow Lord once used this trick to save them from turning into monsters!

Sid was completely unaware. He was more concerned about the current situation of the store. Gama was blunt about this. The April Chamber of Commerce has now set up branches at home and abroad, but it is shameful to say that it currently only has 1.2 billion available. funds


Sid suddenly couldn't hold himself any longer!

1.2 billion?!!

A golden light flashed in Sid's eyes!


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